It was Bobby who encouraged Beatrix to get a job in journalism, and she joined him at the communist daily paper The Morning Star, formerly The Daily Worker, where he was the boxing correspondent.
Increasingly committed to the causes of socialism and communism, Rothman lost his job after getting into some trouble with the law while selling copies of the Daily Worker.
In December 1921 the "aboveground" Workers Party of America was founded and the Toiler merged with Workers Council of the Workers' Council of the United States to found the six page weekly The Worker.
In 1935, he became editor of the replacement party newspaper, the Daily Worker.
At the last of these sessions, John Gates, editor of the official party newspaper, The Worker, was sharply critical of the American party's blind obedience, its support of its Trotskyist opponents under the Smith Act, and its failure to commit itself to a peaceful path to socialism based upon maintained civil liberties.
Colón began a Spanish language newspaper and in 1955, he wrote a regular column for the Daily Worker, a publication of the Communist Party in New York.
Pravda and the American communist Daily Worker claimed that Trotskyists and Fascists were behind the uprising.
In addition to his league activities, he was a regular contributor of film criticism and commentary to various left wing publications, including the Daily Worker and Experimental Cinema.
Garlin worked on staff at the Daily Worker newspaper for 17 years and was associate editor of New World Review.
Daily Worker, a newspaper published in New York City by the Communist Party USA
The Daily Telegraph | Daily Mail | The Daily Show | Daily Mirror | Chicago Daily News | Daily Express | The Daily Beast | Daily Worker | Daily Kos | Investor's Business Daily | China Daily | Women's Wear Daily | New York Daily Mirror | construction worker | White-collar worker | The Daily Telegraph (Australia) | Philadelphia Daily News | Los Angeles Daily News | Daily Star (United Kingdom) | Anchorage Daily News | People's Daily | Daily Racing Form | Catholic Worker | Blue-collar worker | The Daily Texan | Philippine Daily Inquirer | Guangming Daily | Dayton Daily News | Daily Star | Daily Chronicle |
According to Kenneth Lloyd Billingsley in an article published in 2000, the Communists considered Koestler's novel important enough to prevent its being adapted for movies; the writer Dalton Trumbo "bragged" about his success in that to the newspaper The Worker.
Richard Owen Boyer (January 10, 1903 – August 7, 1973) was an American freelance journalist who, before appearing at a Senate hearing, had contributed profiles to The New Yorker and written for the Daily Worker.
While Ramsay was attempting to launch the Right Club, he spoke at a meeting of the Nordic League at the Wigmore Hall at which a reporter from the Daily Worker was present and reported Ramsay as saying that they needed to end Jewish control, "and if we don't do it constitutionally, we'll do it with steel" – a statement greeted with wild applause.
In 1943, Mike Gold of the Daily Worker praised "Injunction", a collection of working class vignettes set against the backdrop of World War II.