Some individual characteristics of the tube sound, such as the waveshaping on overdrive, are straightforward to produce in a transistor circuit or digital filter.
Social Distortion | Chemical synthesis | synthesis | Distortion (music) | Cambridge Low Frequency Synthesis Telescope | Distortion | distortion | chemical synthesis | Williamson ether synthesis | wave field synthesis | Wöhler synthesis | Wave field synthesis | Synthesis Toolkit | Synthesis | Speech Synthesis Markup Language | Speech synthesis | Perspective projection distortion | Neon Synthesis | National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis | National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis | MXR Distortion + | Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope | Modern evolutionary synthesis | modern evolutionary synthesis | Microwave Imaging Radiometer with Aperture Synthesis | Meyers synthesis | Market distortion | market distortion | Hantzsch pyrrole synthesis | Hantzsch pyridine synthesis |
In electronic music waveshaping is a type of distortion synthesis in which complex spectra are produced from simple tones by altering the shape of the waveforms.