
unusual facts about Concentration Camp

After Dachau

The Nazis had won World War II and purged their empire of all non-whites, then rewrote history so as to say that Dachau, a concentration camp, was instead a battle with Adolf Hitler as its hero.

Ahmadiyya Jabrayilov

In May 1942 he was severely wounded, taken prisoner by the Nazis and sent to a concentration camp in Montauban.

Albert Guérisse

He smuggled a German uniform to Garrow in his cell in Mauzac concentration camp which helped Garrow's escape on 6 December 1941.

Armand Gatti

Captured, tortured, and sentenced to a concentration camp in Hamburg where he was forced to work in a diving bell at the bottom of the Baltic Sea, Gatti eventually escaped and joined a British Special Air Service special forces team.

Belgian media

In Flanders, VRT channels (Eén, Canvas and Ketnet/OP12) had a combined market share of 42.0% in 2012, VMMa channels (VTM, 2BE, Vitaya and vtmKzoom) 28.8%, SBS Belgium channels (VIER and VIJF) 10.5% and Concentra (Acht) 0,5%.

Bernhard Bästlein

Despite the fact that the case was closed, Bästlein was sent to the concentration camp in Esterwegen and in 1936, to Sachsenhausen, where he met Robert Abshagen, Franz Jacob, Julius Leber, Harry Naujoks, Wilhelm Guddorf and Martin Weise.

Birgit Stauch

Stauch created a holocaust memorial commemorating the deportation of 450 Jews from Freiburg to the concentration camp at Gurs, in France, close to the Spanish border on October, 22nd, 1940.

Cast a Giant Shadow

Marcus, who parachuted into occupied France during World War II, helped to organize the relief mission for Dachau, the first Nazi concentration camp liberated by American troops, is initially viewed with suspicion by some Haganah soldiers.

Celle massacre

The Celle massacre (euphemistically called "Celler Hasenjagd", "hare chase of Celle") was a massacre of concentration camp inmates

Czesław Centkiewicz

During World War II he remained in Warsaw and after the Warsaw Uprising of 1944 he was arrested by the Germans and deported to the Neuengamme concentration camp.

David Kenyon Webster

Soon thereafter, Easy Company discovered their first concentration camp, witnessing firsthand the walking and also the unburied dead of the Memmingen Concentration Camp.

Eleonore Poelsleitner

Eleonore Polsleitner was a female guard at the Mauthausen concentration camp in Austria.


The squatters, who describe the EKH as an "international, multi-cultural, anti-fascist centre", named the building after Ernst Kirchweger; a former concentration camp inmate and member of the anti-fascist resistance, who was killed in 1965 by a right-wing protester during a demonstration against Taras Borodajkewycz, a former member of the NSDAP.

Espeland concentration camp

It was largely built by slave labor from the other concentration camp near Bergen, Ulven concentration camp.

February strike

425 Jewish men, age 20-35 were taken hostage and imprisoned in Kamp Schoorl and eventually sent to the Buchenwald and Mauthausen concentration camps, where most of them died within the year.

Florida Holocaust Museum

The museum houses an actual box car (from Gdynia, Poland) that transported victims of the Nazi regime to the concentration camps, which rests on original track.

Francesco Fausto Nitti

After the defeat of his side, he came back to France where was relegated in a concentration camp and later sent on the Nazi Ghost Train in order to be deported in Germany; Nitti (as well as one hundred of the seven hundred prisoners) fled when the train was near to the board, after removing some plank from the floor of his wagon.

Gisela Legath

Confronted with news of an upcoming march to the Concentration Camp (KZ) Mauthausen, Krausz and his friend Cundra decided to escape into the forest to wait for the advancing Russians.

Hainichen concentration camp

Hainichen concentration camp is a concentration camp at Öderanstrasse in Hainichen, Saxony, formed on April 4, 1933 by order of Amtshauptmann Döbeln.

History of the Jews in Luxembourg

Most Jews that remained in the Grand Duchy were interned at Fünfbrunnen, a concentration camp near Troisvierges.

Hugo Egon Balder

Gerda Balder was a Jew who, together with her mother and her son from her first marriage, survived the Theresienstadt concentration camp.

Joachim Gottschalk

When Gottschalk refused, Goebbels ordered Gottschalk's wife and child transported to the Theresienstadt concentration camp.

Josef Kramer

Josef Kramer (November 10, 1906 – December 13, 1945) was the Commandant of the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp.

Józef Cebula

16 days later, he was taken to a concentration camp at Mauthausen in Austria and was harassed and forced to work hard.

Karl Genzken

Karl August Genzken (born June 8, 1885 in Preetz, Holstein – October 10, 1957 in Hamburg, Germany) was a Nazi physician who conducted human experiments on prisoners of several concentration camps.


The decree stated that escaped Allied prisoners of war, especially officers and senior non-commissioned officers, should be handed over to the Sicherheitsdienst who should execute them, "im Rahmen der Aktion Kugel", in concentration camp Mauthausen.

KZ Manager

KZ Manager is a name shared by many similar resource management computer games putting the player in the role of a Nazi concentration camp "manager", where the "resources" to be managed include, depending on the version of the game, prisoners (either Jews, Turks or Gypsies), poison gas supplies, "normal" money and various equipment, as well as "public opinion" on the "productivity" of the camp.

Le Mur Rose

A pre-war expert in decontamination techniques, Gerstein was assigned to the Hygiene Institute of the SS, becoming responsible for delivering Zyklon B poison used in the final solution gas chambers, including Auschwitz concentration camp.

Lisa Goldstein

Elizabeth Joy "Lisa" Goldstein's father was Heinz Jurgen "Harry" Goldstein (born June 8, 1922 in Krefeld, Germany; died May 24, 1974 in Los Angeles), a survivor of concentration camp Bergen-Belsen; her mother, Miriam Roth (born April 8, 1922 in Mukachevo, Czechoslovakia; died October 12, 2011 in Los Angeles), survived the extermination camp Auschwitz.

Lubor J. Zink

In London, Zink was recruited to make broadcasts to his homeland via the BBC Overseas Service resulting in his family being detained and placed in a concentration camp.

Michel del Castillo

Interned in a concentration camp under the name of Rieucros in Mende with his mother during the Second World War, he developed a sense of belonging to this town, which has honored him with naming a school after him.

Nachume Miller

His father was a captain in the front lines of the Russian Army during World War II and his mother was a Lithuanian who had once been held captive in a concentration camp.

Nieuw Vosseveld

The Nazis transported Jewish and other prisoners from the Netherlands via the transit camps Amersfoort and Westerbork to concentration camps such as Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen.

Oscar Beregi, Jr.

The show featured Beregi as a former Dachau commandant who returns to the concentration camp to relive old memories, only to be confronted by the spirits of prisoners he brutalized.

Patrick Gordon Walker

He broadcast about the liberation of the German concentration camp at Bergen-Belsen, and wrote a book on the subject called "The Lid Lifts".

Paul Frölich

Following the rise to power of Adolf Hitler in 1933, Frölich was imprisoned, remaining in custody in a concentration camp in Lichtenberg until December of that year.


On 1 October and 2 October 1944, 661 men and boys, the majority of the male population, were deported from the town and 602 of them were sent to work in concentration camps such as Neuengamme and Birkenau.

Red Terror

The first official announcement of Red Terror, published in Izvestiya, "Appeal to the Working Class" on 3 September 1918 called for the workers to "crush the hydra of counterrevolution with massive terror! ... anyone who dares to spread the slightest rumor against the Soviet regime will be arrested immediately and sent to concentration camp".


A revier (abbreviated from German Krankenrevier, or "sick bay", "dispensary") in the language of Nazi camps was a barrack for sick concentration camp inmates.

Schindler's Ark

The book tells the story of Oskar Schindler, a Nazi Party member who turns into an unlikely hero by saving 1,200 Jews from concentration camps all over Poland and Germany.

Soldiers and Slaves

Cohen details how the prisoners, many of whom were accused by their Nazi captors of being Jewish, were mixed in with victims of the Holocaust and sent to a concentration camp in Berga.

Stadio Carlo Castellani

Inaugurated on September 12, 1965 the ground was dedicated to Carlo Castellani, former football player born in nearby Montelupo Fiorentino, who died prematurely after being deported to the concentration camp of Mauthausen.


On board Columbia was a copy of a drawing by Petr Ginz, the editor-in-chief of the magazine Vedem, who depicted what he imagined the Earth looked like from the Moon when he was a 14-year-old prisoner in the Terezín concentration camp.


All men in the village were either executed or sent to the concentration camp at Sachsenhausen.

Wiktor Tołkin

He was one of the influential Polish artists of monumental sculpture and the creator of the monuments to the victims from the German concentration camps in Stutthof and Majdanek.

Zbigniew Libera

Born in Pabianice, Poland, he has become well known for the controversial LEGO Concentration Camp Set that he designed in 1996.

see also

Adolf Winkelmann

Adolf Winkelmann (physician) (1887–1947), German physician of the Ravensbrück Nazi concentration camp, see Hamburg Ravensbrück Trials

Aldo Carpi

In January 1944, during the World War II, he was arrested after a colleague informed on him, and was imprisoned in the concentration camp Gusen I of the Mauthausen-Gusen system, where he kept a diary and made a number of sketches portraying life and death in the camp.

Andrew Leo Bettwy

1LT Bettwy participated in the liberation of the German concentration camp at Landsberg, and during the final three days of the war in Europe in May 1945, was officially "traded" to the German 38th SS Division Nibelungen as liaison officer to effect orderly surrenders.

Anna Hackl

In February 1945, family Langthaler, who lived in a farmhouse in Schwertberg, hid two Russian prisoners of war: Michail Rybtschinskij (died 2008) und Nikolai Zimkolo (died 2001), who escaped from the concentration camp in Mauthausen.

Anneke Grönloh

Grönloh was born in Tondano, North Celebes, Netherlands East Indies (now Indonesia), and spent her early years in the Japanese-occupied Dutch East Indies in a Japanese concentration camp.

Antonio García Barón

After the Civil War he was in France early in the Second World War and was present at the Dunkirk evacuation in 1940, before being captured and sent by the Nazis to Mauthausen concentration camp.

Arnold E. Samuelson

During this campaign, Samuelson's crew was the first group of Allied photographers to document Nazi crimes and the plight of concentration camp prisoners at Lenzing and Ebensee, two subcamps of the Mauthausen concentration camp in Austria.

Bardufoss concentration camp

The Bardufoss concentration camp is located in Northern Norway in the municipality of Målselv.


It was the location of the Nazi concentration camp Dzimianen - Sophienwalde, a subcamp of the concentration camp Stutthof.

Foreign Claims Settlement Commission

The first stage provided for compensation for Hugo Princz and a small group of other known concentration camp survivors, through a lump-sum payment to the United States of 3 million Deutsche Mark (about $2.1 million).

Franz Lucas

Dr. Franz Bernhard Lucas (15 September 1911, in Osnabrück, Germany – 7 December 1994, in Elmshorn, Germany) was a German concentration camp doctor and SS Obersturmführer who served at Auschwitz concentration camp during the same period of time as Josef Mengele.

Herta Bothe

On January 21, 1945, the 24-years old Bothe accompanied a death march of women prisoners from central Poland to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp near Celle.

House of Dolls

Love Camp 7 (1968), considered to be the first Nazi exploitation film, is set in a concentration camp "Joy Division".


An Hyuk (born 1968), North Korean defector who escaped from the Yodok concentration camp

Jan Sviták

Sviták also tried to warn the prominent Czech singer and actor Karel Hašler, who was later murdered in Nazi concentration camp Mauthausen.


Jasenovac, Sisak-Moslavina County, town and municipality in Croatia, the location of the Jasenovac concentration camp

Jean Bernard

Father Jean Bernard (1907–1994), Catholic priest who survived the Nazi concentration camp at Dachau

Jewish Eindhoven

Any hope of seeing them back was shattered when survivors of the Bergen Belsen concentration camp arrived at Eindhoven Airport in April 1945 who reported that the far, far majority of Dutch Jews had been killed in the camps.

John Hansl

On April 8, 2005, a federal court working with evidence obtained by the Office of Special Investigations, revoked his American citizenship because of his service as a Nazi concentration camp guard.

KZ – Nebenlager Bretstein

The concentration camp in Bretstein was an external camp of the concentration camp in Mauthausen located in Upper Austria, which directed about more than 50 external camps.

KZ Walldorf

The labour camp was a satellite camp of the concentration camp Natzweiler-Struthof in Alsace and existed in the period from 23 August to 24 November 1944 near the village of Walldorf.


Langenstein-Zwieberge, a WW2 concentration camp in Langenstein, Saxony-Anhalt


Adolf Maislinger (1903-1985), a well-known prisoner of the Dachau concentration camp

Manuel Carnicer Fajó

He was taken prisoner along with his companions by the army of Francisco Franco, being sent to concentration camp located in the Plaza de Toros San Sebastian, there is a companion to the soldiers noticed the pitiful appearance of Manuel, who is sent to Center of Azpeitia, to recover, which happily succeeded.

Marcelino Bilbao Bilbao

There, he was first interned at the French concentration camps in Argelès-sur-Mer, later forced to work on the Maginot line, and finally deported by the Germans to the Mauthausen concentration camp.

Martin Hoop

On May 2, 1933 (cf also Gleichschaltung), Hoop was arrested in the café restaurant of the department store "Tietz" in Chemnitz and transported to Schloss Osterstein in Zwickau, which at the time served as concentration camp.

Micha Tomkiewicz

Marcelli Robert (his name was changed after the war to "Micha") Tomkiewicz was born on May 25, 1939 in Warsaw, Poland, and lived in the Warsaw Ghetto before his family was sent off to the German concentration camp Bergen-Belsen.

Milton J. Nieuwsma

At the age of 5, he met Corrie ten Boom, a Dutch-born concentration camp survivor and author of The Hiding Place, whose family had hidden Jews in their Netherlands home during the war.

Montse Armengou Martín

The films examine different aspects of the Spanish Civil War and the Franco dictatorship; - the forced relocation of Republican children, disappearances and mass graves, and the 1940 deportation of Spanish Republicans from the French town of Angouleme to the Nazi concentration camp Mauthausen, Austria.

New York Jewish Film Festival

The 2011 Festival presented three restored films: Lies My Father Told Me (dir. Ján Kadár), a 1975 film about a boy living in a Montreal Jewish community in the 1920s; the 1956 film Singing in the Dark (dir. Max Nosseck), one of the first American feature films to dramatize the Holocaust, starring Moishe Oysher as a concentration camp survivor; and the 1930 Tevye (dir. Maurice Schwartz), restored with new English subtitles.

Noah Flug

In the last months of the war he was also sent to Gross-Rosen concentration camp and was rescued by the Allied forces while on a death march to Mauthausen.

Pierre Béarn

While commanding a trawler to aid the French evacuations in 1940, he was captured and was detained in the concentration camp at Aintree.

Pink triangle

An openly gay man named Heinz Dörmer, for instance, served 20 years total, first in a Nazi concentration camp and then in the jails of the new Republic.


During the Second World War it was the location for the German concentration camp Pröbernau, a subcamp of the concentration camp Stutthof.

Remy Van Lierde

He was arrested for illegally crossing the border, and was confined in various Spanish prisons, including the notorious concentration camp at Miranda de Ebro.

Rescue of Stutthof victims in Denmark

The rescue of Stutthof victims in Denmark took place on 5 May 1945 at Klintholm Havn, a small fishing village on the south coast of the island of Møn, when a barge full of famished Nazi concentration camp prisoners was towed into harbour.

Seductive Poison

Dr. Anthony Storr Professor of Psychiatry, Fellow at the Royal College of Physicians, and Emeritus Fellow at Green College at Oxford, and a former Clinical Lecturer in Psychiatry at Oxford University wrote: "Deborah Layton vividly describes her initial intense involvement with Jim Jones’ Peoples Temple and her eventual risky escape from a promised utopia which had turned into a concentration camp. This book is both gripping and revealing."

Seven Beauties

In his 1976 essay "Surviving", Bruno Bettelheim, while admiring the film's artistry, severely criticizes the impression it makes of the experience of concentration camp survivors.

Shark Island Concentration Camp

Shark Island Concentration Camp or "Death Island" (Konzentrationslager auf der Haifischinsel vor Lüderitzbucht ) was a camp on Shark Island off Luderitz, Nambia used by the German empire during the Herero and Namaqua genocide of 1904–1908.

Shirley Stoler

The highlight of her film career arguably was her turn as the repulsive Nazi female prison commandant in Lina Wertmüller's Pasqualino Settebellezze (1975) (Seven Beauties), in which she plays a cat and mouse game of seduction with the concentration camp inmate played by Giancarlo Giannini.

Sisters of Life

The Sisters of Life were an order first conceived of by Cardinal John Joseph O'Connor of New York, on a visit to the remains of a Nazi concentration camp at Dachau, Germany.

Stefan Adam Zamoyski

Zamoyski wrote to the head of RAF Bomber Command, requesting that the German concentration camp Auschwitz be bombed to allow the Polish political prisoners there at the time to escape; the RAF declined to act.

The Attic: The Hiding of Anne Frank

However, Anne, Margot and Mrs van Daan were sent to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, which was not a death camp, and Otto has high hopes for them.

The Night Porter

In an iconic scene, Lucia sings a Marlene Dietrich song "Wenn ich mir was wünschen dürfte" to the concentration camp guards while wearing pieces of an SS uniform, and Max "rewards" her with the severed head of a male inmate who had been bullying the other inmates, a reference to Salome.

Topf and Sons

After 1939, and the demonstration or "proof of concept" that the firm could design an incinerator which would handle large numbers of corpses, Nazi officials further contracted Topf and Sons to provide similar incineration furnaces for the Belzec, Dachau, Mauthausen, Gusen Concentration Camps, and larger industrial incinerators especcialy designed for Auschwitz Concentration Camp.

Tracks to Terezín

Death march together with his father to the concentration camp Dachau-Kaufering IV.

Venko Markovski

During the WWII, in 1941 he was sent as Communist activist to the concentration camp in Enikyoi by the Bulgarian police.

Zasław concentration camp

The Zasław concentration camp or Zwangsarbeitslager Zaslaw was the World War II German concentration camp for ghettoised Jews, established in occupied Poland near the village of Zasław, (now part of Zagórz in Poland).