
3 unusual facts about Claude Lanzmann

Claude Lanzmann

Lanzmann persuaded Polish resistance fighter Jan Karski to be a witness in Shoah by calling forth—once again—his historical responsibility.

Gas van

The gas vans are extensively discussed in some of the interviews in Claude Lanzmann's film, Shoah.

Pourquoi Israël

Pourquoi Israël (Israel, Why) (1973) is Shoah filmmaker Claude Lanzmann's first film.

Robert Redeker

On October 3, 2006 a group of renowned French intellectuals published "appel en faveur de Robert Redeker" (an appeal in support of Robert Redeker) in Le Monde, among them Elisabeth Badinter, Alain Finkielkraut, André Glucksmann, Claude Lanzmann (with the editorial staff of "Les Temps Modernes") and Bernard-Henri Lévy.

see also