
unusual facts about Concerned


Concerned, a webcomic parodying the video game Half-Life 2

Adam Foulds

The novel, which is set in the present day, is concerned in part with the World Memory Championships.

Albert Lacombe

Anne, Lacombe concerned himself during the period from 1853 to 1861 with expanding the mission and deepening his ties to the native population, eventually travelling as far north as the Lesser Slave Lake in search of converts.


Ampelography (ἄμπελος, "vine" + γράφος, 'writing') is the field of botany concerned with the identification and classification of grapevines, Vitis spp. Traditionally this has been done by comparing the shape and colour of the vine leaves and grape berries; more recently the study of vines has been revolutionised by DNA fingerprinting.

Association for Information Science and Technology

Founded on 13 March 1937 as the American Documentation Institute (ADI) by Watson Davis, Atherton Seidell, and others, the organization was first concerned with microfilm and its role as a vehicle for the dissemination of information.

Bald Eagle State Forest

Conservationists like Dr. Joseph Rothrock became concerned that the forests would not regrow if they were not managed properly.

Battle of Dujaila

Secretary of State for India, Austen Chamberlain was concerned that even if Baghdad could be captured, it would only be lost again because no other troops were available to reinforce Force "D".

Bavarian Localbahn Society

The Bavarian Localbahn Society (Bayerischer Localbahnverein e.V. or BLV), with its headquarters in Tegernsee, is a society that is concerned with the history of the railways in Bavaria.

Betsy Jochum

Chewing gum magnate and Chicago Cubs owner Philip K. Wrigley decided, in 1942, to start a women's professional baseball league, concerned that the 1943 Major League Baseball season might be canceled because of World War II.

Brazilian constitutional referendum, 1993

Concerned about this, the main political parties at that time, such as PT, PFL, PMDB and PTB formed the so-called Presidential Front on one side and the Parliamentary Front (PSDB) at the other side in order to oppose the ambitions of royalist groups.

Bungo Yoshida

Concerned by falling audience numbers and a lack of young people taking up bunraku, Yoshida combined the ancient art form with his love of rock music, which he combined for a 1980 adaptation of The Love Suicides at Sonezaki (Sonezaki Shinjū) with the music written and performed by Japanese rock musician Ryudo Uzaki, and occasionally with a live orchestra.

Charles R. Forbes

On December 16, 1927, after the publication of his New York World article, Forbes testified before a grand jury in Kansas City that concerned his statement in the article that alleged narcotics was easily obtained at USP Leavenworth.

Concerned Foreign Service Officers

Concerned Foreign Service Officers (CFSO) is a group of current and former Foreign Service and Civil Service employees of the U.S. Department of State, cofounded by William Savich and Daniel M. Hirsch, created to investigate, document and expose alleged misuse of the security clearance process by the State Department's Diplomatic Security Service (DSS).

Constitutional Act on the Czechoslovak Federation

The reform concerned Slovak autonomy; the concentration of governmental authority in Prague was a source of discontent within Slovakia throughout the 1960s, and the federalization of the Czechoslovak government codified in the 1968 constitutional amendments was virtually the only product of the reform movement associated with the Prague Spring to survive.


The documentary Dalekmania starts from the beginning, at least as far as the Dalek movies are concerned, and runs through their history, at the same time interviewing actors like Roberta Tovey, who played Dr. Who's granddaughter in the two films, and Jill Curzon, who played his niece in the second film.

Dan Henning

Henning notified university officials of his suspicions, and they were concerned enough to call in Middlesex County district attorney Thomas Reilly, who launched an investigation.


This type of decemvirate (also called the decemviri litibus iudicandis and translated as "the ten men who judge lawsuits") was a civil court of ancient origin (traditionally attributed to King Servius Tullius) mainly concerned with questions bearing on the status of individuals.

Dogshitter Wants

Although ostensibly concerned with jokes about cultural figures like Elton John & Michel Gondry, quite large parts of the show were impenetrably obscure, and were probably only fully understood by the creators and their immediate friends and associates, particularly those who were part of the dot com industry centred on Brick Lane in London, England.

Doris Bartholomew

Her doctoral dissertation concerned the reconstruction and historical linguistics of the Oto-Pamean languages.

Dornier Do 31

In the early 1960s, the Luftwaffe became increasingly concerned that its airfields were vulnerable to air attack from Eastern Bloc forces and actively researched the possibility of dispersed operations which included flying from Autobahnen but required aircraft with STOVL capabilities.

Elizabeth Dickens

Concerned about his father's financial problems, in 1839 Charles Dickens rented a cottage for his parents far from London, and, as he thought, far from temptation, at Alphington in Devon.

Erik Bodom

Bodom was born in Vestby, and was educated in Christiania (modern-day Oslo), but concerned himself more with drawing than his studies.

Explosive material

--vague, needs better def--> However, in the context of explosives, stability commonly refers to ease of detonation, which is concerned with kinetics (i.e., rate of decomposition).


Jerry Fodor (born 1935), American author and philosopher concerned with philosophy of mind and cognitive science, husband of the above

Frank Kratovil

A "Super PAC" group called The Concerned Taxpayers of America paid $150,000 for ads attacking Kratovil, and $300,000 for ads attacking Peter DeFazio of Oregon.

Highway location marker

Roads that were maintained by departments had a number that was prefixed by “D” and were unique within the department concerned while roads that were maintained by communes had numbers that were prefixed by a “C” were unique within a commune.


Jisc, formerly known as Joint Information Systems Committee, the UK body concerned with information and communications technology in education

Joseph Delaney

The locations concerned are also largely based on those known to Delaney, for example: the town of Priestown is based loosely on Preston, where he was born; Lancaster becomes Caster; Blackpool is now the Black Pool; and Chipping is Chipenden.

La Mariée

Finally, according to producer Duncan Kenworthy, "...we had to agree to destroy it. They were concerned that if our fake was too good, it might float around the market and create problems."

Le Signe du Lion

Much of the film's plot is concerned with notions of luck and fate.

Lithuanian Metrica

By 1569, when the regions of Podlaskie, Volhynia, Podolia and the Kiev were separated from Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and incorporated into Kingdom of Poland, the books which concerned these regions, were removed from the Lithuanian Metrica, and merged into the Polish Metrica.

Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems

Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems is a peer-reviewed scientific journal that covers research concerned with mathematically rigorous system theoretic aspects of control and signal processing.

Minneapolis Air Route Traffic Control Center

Area 2 is a terminal arrival/departure area located to the north of Minneapolis and is concerned primarily with commercial aviation into and out of Minneapolis St. Paul International Airport (MSP).

Muhammad Sayyid Tantawy

In October 2009, Tantawy launched a campaign against the niqab (the full-face veil which covers the entire body except for the eyes, increasingly worn by women in Egypt) by personally removing the niqab of a teenage girl (after she failed to remove it) at a secondary school affiliated to Al-Azhar University, which he was touring in Cairo's Madinet Nasr suburb, much to the shock of all concerned.

Octavus Roy Cohen

He became popular as a result of his stories printed in The Saturday Evening Post which concerned themselves with African-Americans.

Paper cup

Dixie Cup is the brand name for a line of disposable paper cups that were first developed in the United States in 1907 by Lawrence Luellen, a lawyer in Boston, Massachusetts, who was concerned about germs being spread by people sharing glasses or dippers at public supplies of drinking water.

Paul Luzio

Luzio's research is largely concerned with intracellular membrane traffic pathways in mammalian cells and his research group is funded by a programme grant from the Medical Research Council and project grant support from the Wellcome Trust.

Paul Rohrbach

Paul Rohrbach (29 June 1869 - 19 July 1956) was a German writer, concerned with "world politics." He was born at Irgen manor, Raņķi parish, Skrunda Municipality, Courland, Latvia.

Penguin Pete

However, the stuffed Pete was later removed from the lobby after a few concerned callers objected to its presence there, according to then-Penguins owner Jack McGregor.

Philosophy of computer science

The philosophy of computer science is concerned with the philosophical questions that arise with the study of computer science, which is understood to mean not just programming but the whole study of concepts and methodologies that assist in the development and maintenance of computer systems.

Steve Englehart

When the plot did not arrive, I called him, and he denied he'd ever made any commitment to delivery by Friday — as far as he was concerned, artist Tohru Honda

According to her, Akitaro Daichi, the director of the Japanese anime series, was particularly concerned that Tohru's "sweetness and formal nature didn't get lost in translation"; Bailey acknowledged that English does not have the same kind of speech formality as Japanese, but claimed Tohru's "humble nature can still be communicated through inflections and tone."


The pope appointed a panel of five bishops to decide the case—which really concerned the abbey's rights in Les Ponts-de-Cé—and in 1149 the bishopric was ordered to pay restitution to Basset of 1,000 marks.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1501

The Security Council remained concerned about hostilities in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, including North and South Kivu and Ituri Province.

Walter Rosenhain

In 1900 he became scientific adviser to Chance Brothers of Birmingham, glass manufacturers and lighthouse engineers, and for the next six years his work was chiefly concerned with the production of optical glass and lighthouse apparatus.

Ward Churchill academic misconduct investigation

The Ward Churchill academic misconduct investigation concerned charges of plagiarism, fabrication, and falsification against Churchill at the University of Colorado at Boulder, where Churchill was a professor at the time.

Winnipeg General Strike

The Canadian prime minister attended the conference at Versailles and was concerned solely for his government, due to the Russian revolution that began more than a year before the settlement and concern that it would potentially spread to North America.

see also