
unusual facts about Director of Public Prosecutions

Crown Prosecution Service

The CPS is headed by the Director of Public Prosecutions (currently Alison Saunders CB) who answers to the Attorney General for England and Wales (currently Dominic Grieve, QC, MP).

Debbie Purdy

Debbie Purdy and her counsel David Pannick QC argued that the Director of Public Prosecutions (Ken Macdonald QC) is infringing on her human rights by failing to clarify how the Suicide Act 1961 is enforced.

Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974

In England and Wales prosecution under the Act could originally only be brought by an inspector or with the permission of the Director of Public Prosecutions but the Environment Agency was also authorised on 1 April 1996 (section 38).


No prosecution may be instituted, except by or with the consent of the Director of Public Prosecutions, for an offence of kidnapping if it was committed against a child under the age of sixteen and by a person connected with the child, within the meaning of section 1 of the Child Abduction Act 1984.

Lloyd Babb

Lloyd Babb SC (born 1966) is the current Director of Public Prosecutions in NSW.

Nora Wall

The Court of Criminal Appeal found that a miscarriage of justice had occurred, and that there had been a serious breakdown in communications between the offices of the Director of Public Prosecutions, the Chief State Solicitor, the Garda Síochána (police) and prosecuting counsel.

Rakuita Vakalalabure

After returning to Fiji, he served as a state prosecutor for four years under the then-Director of Public Prosecutions, Nazhat Shameem and three years as Legal Officer and Board Secretary for the Civil Aviation Authority of Fiji.

Sexual Offences Act 1985

In 1991 the Director of Public Prosecutions and head of the Crown Prosecution Service, Sir Allan Green KCB QC, was arrested for an offence under this Act and had to resign.

see also

Frene Ginwala

President Thabo Mbeki appointed Ginwala on 30 September 2007 to conduct the enquiry into National Director of Public Prosecutions Vusi Pikoli's fitness to hold office.

Judicial deference

In Regina v. Director of Public Prosecutions Ex Parte Kebeline and Others 1999, Lord Hope explained that courts should "defer, on democratic grounds, to the considered opinion of the elected body as to where the balance is to be struck between the rights of the individual and the needs of society."

Kenneth MacDonald

Ken Macdonald, Baron Macdonald of River Glaven, QC (born 1953), former Director of Public Prosecutions of England and Wales, Warden of Wadham College, Oxford

Norman Skelhorn

Home Secretary Merlyn Rees appointed Sir Thomas Hetherington Director of Public Prosecutions on the retirement of Sir Norman, with a brief to reduce delays in the criminal legal system.

Public Prosecution Service of Canada

The Public Prosecution Service of Canada, formerly Federal Prosecution Service, was established on December 12, 2006 by the Director of Public Prosecutions Act and the Federal Accountability Act.

Rex Wild

One of his most prominent trials occurred in late 2005 when Wild led the prosecution of Bradley John Murdoch for the murder of Peter Falconio; he said that this would be his final case as Director of Public Prosecutions, a pledge he fulfilled by retiring.