
unusual facts about Danube-Black Sea Canal

Ada Huja

It engulfs a bay of Rukavac (Cyrillic: Рукавац; Serbian for armlet) on the Danube, which separates its eastern half from the neighborhoods of Višnjica and Rospi Ćuprija to the south.

Agri Decumates

The Agri Decumates or Decumates Agri were a region of the Roman Empire's provinces of Germania superior ("Upper Germania") and Raetia; covering the Black Forest, Swabian Jura, and Franconian Jura areas between the Rhine, Main, and Danube rivers; in present southwestern Germany, including present Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Freiburg im Breisgau, and Weißenburg in Bayern.

Aribo of Austria

In his day, the march orientalis corresponded to a front along the Danube from the Traungau to the Szombathely and Raba rivers and including the Vienna basin.


Astacus leptodactylus, the "Danube crayfish", "Galician crayfish", "Turkish crayfish" or "narrow-clawed crayfish", is a species of crayfish imported and introduced to Central Europe in 19th century from the Caspian Sea region.

Avar March

When in 976 his son Emperor Otto II raised the vast Bavarian March of Carinthia to a duchy, the remaining marcha orientalis along the Danube emerged as the March of Austria (Ostarrîchi).

Baden culture

Baden has been interpreted as part of a much larger archaeological complex encompassing cultures at the mouth of the Danube (Ezero-Cernavoda III) and the Troad.

Battle of Lake Constance

The battle occurred during the Roman campaigns under Augustus to conquer the northern Alps and regions south of the Danube river.


In the 5th century BC, the Celts settled in the alpine valleys among the sources of the Rhone, the Rhine and the Danube, eventually stretching from the headwaters down to Vienna and Belgrade.

Carabus hungaricus

The majority of its populations inhabit calcareous sandy grasslands from the Deliblat (Serbia: Deliblatska Peščara) throughout the Banat (Serbia, Romania) and sandy areas in Hungary along the Danube River all the way to Vienna (Austria) and South Moravia (Czech Republic).

Constantius II

His subsequent military campaigns against Germanic tribes were successful: he defeated the Alamanni in 354 and campaigned across the Danube against the Quadi and Sarmatians in 357.


In France, CroisiEurope sail on the Seine, the Rhône, the Saône, the Gironde, the Meuse, and the Rhine; in Italy, on the Po; in Spain, on the Guadalquivir; in Portugal, on the Guadiana and the Douro; in Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands, on the Rhine; in Germany, Austria, Hungary, Serbia, and Romania, on the Danube; and in Germany, on the Havel and the Oder.

Danube Bend

The Danube Bend (Hungarian Dunakanyar) is a curve of the Danube in Hungary, close to the city of Visegrád.


During the Cold War Devín was just inside the Iron Curtain and the northern banks of the Danube and Morava rivers were heavily fortified.


A hoard of coins from the Roman era (251-270), and the remains of three towers of the Danube-Iller-Rhein Limes (4th century) show Roman settlements in the area.

Dillingen an der Donau

Dillingen, or Dillingen an der Donau (Dillingen on the Danube) is a town in Bavaria, Germany.


In 2000, with American composer Gordon Sherwood, video artist Stefanie Seidl and the Bratislava Orchestra under Petr Feranec they created The Memory of the Waters, a “documentary opera” about the River Danube, debut performed at the International Danube Music Festival in the city of Ulm.

Ectoedemia klimeschi

It is found in eastern and south-eastern Europe, where it is especially common in the Danube basin, from western Germany to Romania.

First Kragujevac Gymnasium

Founded in 1833, the school is the oldest Serbian high school south of the Sava - Danube line.

Galați steel works

The idea of building a large steel works in eastern Romania, with access to the Danube and/or the Black Sea, was first discussed in 1958 at a plenary session of the ruling Romanian Workers' Party.

Geoffroy de Thoisy

In the spring of 1445, de Wavrin sailed to the Danube to join the Hungarians in the continuing Crusade of Varna while de Thoisy took his ships along the south coast of the Black Sea.

Grand Anti-Masonic Exhibition

This was done to exploit the key rail and riverine transport routes that passed through it, and because of its valuable resources, particularly non-ferrous metals.

Heinrich Schlier

Heinrich Schlier (Neuburg an der Donau on the Danube, 31 March 1900 – Bonn, 26 December 1978) was a theologian, initially with the Evangelical Church and later with the Catholic Church.

Henry Maitland Wilson, 1st Baron Wilson

He strongly advocated the invasion of Germany via the Danube plain, but this did not take place when the armies in Italy were weakened to support other theatres of war.


In early 92, the Iazyges, in alliance with the Sarmatians proper and the Germanic Quadi, crossed the Danube into the Roman province of Pannonia (mod. Croatia, northern Serbia, and western Hungary).

Ilija Garašanin

Prince Miloš Obrenović puts him in governmental work, appointing him customs officer in Višnjica, on the Danube and later Belgrade.

John Flournoy Montgomery

Montgomery was clearly expected to watch over the political intrigues not only in Budapest but, from his central location on the Danube, to monitor the goings-on in Hungary’s neighbors (Austria, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Yugoslavia) and other countries in the region as well, including Bulgaria, Poland, Germany and Italy.

Karlova Ves

It is located in the western part of the city close to the river Danube on the slopes of the Little Carpathians mountains and it is part of the Bratislava IV administrative district.


Its title commemorated the construction of the first chain bridge over the branch of the Danube through the inner city of Sophiebrücke in Vienna.

Leo Sarakenopoulos

Leo Sarakenopoulos first appears in 971, at the end of the Rus'–Byzantine War of 970–971, when he was appointed by Emperor John I Tzimiskes (r. 969–976) as military governor (strategos) of Dristra/Dorostolon (modern Silistra) on the Danube.

Main chain of the Alps

The water divide further runs eastwards through the Northern Limestone Alps, ending at "Vienna Gate", the steep slopes of the Leopoldsberg (425 m) high above the Danube River.

Marcus Valerius Maximianus

He was decorated for services in the Parthian war of Lucius Verus and was appointed by Marcus Aurelius to ensure the armies in Pannonia were supplied by boats on the Danube.

Mariana Marin

Educated in Bucharest during the time of the Romanian relative cultural freesom of the 1960s, she went on to receive a degree in philology from the University of Bucharest in 1980, starting a grade school teacher career that lasted almost ten years, first in a village along the Danube, then in Bucharest.

Michal Riszdorfer

He was born in Bratislava and lived in Komárno, home to a sizeable Hungarian community on the shores of the Danube, since his early childhood.

Mikhail Dmitrievich Gorchakov

Gorchakov demonstrated bravery during the Russo-Turkish War of 1828–1829, on 29 May 1829 he was one of the first to swim across the Danube.

Milenko Stojković

He is most famous for having apprehended and, while running away, executed the Turkish tyrants Aganlija, Kucuk Alija, Mula Jusuf and Mehmed Focic, responsible for the killing of Serbian Princes that triggered the First Serbian Uprising, on the island of Ada Kaleh on the River Danube.

Nogai language

The Nogai, descended from the peoples of the Golden Horde, take their name and that of their language from the grandson of Genghis Khan, Nogai Khan, who ruled the nomadic people west of the Danube toward the end of the 13th century.

Oskar Speck

A Hamburg electrical contractor made unemployed during the Weimar-period Depression, he left Germany to seek work in the Cypriot copper mines, departing from Ulm and travelling south via the Danube.


After the so-called Kölner Spruch (Verdict of Cologne) the Duchy was created from the territories north of the Danube for Otto Henry and Philipp, the sons of Ruprecht of the Palatinate.

Pierre Claude Pajol

In 1809 he served on the Danube, and in the Russian War of 1812 led a division, and afterwards a corps, of cavalry.

Prostitution in Austria

The last time prostitution was completely forbidden in Austria was under Maria Theresa of Austria (1740-1780), who shipped prostitutes along with other "antisocial" people down the Danube to Timișoara in the Banat region of Romania.


Rába, a river in Austria and Hungary, tributary of the Danube

Schöner Náci

He walked around the Old Town and in particular the stretch from Michael's Gate to the river, in top hat and tails, greeting women with the words, “I kiss your hand” in German, Hungarian and Slovak.

Šime Spitzer

On 31 December 1939 three Yugoslav excursion boats, "Car Nikola", "Car Dušan" and "Kraljica Marija" were carrying refugees to a winter harbor in the city of Kladovo when the Danube river froze.

Simplimorpha promissa

It is widely distributed in southern Europe with the northern limit running approximately along the southern slopes of the Alps and along the Danube.

Stefan Jäger

Specifically, many Danube Swabians were drafted to the Waffen-SS - officially as volunteers, though it was claimed that they had in fact little choice in the matter.

The Way I Spent the End of the World

After Eva is expelled from her high school for her uncooperative attitude, she is sent to a technical school where she meets Andrei, with whom she plans to escape communist Romania by swimming across the Danube into Yugoslavia and relocating to Italy.

Tropaeum Traiani

48 metopes are hosted in the Adamclisi museum nearby, and one metope is hosted by Istanbul Archaeology Museum, the rest having been lost (There is a reference from Giurescu that two of them fell into Danube River during the transport to Bucharest).

Vukovi umiru sami

It is well-remembered for the backing singers' line of "Dunavom, Dunavom" ("Down the Danube, Down the Danube") immediately prior to the key change.

Well deck

On 19 July 1941 Major R. E. Holloway, Royal Engineers, forwarded a design from a 1924 patent by Otto Popper of the Danube International Commission concerning a barge transporter for Danube barges.

Žar Mountain

The mountain marks the watershed of the drainage basins of the Ibar within the Danube drainage basin, the White Drin, and the Vardar.

see also