
2 unusual facts about Data structure

Foundation Kit

The Data structures in Foundation Kit can only hold objects, not primitive types, so wrappers such as NSValue and NSNumber are used in those data structures.

Tool management

Each component is also linked to a tool category that belongs to a user specific tree structure, which serves to find the tools according to their technical criteria without indicating the number.


The original natural deduction system (due to Gerhard Gentzen), which uses an extra stack, is an example of a system that cannot be implemented with Metamath.

Oracle Streams

It provides tools to capture, process ('stage') and manage database events via Advanced Queuing queues.

Pattern Oriented Rule Implementation

The Pattern Oriented Rule Implementation (PORI) table is a data structure invented by Amdocs for representation of algorithms for determining a price or set of prices in a financial transaction.

see also


AGML 2.0 data structure can store data, both gel and mass spectrometry, and experimental methods through the use of MI2DG.

Algorithmic efficiency

Associative array—a data structure that can be made more efficient using Patricia trees or Judy arrays


A continuation reifies the program control state, i.e. the continuation is a data structure that represents the computational process at a given point in the process' execution; the created data structure can be accessed by the programming language, instead of being hidden in the runtime environment.


Difference list, in computer science, a data structure for representing lists with efficient append operations

Dynamic set

Dynaset- A data structure frequently used in relational database access


File Control Blocks, a data structure in CP/M and DOS operating systems

Franklin H. Westervelt

CONCOMP also developed the IBM 7772 based Audio Response Unit (ARU) as an I/O device for use with MTS, the MAD/I compiler, mini-computer based graphics terminals, and the Set-Theoretic Data Structure model that was later used in ILIR:MICRO.

Free List

Free list, a data structure used in dynamic memory allocation


Job File Table, a data structure in DOS compatible operating systems

Leonidas J. Guibas

The research contributions he is known for include finger trees, red-black trees, fractional cascading, the Guibas–Stolfi algorithm for Delaunay triangulation, an optimal data structure for point location, the quad-edge data structure for representing planar subdivisions, Metropolis light transport, and kinetic data structures for keeping track of objects in motion.

Loup Verlet

In a famous 1967 paper he used what is now known as Verlet integration (a method for the numerical integration of equations of motion) and the Verlet list (a data structure that keeps track of each molecule's immediate neighbors in order to speed computer calculations of molecule to molecule interactions).

Population count

Hamming weight, the number of non-zero entries ('1' bits) in a byte, string, word, array or other similar data structure

Potential method

A dynamic array is a data structure for maintaining an array of items, allowing both random access to positions within the array and the ability to increase the array size by one.

Push–relabel maximum flow algorithm

The general algorithm has O(V^2 E) time complexity, while the implementation with FIFO vertex selection rule has O(V^3) running time, the highest active vertex selection rule provides O(V^2\sqrt{E}) complexity, and the implementation with Sleator's and Tarjan's dynamic tree data structure runs in O(V E \log(V^2/E)) time.


System Service Dispatch Table, an internal data structure within Microsoft Windows


Verlet list, a data structure useful in computer simulations of systems of particles

Verlet list

A Verlet list (named after Loup Verlet) is a data structure in molecular dynamics simulations to efficiently maintain a list of all particles within a given cut-off distance of each other.