
unusual facts about Danubian Plain


Its position in the middle of the Danubian Plain creates excellent conditions for growing wine grapes.


There are two "Chernozem belts" in the world: from eastern Croatia (Slavonia), along the Danube (northern Serbia, northern Bulgaria (Danubian Plain) and southern Romania (Wallachian Plain)), to northeast Ukraine across the Black Earth Region and southern Russia into Siberia, and the other in the Canadian Prairies.

see also

Pygmy Cormorant

Actually, the Pigmy Cormorant can be found in Danube Delta, Jijia Largă Pond (Iasi County), probably on Maţa, Rădeanu, Vădeni Ponds in (Galați County), Cârja Pond (Vaslui County), at Vlădeşti on Prut River (Galați County), on Calinovăţ Island from Caraş-Severin County, In the Small Brăila Island, on Dunăreni Pond (Mârleanu, Constanța County), in Danubian Plain on Parches Pond-Somova (Tulcea County).