
unusual facts about Club de l'Horloge

Club de l'Horloge

Since 1990, the Club de l'Horloge awards each year the "Lysenko Prize" to an author or person who "has contributed the most to scientific and historical misinformation, using ideological methods and arguments." Daniel Cohn-Bendit won the prize in 2002 "for his exceptional contribution to the euro campaign," the late John Kenneth Galbraith in 1994 for "his defense of the minimum wage and socialist fight against unemployment."

Club de l'Entresol

It was frequented by 20 of the finest forerunners of the Age of Enlightenment, with regular attendees including Montesquieu, Helvétius, the marquis d'Argenson, Andrew Michael Ramsay, Horace Walpole and Viscount Bolingbroke.

Le temps l'horloge

Le temps l'horloge was jointly commissioned by the Saito Kinen Festival Matsumoto (Seiji Ozawa, Director), the Boston Symphony Orchestra (James Levine, Music Director), and the Orchestre National de France (Kurt Masur, Music Director) (May 2007, 1).

-- note on case: A Google Books search turns up three hits, one of which (1991) uses proper French title case, the other two (1976, 1991) using sentence case (Le temps l’horloge) --> and "Le masque"), one by Robert Desnos ("Le dernier poème"') and Charles Baudelaire's prose-poem, "Enivrez-vous".

Treaty of Versailles

Negotiations between the Allied powers started on 18 January in the Salle de l'Horloge at the French Foreign Ministry, on the Quai d'Orsay in Paris.

see also