
8 unusual facts about Crypto

Arturo Alonso

Arturo Alonso was born on September 18, 1972 in the city of Granada, son of Francis, a bank employee of Castilian origin and son of Estrella Crypto-jewish or Crypto-Judaism descent.


Due to the religious strife that has marked the Balkan Peninsula and Anatolia, instances of crypto-Christian behavior are reported to this day in Muslim-dominated areas of the former Yugoslavia, Albania, and Turkey.

As a result, many Egyptians, Syrians, and others in the region officially converted to Islam while still adhering to Christian practices.


Some mention was made of the concept during the 2008 U.S. Presidential Campaign in accusations directed towards President Barack Obama.


It describes the attempt made after the Protestant Reformation to regain for Catholicism parts of the Empire that had become Protestant.

High-capacity data radio

There is also an export version that incorporates Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption rather than UK Government Type 1 Crypto.

Santa María la Real of Nájera

This has given rise to the suspicion that the craftsmen may have been Marranos or Crypto-Jews, and the cleverly concealed image is a symbol depicting the broken heart of Spain.

September 1991 Mineriad

Adrian Severin, deputy Prime Minister, argued that it was a "crypto-Communist coup d'état" and that these people belong to the class which had privileges during the previous regime.

Basilica of San Clemente

The crypto-thriller The Sword of Moses by Dominic Selwood (Corax, London, 2013, ISBN 978-0992633202) has several scenes set on all three levels of the Basilica di San Clemente: the upper basilica, the lower basilica, and the Roman mithraeum.

Ciudad Guzmán

A large number of Anusim (see: Conversos) and Crypto-Jews are said to live in the city, dating back to the 16th and 17th centuries, although most of the town is Catholic.


The Crypto Contacts list is based on a trust model similar to the Web of trust known from PGP.


"The Cyphernomicon" is a document written by Timothy C. May in 1994 for the Cypherpunks electronic mailing list, outlining some ideas behind, and the effects of, crypto-anarchism.

Destroy All Humans! 2

After saving Bay City from nuclear annihilation at the hands of the Soviets, Crypto discovers that the KGB have fled to Albion and promptly follows, where he meets Reginald Ponsonby-Smythe, the James Bond-esque head of M16 (a parody of MI6), and a rogue KGB agent named Natalya Ivanova.

François Louis Bourdon

In the Council of Five Hundred under the French Directory, Bourdon belonged to the party of Clichyens, composed of crypto-Royalists, against whom the directors used the 18 Fructidor coup.

Intangible property

There is uncertainty as to whether intangible property includes crypto-currencies like Bitcoin.

Johann Stössel

In a series of poorly understood events, Stössel advocated the cause of the Dresden Crypto-Calvinists, was denounced before the Elector, and imprisoned in the castle at Senftenberg, where he died, aged 51, after a short illness.

Microsoft CryptoAPI

Windows Vista features an update to the Crypto API known as Cryptography API: Next Generation (CNG).

Saxon Visitation Articles

Visitation Articles in the Entire Electorate of Saxony (Visitation-Artikel in gantzen Churkreiss Sachsen) are a Lutheran doctrinal statement written by Aegidius Hunnius and other theologians against Crypto-Calvinism on request of administrator Frederick William.

Sephardic Jews in the Netherlands

However, the reason to settle in Amsterdam was not merely voluntary; many crypto-Jews, or Marranos, had been refused admission in trading centers like Middelburg and Haarlem, and because of that ended up in Amsterdam.

Society for Crypto-Judaic Studies

The SCJS has taken a lead in interest in DNA studies, especially as it applies to crypto-Jews, other Sephardim, and the Jewish community in general.

Station HYPO

Other Navy crypto stations, including Guam, Puget Sound, Bainbridge Island were tasked and staffed for signals interception and traffic analysis.

Ted Rowlands, Baron Rowlands

:Argentine embassies used the same, top of the line, Swiss Crypto AG machine systems as their armed forces, so this was the precise equivalent of publicly announcing, during World War II, that the Allies had broken the Enigma system used by the Nazis.

The Sword of Moses

The original manuscripts of The Sword of Moses kept in London and Oxford feature centrally in Dominic Selwood's 2013 crypto-thriller The Sword of Moses (Corax, London, 2013) ISBN 978-0992633202.

Trusted timestamping

With the advent of crypto currencies like Bitcoin it has become possible to securely timestamp information in a decentralized fashion.


In 2012 Cory Doctorow characterized CryptoParties as being "like Tupperware parties for learning crypto," i.e. practical cryptography.

see also