In 2001 he featured in the London Daily Mirror Sorted column by Penman & Greenwood - the report headlined "Full medal racket" alleged that Taylor had targeted national heroes in a publishing con.
The newspaper's currently owned by the Trinity Mirror Group who also owns the Daily Mirror and the Birmingham Post, the weekly business tabloid sold in the Birmingham area.
A spokesperson told The Mirror: "Les is like a born-again teenager with Cilla and becomes very defensive of her," a source told the newspaper.
She told The Mirror: "It's been very draining. Not emotionally, because I never take my work home with me, but genuinely physically exhausting. It's tiring having to cry continuously and I take a long time to recover from that. My face goes all red and my eyes sting for ages afterwards. I'm not a good crier!".
Official partners include the Daily Mirror and Gateshead Council with the local daily newspaper The Journal as the authorised media partner.
A columnist for the Daily Mirror opined that Julie "is not everyone’s cup of tea" because she has a habit of talking too much.
On 25 February 2004, Nicola Methven of the Daily Mirror announced Waterman was to leave EastEnders and her character killed off during a fight with Janine Butcher.
In June 2011, Kevin O'Sullivan of the Daily Mirror said farewell to Lyn in a feature on her departure.
Mandy's return in 2011, after a 17 year hiatus, was well received by Jane Simon of the Daily Mirror.
A reporter for the Daily Mirror observed that Mo was "desperate to get back to normal life" after giving birth and thought it might be too soon.
The picture of Borten in his underwear went around the world, and the British newspaper Daily Mirror printed the picture over two pages with the headline: Now the Norwegian Prime Minister is ready to receive the Queen.
He set out to found a Tamil daily along the lines of English tabloid Daily Mirror, inspired by the Mirrors reach of a large audience.
The story eventually moved south of the border, with a story in the Daily Mirror reporting that Gaiman had accused Rowling of plagiarism being repeated in the Daily Mail.
The Daily Telegraph | Daily Mail | The Daily Show | Daily Mirror | Chicago Daily News | Daily Express | The Daily Beast | Trinity Mirror | Daily Worker | Daily Kos | Investor's Business Daily | China Daily | Women's Wear Daily | New York Daily Mirror | The Daily Telegraph (Australia) | Record Mirror | Philadelphia Daily News | Los Angeles Daily News | Daily Star (United Kingdom) | Anchorage Daily News | People's Daily | Daily Racing Form | The Daily Texan | Sunday Mirror | Philippine Daily Inquirer | Man in the Mirror | Guangming Daily | Dayton Daily News | Daily Star | Daily Chronicle |
Sir Alf also had a sporadic column in the Daily Mirror in the late 1980s and early 1990s, his thoughts written down by Nigel Clarke.
On 23 May 2010, Britain's Daily Mirror reported that Dangote was interested in buying a 16 percent stake in Premiership side Arsenal belonging to Lady Nina Bracewell-Smith.
She became the subject of attention by the British press when the Daily Mirror reported that she was Manchester United football star Shinji Kagawa's girlfriend.
Anil Bhoyrul is a former Daily Mirror business journalist who was investigated over the so-called 'City Slickers' share tipping scandal along with the paper's then editor, Piers Morgan and fellow reporter James Hipwell.
Tony Stewart of The Mirror said of Gary that David Platt has met his match in the character and the two of them have enough criminal convictions, Asbos and restraining orders to wallpaper over their living room and comparing Gary and his family's criminal record to that of the Battersbys', saying the latter compared to them it's like a day out with the Von Trapp family.
Prior to the release of the band's single Sorted for E's & Wizz in 1995, the Daily Mirror printed a front-page story headed "BAN THIS SICK STUNT" alongside a story by Kate Thornton which said the song was "pro-drugs" and called for the single to be banned.
When EastEnders embarked upon a storyline which saw Lucy's peer Whitney Dean (Shona McGarty) abused by the ephebophile Tony King (Chris Coghill), the Daily Mirror
Various newspapers, including the Daily Mirror, The Times, The Daily Mail and various magazines including Teen Vogue in New York and Hello! have carried stories on local and national winners.
Whitcomb’s career at the Daily Mirror came to an end in 1980, reportedly when its new owner, Robert Maxwell, objected to his expense account.
Sometimes referred to as "go-faster stripes" on road cars, the term "go-faster stripes" was coined by comic strip, The Perishers in the British newspaper The Daily Mirror, on the premise that striping was popular with boy racers.
Rupert Christiansen (born 1954) is an English writer, journalist and critic, grandson of Arthur Christiansen (editor of the Daily Express) and son of Kay and Michael Christiansen (editor of the Sunday and Daily Mirror).
In light of Tiphook and the Robert Maxwell scandal at the Daily Mirror, the UK Government introduced the earliest stages of legislation covering corporate governance.
Postmarked from Sunderland, two were addressed to George Oldfield, the Assistant Chief Constable of the West Yorkshire Police who was heading the Ripper inquiry, and one to the Daily Mirror.