Due to the religious strife that has marked the Balkan Peninsula and Anatolia, instances of crypto-Christian behavior are reported to this day in Muslim-dominated areas of the former Yugoslavia, Albania, and Turkey.
As a result, many Egyptians, Syrians, and others in the region officially converted to Islam while still adhering to Christian practices.
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Stephen, the first martyr of Christianity (stoned to death by Jewish leaders for preaching that Jesus was the Christ)
In 515, the basilica became the center of a monastery built on land donated by Sigismund of Burgundy, the first king of the Burgundians to convert from Arianism to Trinitarian Christianity.
As a public speaker, Alan Kreider has taken part in a debate on the arms race with Marshal of the Royal Air Force The Lord Cameron of Balhousie as part of the London Lectures on Contemporary Christianity at All Souls Church, Langham Place (1982) and with Lord Trefgarne, Edward Leigh MP, and Canon Paul Oestreicher, at the Cambridge Union Society (1983).
Albert Eichhorn (Karl Albert August Ludwig Eichhorn, 1 October 1856-3 August 1926), the author of Das Abendmahl im Neuen Testament, was one of the founders of the history of religions school, an approach that sought to understand all religions, including Christianity and Judaism, as socio-cultural phenomena that developed in comparable ways.
Arturo Alonso was born on September 18, 1972 in the city of Granada, son of Francis, a bank employee of Castilian origin and son of Estrella Crypto-jewish or Crypto-Judaism descent.
He sees Christianity as the major factor in the success of the Western world, and the Reformation in particular as the event that brought about a 'softening' of character in the population, with greater sensitivity to the suffering of others as exemplified by Jesus Christ.
In this book, Wiker aims to show how Darwinism by its very nature completely undermines the ethical foundations of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam because its materialist cosmology is incompatible with any concept of natural law.
The house was generally occupied by junior members of the Boughton family and was sold by Edward Boughton in 1711 to the essayist and poet Joseph Addison, who wrote his book Evidences of Christianity while living there.
Religions practiced in Benin include the following: Christian (42.8%), Muslim (24.4%), Vodoun (17.3%), and “other” (15.5%).
James Cone first addressed this theology after Malcolm X's proclamation in the 1950s against Christianity being taught as "a white man's religion".
Gallant resurfaced in the spotlight on March 17, 2005, when she suggested that Christians were being persecuted by the Liberal Party in a flyer she sent to her constituents.
There was controversy before the church was consecrated because Bodley intended to use an early 16th-century altarpiece from Antwerp which had carved tableaux of the Passion as the reredos.
In 1962 he became professor of history of East Asia, particularly the Chinese Buddhism, Chinese reactions to the Christianity and early relations between China and the outside world.
The congress was a conference of some 2,700 evangelical Christian leaders that was held in the Palais de Beaulieu in Lausanne, Switzerland in 1974 to discuss the progress, resources and methods of evangelizing the world.
Fishermen's Mission - the full title of which is The Royal National Mission to Deep Sea Fishermen - is a British charitable organisation founded and run on Christian principles.
The mass conversion of most Tongans to Christianity – and primarily to Wesleyan Methodism – resulted in strong religious ties to England as the source of most of the missionaries involved.
History of Goan Catholics recounts the history of the Goan Catholic community of the Indian state of Goa from their conversion to Christianity to date.
In Catholic theology, Christ and the Holy Spirit immanently reveal themselves; God the Father only reveals himself immanently vicariously through the Son and Spirit, and the Divine Nature, the Godhead is wholly transcendent and unable to be comprehended.
National church, especially in Anglicanism and Orthodox Christianity, the organisation of that denomination within a given nation, which acts independently of the churches of the same denomination in other nations.
The International Christian Maritime Association (ICMA) is an ecumenical association of 28 Christian organisations, representing different churches and Christian communities.
On the one hand stand scholars such as Peter Schäfer who sees the Gemara as containing developed reaction to Christianity, on the other scholars such as Daniel J. Lasker who see references to Christianity in the Talmud as "embryonic".
He is credited for leading the Chinese-Canadian film actor and rapper, Edison Chen, in a religious-conversion experience to Christianity.
Maimonides, one of Judaism's most important theologians and legal experts, explained in detail why Jesus was wrong to create Christianity and why Muhammad was wrong to create Islam; he laments the pains Jews have suffered in persecution from followers of these new faiths as they attempted to supplant Judaism (in the case of Christianity, called Supersessionism).
From there, he went to teach Modern Christianity (history, sociology, philosophy, and theology) in the Department of Religion at the University of Manitoba, in Winnipeg, Canada, rising to the rank of Professor in 1997 and receiving the university's top awards for research and for outreach to the community (via his newspaper column and other media appearances).
Krenn argued against Turkey's entrance into the European Union, warning against the 'islamisation' of Europe and calling Islam a "very aggressive kind of religion" that will not easily allow for the political unity with the Christian faith.
L'Église Réformée du Québec, or "Reformed Church of Quebec", is a small conservative French-speaking Reformed Christian denomination located primarily within the Canadian province of Quebec.
In 1857 an Anglican lay missionary named William Duncan brought Christianity to Lax Kw'alaams, but, feeling that he was competing in vain with the dissipated fort atmosphere for Tsimshian souls, he relocated about 350 of his flock to Metlakatla, at Metlakatla Pass just to the south.
The series Come Across (1994–2000) had Clayton blending both Christianity and Navajo spirituality to explore a personal loss of self.
The Kingdom of Portugal followed suit and in December 1496, it was decreed that any Jew who did not convert to Christianity would be expelled from the country.
Gilbert De La Matyr, (1825–1892), Methodist Episcopal Church elder who served a single term as U.S. Representative from Indiana after the Civil War.
His great-grandfather, Rev Nicolas Tindal, was the translator and continuer of the History of England by Paul de Rapin — a seminal work in its day — and he was also the great great grandnephew of Dr Matthew Tindal, the deist and author of 'Christianity as Old as the Creation' (known as the 'deist's bible') and descendant of Thomas Clifford, 1st Baron Clifford of Chudleigh.
There has been a suggestion from lawyers that, in the UK, those with a strong belief in Olympism could benefit from protection against discrimination in exactly the same way that followers of Islam, Christianity, Judaism or any other religion are protected.
He achieved fame throughout the country for being the first of the daimyo to convert to Christianity following the arrival of the Jesuit missionaries in the mid-16th century.
Religious diversity: Although the narrator, Steve, hints at his and his wife's vague Christianity mitigated by agnosticism, and the existence of a "One True God" is assumed, the reality of a diverse number of religious traditions is affirmed, including Native American (specifically Zuni) beliefs, Norse mythology, Asian traditions (specifically Chinese mythology), and Judaism (in a small part, as Steve regards the holiness of his Jewish neighbors with reverence).
Christianity in New Zealand, despite its foreign origins, has also been shaped by Māori through movements such as the Ratana Church and Destiny Church, as well as their involvements in churches of European origin such as the Anglican Church.
Delannoy then served in a parish in Roubaix for two years, after which he was made responsible for diocesan activities in independent sites (1991–1999), and in 1997 was also named the Dean of the urban district of Roubaix and of Bailleul.
It consists of 16 beads, forming a double rainbow, which represent Christianity, Buddhism, Sikhism, Islam, Judaism, Bahá'í, ISKCON, Zoroastrianism, Tribal and Native Religions, Jainism, Earth Religions, Taoism, Hinduism and Yungdrung Bön.
He was originally appointed chairman of the Road Transportation Safety Board and the Rail Incident Board by minister Tjerk Westerterp.
There is a letter dated to Benedict’s reign from Piligrim, Bishop of Passau, asking for Benedict to confer on him the Pallium, and make him a Bishop so that he could continue his mission to convert the Hungarian people to Christianity.
Simeon Rabban Ata (13th century), high representative of Syriac Christianity
The legendary High King of Ireland Cormac mac Airt is reputedly buried at Rossnaree, having refused to be buried at a pagan site after converting to Christianity.
He despatched Jaruman, the Bishop of Mercia, who was assigned to reconvert the people of Essex to Christianity.
Siqqitiq (meaning transforming one's life, more specifically adopting Christianity) is the ritual of converting Inuit with shamanist beliefs to Christianity.
In the 19th century, many Slavic nations experienced a Romantic fascination with an idealised Slavic Arcadia believed to have existed before the advent of Christianity, combining such notions as the noble savage and Johann Gottfried Herder's national spirit.
It was named after Saint Kilian (using the German language version of his name), the Irish saint who spread Christianity throughout Europe.
Subash Chouhan of the Bajrang Dal said "We will not allow the producer to shoot ... Such films will encourage the conversion of poor tribals to Christianity".
Settled by monks from St. Gall and dedicated to Saint Quirinus of Rome, whose relics were brought here from Rome in 804, the monastery soon spread the message of Christianity as far as the Tyrol and Lower Austria.
Since arriving back in San Diego the show has become more mellow due to Esparza's embrace of Christianity, with a billboards campaign advertising his contrasts labeling him both an addict and a Christian.
His principal interests are the relationship between Protestant Christianity and secularism, which he believes is more positive than is generally understood; the relationship between theology and literature; and the post-ecclesial renewal of worship.
They formulated the Treaty of Dubysa, by which Jogaila promised to accept Christianity, become an ally of the Order, and give the Order some territory of Samogitia up to the Dubysa River.