United States Environmental Protection Agency | Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act | Digital data | Array data structure | Electronic Data Systems | Data General | Protection from Harassment Act 1997 | Data East | data center | U.S. Customs and Border Protection | data | Control Data Corporation | Radio Data System | Habitats Directive | Automatic Data Processing | Australian Customs and Border Protection Service | Special Protection Area | Protein Data Bank | Firearm Owners Protection Act | data compression | Data | World Society for the Protection of Animals | Royal Society for the Protection of Birds | Pension Protection Act of 2006 | Data storage device | Data (Star Trek) | data mining | Protection racket | Nielsen Broadcast Data Systems | New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection |
In December 2011, Microsoft announced that the Office 365 platform was now compliant with the ISO/IEC 27001 security standards, the European Union's Data Protection Directive (through the signing of model clauses), and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act for health care environments in the United States.