
2 unusual facts about Devastation


The Devastations, a musical group from Melbourne, Australia and based out of Berlin, Germany

The Transformers: Devastation, a six-issue comic book miniseries, published by IDW Publishing, based on the Transformers

1618 in music

Beginning of the Thirty Years' War (1618–1648), which will disrupt German musical establishments, and will affect the nature of the music composed by those who endured the widespread devastation, famine, and disease of this period.

1942–43 Serie C

After the war, the devastation left by the battles on the Gothic Line made travels from one side of the Apennines to the other very difficult.

1985 Handsworth riots

Filmmaker and artist Pogus Caesar extensively photographed the second Handsworth riot, it was also witnessed by Bronx graffiti artists Brim and Goldie, who documented the devastation in the Channel 4 documentary Bombing.

1996 Summer Paralympics

The phoenix has long been the symbol of Atlanta’s rebirth after its devastation in the American Civil War.

AC-130: Operation Devastation

Allgame gave AC-130 Operation Devastation an average rating, giving it a score of two and a half out of five.

Aftermath: The Remnants of War

The program features interviews with individuals involved with the reparation of the residual devastation - people who destroy unexploded munitions at Verdun and in Sarajevo, recover and identify skeletons of battlefield casualties at Stalingrad, and help victims of Agent Orange in the Aluoi Valley, Vietnam.

Australia–Nauru relations

In 1989, Nauru appealed against Australia to the International Court of Justice, due to the environmental devastation inflicted by phosphate mining during the colonial period.

Bayou Classic

Following the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, organizers moved the 2005 event from the Superdome to Reliant Stadium in Houston, Texas, where many of New Orleans' evacuees were living.

Bill DeSmedt

In his debut novel, Singularity (2004), Bill deploys a lifelong layman's fascination with quantum physics and cosmology in the service of bringing believability to the long-disparaged hypothesis that the devastation of the Tunguska basin in 1908 was caused by a submicroscopic, primordial black hole.

BlazeSports America

It has long been the symbol of Atlanta’s rebirth after its devastation in the American Civil War.

Bonifacio, Corse-du-Sud

The Lombards having taken it again in 725, Charlemagne (Defender of the Faith) cleared them out by 774 and handed the island over to the Papacy, which had been the most powerful complainant of the island's devastation by Germanics.

Casimir Delavigne

Inspired by the Battle of Waterloo in 1815, he wrote two impassioned poems, the first entitled Waterloo, the second, Devastation du muse, both written in the heat of patriotic enthusiasm, and teeming with popular political allusions.

Dallington, New Zealand

But the February 2011 Christchurch earthquake (6.3 magnitude) caused far worse devastation to the city than the September 2010 earthquake.

David Magson

As a resident of Indonesia for 17 years and more recently of Bali, David witnessed the devastation and social upheaval which effected the people of Bali after the bombing and so he readily accepted the role of chairman of YKIP (Yayasan Kemanusiaan Ibu Pertiwi) or the Humanitarian Foundation for Mother Earth which was established to help the needy in Bali through health and education programs.

Dinerral Shavers

He appeared in the Spike Lee film When the Levees Broke discussing the devastation of his family home in the Lower 9th Ward.

Elizabeth Warden

Liz usually gets nervous and repeatedly spills and drops things in Hyacinth's home throughout the series, especially Hyacinth's Royal Doulton cups with the hand-painted periwinkles, much to the devastation of her friend.

Eyrbyggja saga

Thorolf is reincarnated as a Draugr and a frightening marauder who leaves his tomb to cause devastation around Þórsnes.

French period

In the Confederation itself, there were already riots against the French rule, and after the devastation of the French army during the French invasion of Russia, the commander of the Prussian Corps, Yorck, signed a ceasefire with Russia.

Fritz Todt

In the dystopian parallel universe classic The Man in the High Castle by Philip K Dick Todt is remembered as the man who rebuilt America after the devastation following Nazi victory in World War II.

Isabel Godin des Odonais

The route across the Andes mountains and Amazon Basin was an arduous one, made worse by the recent devastation by smallpox of the mission station at Canelos (in the present-day Pastaza Province), depriving the party of valuable support nine days into their journey.

James Talia

He joined Nine News in 1998 and since then has reported extensively on Australian federal politics as well as numerous world events including the capture of Saddam Hussein, the 2004 tsunami devastation in Aceh and the London bombings.

Jim Merkel

After witnessing the devastation following the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill, however, he concluded that global problems had become so urgent as to require immediate action.

John, Duke of Ścinawa

In 1328, John supported the inhabitants of Brzeg-Legnica in the fight against Bolesław III the Generous and Henry VI the Good; however, this war caused significant areas of devastation outside Lower Silesia.

Juan Emilio Viguié

Viguié's international fame continued to grow, with his documentaries about Charles Lindbergh's 1928 visit to Puerto Rico, and the devastation caused that same year by "Hurricane San Felipe Segundo" (known in the U.S. as "Okeechobee Hurricane").

Judge Shenker

But Shenker's people (outside of one cadet) conspicuously failed to foresee the calamitous Second Robot War which wreaked massive devastation across the city and almost resulted in the end of the Judges' rule.

July 2006 in the Middle East

The UN's Jan Egeland has condemned the devastation caused by Israeli air strikes in Beirut, saying it is a violation of humanitarian law.

Long Beach, North Carolina

Located on Oak Island, it is well known for the total devastation it sustained during Hurricane Hazel in 1954; only five of the 357 buildings survived the storm.


The 2008 Number of the Beast Wildstorm limited series described the devastation of Earth, and set the scene for a new Authority ongoing series, by Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning, part of the World's End storyline.

Muhammad-Shah ibn Bahram-Shah

Their devastation of the province had made the city of Bardasir virtually uninhabitable, so Muhammad-Shah made Bam his capital.

Nigel Cornwall

Cornwall was the first Bishop to hold this post: following the devastation of World War II, the Diocese of Labuan and the Bishopric of Sarawak was joined together as the Diocese of Borneo.

Phi Kappa National Fraternity

The devastation wrought by Hurricane Katrina in 2005 was concentrated on the Mississippi Gulf Coast (where all but one of the remaining Phi Kappa chapters were located).


According to wine critic and author Kerin O'Keefe, thanks to tiny parcels of vineyards throughout Europe which were inexplicably unscathed, it is still possible to get a taste of wines as they were before the phylloxera devastation.

Regina Cyclone

American stage actress Henrietta Crosman, who also later went on to Hollywood, was also in Regina at the time of the disaster and toured the devastation with members of her troupe.

Robert Daniel Conlon

In 2005, the bishop led a group of volunteers to assist the victims of Hurricane Katrina, after hearing Archbishop Alfred Hughes speak about the devastation that Katrina caused in his Archdiocese of New Orleans.

Rocky Mountain locust

A fictionalized description of the devastation created by Rocky Mountain locusts in the 1870s can be found in the novel On the Banks of Plum Creek by Laura Ingalls Wilder, though the description is based on actual incidents that happened to her family in western Minnesota during the summers of 1874 and 1875.

Sam Talbot

Following the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy, Talbot worked with Beastie Boy Mike D to run a food truck delivering over 20,000 meals to people affected by the storm's devastation.

Samuel P. Heintzelman

Heintzelman was in overall command of the 2nd Michigan Infantry regiment that was responsible for the raid, ransacking, and devastation of the Pohick Church in Lorton, Virginia, on November 12, 1861.


This belief originated in the breakup of the Kurchal Empire and the devastation of the city by the blood plague.

Tang Xiyang

Chinese media reports pointed to the slash-and-burn agriculture of the local people as the cause of the devastation of the Snub-nosed monkey habitat, but did not mention the much more important role of the Deqin County timber company.

Tiger attacks in the Sundarbans

This is particularly due to the devastation on the Bangladeshi side of the swamp caused by Cyclone Sidr which has deprived tigers of traditional food sources (due to the natural upheaval) and has pushed them over towards the more populated Indian side of the swamp.

Timothy L. Woodruff

In the process Woodruff became the only Lieutenant Governor in New York history to serve under three different Governors — Frank S. Black, Theodore Roosevelt, and Benjamin Barker Odell, Jr. As Lieutenant Governor, Woodruff took a leadership role in the Association for the Protection of the Adirondacks, helping to protect the forests there from the devastation of clear cutting and large scale damming projects.

Whitney Fitzsimmons

Previously Fitzsimmons was a news presenter for Australia Network and anchored major world events such as the 7 July 2005 London bombings, the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, the Palestinian elections and the end of Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon's political career.

see also