The Council of Ancients was the senior of the two halves of the republican legislative system.
The Constitution of 1795 established a liberal republic with a franchise based on the payment of taxes, similar to that of the French Constitution of 1791; a bicameral legislature, (Council of Ancients, and a Council of 500) to slow down the legislative process; and a five-man Directory.
They include views of the Fountain of Regeneration, the Rue des Colonnes—an arcaded street of baseless Doric columns leading to the Théâtre Feydeau—the chamber of the Conseil des Anciens in the Tuileries and Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s grotto in its landscaped setting at Ermenonville, Oise.
Soon after his return to France he was elected a member of the Council of Ancients in the period of the Directory.
As a former deputy of the Convention, entered the Council of Ancients (1795–1797), part of the successor legislative body to the Convention.
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