
unusual facts about D-Influence

Aksumite currency

By the time coins were first minted in Aksum, there was widespread trade with Romans on the Red Sea; Kushana or Persian influence also cannot be ruled out.

Alton Adams

In 1931 Adams's unit was transferred to Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, when the naval government of the islands was replaced by a civilian administration, thus separating Adams from family, friends, and his source of social influence.

Andriy Shtoharenko

Shtoharenko's music shows the influence of Mussorgsky and Borodin in that many of his works tend to be of a programatic and descriptive nature.


Further south Karachay–Cherkessia and Stavropol - the traditional home of the former Caucasus Line Cossack Host, their accent has a greater Circassian influence, and is thus considered a balachka not by the initial definition but due to the term being becoming applied universally to all Cossack dialects.

Bernard Silvestris

There is evidence of influence in the works of medieval and renaissance authors, including Hildegard of Bingen, Vincent of Beauvais, Dante, Chaucer, Nicolas of Cusa, and Boccaccio.

Bob Bogle

Bogle's lead guitar on the Ventures' 1960 cover of "Walk, Don't Run" helped to influence the next generation of guitarists including John Fogerty, Steve Miller, Joe Walsh and Stevie Ray Vaughan.

Brick House Ruins

1675 Chateau de la Haye d'Esquermes near Loos les Lille, France, evidence of the French influence in its architecture is seen through many stucco enrichments to the exterior and its high-pitched roof.

Bujangga Manik

It displays a marked influence from Javanese but does not contain one word which is tracable to Arabic, the language of Islam.

Carolingian Schools

Through the influence of Alcuin, Theodulf, Lupus and others, the Carolingian revival spread to Reims, Auxerre, Laon and Chartres, where even before the schools of Paris had come into prominence, the foundations of scholastic theology and philosophy were laid.

Chronicles of the Canongate

One of his patients was Barak el Hadji, who promised him his influence with Hyder Ali, should he at any time need it.


Cleena has long been associated with the lands that had been the territory of the Ui-Fidgheinte (O'Donovans and O'Collins) during their period of influence (circa 373 A.D. to 977 A.D.), or were later associated with what had been the Ui-Fidghente territory (MacCarthys and FitzGeralds).

Demographics of Suriname

Dutch (official), Sranan Tongo (Surinamese, sometimes called Taki-Taki, is native language of Creoles and much of the younger population), Hindustani (Hindi-Urdu), Javanese, English (widely spoken), French due to cultural influence from French Guiana, Portuguese and Spanish.

Deutz Suspension Bridge

It reportedly later served as inspiration for American bridge engineers and was specifically cited as a design influence on the Three Sisters bridges in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania as well as for the Kiyosu Bridge on the Sumida River in Tokyo.


Design Human Engineering, a methodology of psychological influence developed by Richard Bandler.

Dirk Verhofstadt

On 8 June 2009 he hold the lecture A New Age of Reason on the life and actual influence of Thomas Paine who died 200 years ago.

Empire Building

Empire-building, tendency of countries and nations to acquire resources, land, and economic influence outside of their borders

Foni Tissen

In September 1942, after taking part in the strike against the German occupation, he was deported together with seven other teachers to the Hinzert concentration camp where the inhuman conditions were to exert a profound influence on his work, calling for an ironic level of introspection.

Georg Brandes

The key idea of "aristocratic radicalism" went on to influence most of the later works of Brandes and resulted in voluminous biographies Wolfgang Goethe (1914–15), Francois de Voltaire (1916–17), Gaius Julius Cæsar 1918 and Michelangelo (1921).

Georg Hermes

Hermes himself was very largely under the influence of the Kantian and Fichtean ideas, and though in the philosophical portion of his Einleitung he criticizes both these thinkers severely, rejects their doctrine of the moral law as the sole guarantee for the existence of God, and condemns their restricted view of the possibility and nature of revelation, enough remained of purely speculative material to render his system obnoxious to his church.

Giudicato of Gallura

In 1211, Comita III of Torres confirmed a treaty with the Republic of Genoa, Pisa's traditional rival for Sardinian influence, whereby the two powers — Logudoro and Genoa — would jointly conquer the entire island and put it under Genoese suzerainty with Comita as judge.

Henry William Weber

He was "afflicted with partial insanity," especially under the influence of strong drinks, to which he was occasionally addicted (Scott, Journal, 1890, i. 149).

Herbert Deinert

More recently he has helped to understand the influence of Protestantism on Germany directly after the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Jan Mabuse

Mabuse shows Antwerp influence in the large altar-pieces previously located at Castle Howard and Scawby.

Jean-François Rewbell

In the National Constituent Assembly his oratory, legal knowledge and austerity of life gave him much influence.

Jorge Scientific Corporation

The company made international headlines in October 2012 when two former employees leaked a video to ABC News showing key personnel at the company drunk or under the influence of narcotics during parties that were allegedly thrown “every other day” at the Jorge Scientific operations centre in Kabul.

Juan Francisco González

The influence of González can be seen in the “Tragic Generation”, better known as the Generación del 13, and the controversial “Montparnasse Group”.

King Pleasure

Pleasure has been cited as a significant influence by Van Morrison, especially on his album Astral Weeks.

Konrad Mägi

From 1918, the influence of Expressionism is manifest, fostered by Mägi's extreme sensitivity and emotional response to the anxious times: Pühajärv (Lake Püha); 1918–1920), Otepää maastik (Landscape of Otepää; 1918–1920).


The former name is apparently free from Iranian or Paisaci influence since Maharashtra location was far removed from the north-west division of ancient India.

Lý Nhân Tông

Initially, the regency of the young emperor was placed in the hand of the chancellor (Vietnamese: thái sư) Lý Đạo Thành and the Empress Mother Thượng Dương but she was soon dismissed by Lý Nhân Tông after the influence from the emperor's natural mother Ỷ Lan.

Marriage Under Fire

It talks the about the history of the movement, gives arguments against its influence, advocates the Federal Marriage Amendment, and exhorts opponents to mobilize.

Move Any Mountain

Japanese video game music producer Yuzo Koshiro composed an instrumental background music track for the baseball stadium stage in the 1992/1993 Sega Genesis game Streets of Rage 2 named "Under Logic" that bears strong influence from "Move Any Mountain".

Murray Farquhar

Farquhar was convicted and jailed in 1985 for his corrupt influence in a fraud case brought against the head of the Australian Rugby League, Kevin Humphreys.

Neil Conti

The club spawned many imitations in the Soho area and became a hotbed of talent and A+R men, launching the careers of Ronnie Jordan, Seal, Keziah Jones, Juliet Roberts and D-Influence among others.

Norway in 1814

He learned that Prussia and Austria were waning in their support of Sweden's claims to Norway, that Tsar Alexander I of Russia (a distant cousin of Christian Frederik's) favored a Swedish-Norwegian union but not with Bernadotte as the king, and that the United Kingdom was looking for a solution to the problem that would keep Norway out of Russia's influence.

Office Open XML

The same InfoWorld article reported that IBM (which supports the ODF format) threatened to leave standards bodies that it said allow dominant corporations like Microsoft to wield undue influence.

Political groups under Vladimir Putin's presidency

The Family group has also almost entirely lost its influence by 2004 after the dismissals of Alexander Voloshin (October 2003), Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov (February 2004) and some key figures of his Cabinet, but some of the group's members secured their political survival.

Publius Clodius Thrasea Paetus

In 57 Thrasea supported the cause of the Cilicians accusing their late governor, Cossutianus Capito, of extortion, and the prosecution succeeded apparently largely through his influence.


During a journey to his country estates he was converted to Christianity partly through coming in contact with a case of miraculous healing and partly through the teaching and influence of Eusebius, bishop of Kenneschrin, and Acacius, bishop of Aleppo.

Ram Moav

He has been cited as an early childhood read and influence by author Lavie Tidhar, amongst others.

Reformed Presbyterian Church, General Synod

Eventually, thanks to influence of newer people in the denomination such as Gordon Clark, discussions began with the Bible Presbyterian Church-Columbus Synod, which included members such as Francis Schaeffer and Jay E. Adams.

Santa Maria Antiqua

The defeat of the Western Roman Empire by the Goths in the fifth century gave way to Byzantine and Lombard influence in the late fifth to mid eighth centuries.

Silvio Rodríguez

Rodriguez has been a major influence on many folk artists, including the Swedish artist José González.

Standard Catalog of World Coins

The influence of the book has caused the incorrect spelling "piefort" to be used by third-party grading services such as NGC and PCGS in labeling coin attributions.

The Phantom Carriage

The film was a powerful influence on the later Swedish film director Ingmar Bergman who also utilised the figure of Death in The Seventh Seal, where the referring to him as a "strict master" is a reference to The Phantom Carriage.

Treaty of Küçük Kaynarca

Article XII-The Sublime Porte promises to use its power and influence to assist the Court of Russia when the court has the intention of making any commercial treaty with the regencies of Africa (Tripoli, Tunis, Algiers, etc.).

University of Montpellier

Professors from Montpellier were prominent in the drafting of the Napoleonic Code, the civil code by which France is still guided and a foundation for modern law codes wherever Napoleonic influence extended.

Waddell, Arizona

Influence of the name can still be seen in the name of Waddell Road, an arterial street running through Surprise, as well as the New Waddell Dam at Lake Pleasant.

William M. Malone

Still in power in 1930, Finn was also the early political mentor of Arthur Samish, later the notorious liquor lobbyist whose enormous influence in the California Legislature of the 1940s led to a national political scandal.

Wisconsin model

Additional work regarding the influence of significant others on occupational aspirations was subsequently done by Haller and is students Joseph Woelfel and Ed L. Fink.

see also

Shola Ama

The project saw her working with the record producers Fred Jerkins III, Stargate, Shaun Labelle, Full Crew, D-Influence Productions and Ali Shaheed Muhammad (formerly of A Tribe Called Quest).