Just as Van Gogh used color to express emotion, he used distortion of perspective as a means of artistic expression and a vehicle to "modernize" his work.
The artist Giotto may have been the first to recognize that the image beheld by the eye is distorted: to the eye, parallel lines appear to intersect, (like the distant edges of a path or road) whereas in "undistorted" nature, they do not.
Social Distortion | orthographic projection | projection | Mercator projection | Distortion (music) | Space-oblique Mercator projection | Psychological projection | Isometric projection | Distortion | distortion | Astral Projection | Projection screen | New Perspective on Paul | Map projection | map projection | Lambert conformal conic projection | Goode homolosine projection | astral projection | Time projection chamber | The Suffering of God: An Old Testament Perspective | Robinson projection | Projection-valued measure | Projection booth | power projection | Perspective projection distortion | MXR Distortion + | Miller cylindrical projection | Market distortion | market distortion | isometric projection |