
unusual facts about Deutsche Luft-Reederei


After the war, several J.IIs served the first sustained daily passenger aeroplane service in the world, between Berlin and Weimar, flown by Deutsche Luft-Reederei.

German submarine Bremen

Bremen was built together with her sister ship Deutschland in 1916 by the Deutsche Ozean-Reederei, a private shipping company created for the enterprise, a subsidiary company of the North German Lloyd shipping company (now Hapag-Lloyd) and the Deutsche Bank.

Nordsee case

Nordsee Deutsche Hochseefischerei GmbH v Reederei Mond Hochseefischerei Nordstern AG & Co KG is a case referred to the European Court of Justice (ECJ) by a German arbitrator by virtue of Article 267 TFEU(ex Article 234 of the TEC).

see also