
3 unusual facts about Dowry


Gioachino Rossini's opera La Cenerentola makes this economic basis explicit: Don Magnifico wishes to make his own daughters' dowry larger, to attract a grander match, which is impossible if he must provide a third dowry.

An example is found in the marriage of Virginia settler John Rolfe to Pocahontas, who brought a dowry to the marriage that included a large amount of land.

Feminists in South Asia, such as India's Madhu Kishwar – editor of the Delhi-based feminist magazine Manushi – point out that inheritance laws in India discriminate against women, with inheritances being left only to sons.

Adam Lux

His wife's dowry made it possible for him to buy an estate in Kostheim, where he followed the call of the French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau by getting back to nature, and became a farmer.

Afonso VI of Portugal

Colonial affairs saw the Dutch conquest of Jaffnapatam, Portugal's last colony in Portuguese Ceylon (1658) and the cession of Bombay and Tangier to England (23 June 1661) as dowry for Afonso's sister, Catherine of Braganza, who had married King Charles II of England.

Agustín de Iturbide

With her dowry of 100,000 pesos, the couple bought the Hacienda of Apeo in the small town of Maravatío.

Aldoino Filangieri di Candida

By his wife, Giordana, daughter of Giacomo di Tricarico of the Sanseverino clan, Aldoino received as a dowry the fiefs of Solofra and Abriola.

Anantasaayi Vishnu Temple

It is said that the queen brought this image of Narayana in dowry and the king built temple in honour of the deity.

Andrew Gray, 1st Lord Gray

He married, on 31 August 1418, Elizabeth Wemyss, the eldest daughter of Sir John Wemyss of Wemyss and Reres, with whom it was stipulated he should receive as dowry a £30 land in Strathardle, Perthshire.

Antoinette de Mérode

Thanks to her generous dowry Prince Charles III was able to finance the embellishment of Monte Carlo in order to attract wealthy tourists to the principality.

Aonghas Óg of Islay

Aonghas Óg of Islay married Áine Ó Catháin, an Irish noblewoman, whose dowry was 140 men from each surname that dwelt in her father's territory.

Báthory family

Ladislaus, Count of Szabolcs, married Anna Meggyesi and received Somlyó as dowry.

Battle of Neopatras

The two rulers concluded a treaty of alliance, by which John de la Roche's brother and heir, William, would marry John Doukas's daughter Helen and receive the fortresses of Gravia, Siderokastron, Gardiki and Lamia as her dowry.

Bouvron, Loire-Atlantique

In 1640, Nicolas Fouquet, finance's minister of Louis XIV married in his first wedding Louise Fourché de Quéhillac, who adduces him 160.000 livres as her dowry.

Catherine Petre, Baroness Petre

On 1 March 1712, the much sought after bride married Robert Petre, 7th Baron Petre, bringing him a large dowry of £50,000.

Centule V, Viscount of Béarn

Centule married his eldest son to Talesa, a natural daughter of Sancho V of Navarre, and Gaston received the neighbouring viscounty of Montaner as a dowry, thus uniting it to the dominion of Béarn.

Coat of arms of Orkney

The island was pawned as dowry security in 1468, to the kingdom of Scotland, where members of the Sinclar family held the Earldom of Orkney for almost a century in the Late Middle Ages in fealty to the monarchs of Norway.

Dorothea of Brandenburg, Duchess of Mecklenburg

She received as dowry Dömitz and Gorlosen, which her sister Margaret had also received when she married into the House of Mecklenburg.

Eleanor of Woodstock

As she sailed from Sandwich, her wedding trousseau included a wedding gown of Spanish cloth, caps, gloves, shoes, a bed, rare spices and loaves of sugar.

Emmanuel-Félicité de Durfort de Duras

In 1761 he sold part of her dowry, including the county of Combourg to the father of Chateaubriand.

Ezzo, Count Palatine of Lotharingia

Matilda received as dowry out of Ottonian possessions lands in Thuringia and Franconia (the East Frankish territories of Coburg, Salz and Orlamünde), while her husband gave her as dowry the family estate of Brauweiler.

Francesco Farnese, Duke of Parma

Married to Dorothea Sophia of the Palatinate, his brother Odoardo's widow, to avoid the return of her dowry, Francesco curtailed court expenditure, enormous under his father and predecessor, Ranuccio II, while preventing the occupation of his Duchy of Parma, nominally a Papal fief, during the War of the Spanish Succession.

Garendon Abbey

The house was owned by the Earls of Rutland until 1632, when it was given as part of a dowry for the marriage of Lady Katherine Manners (daughter of the 6th Earl of Rutland) and George Villiers, 1st Duke of Buckingham.

Gautam Rajputs

She was rescued by two Bais adventurers.They were given 1,440 villages as dowry by the Gautam Raja.

Georgia–Persia relations

Georgian “Dowry Books” very often refer to clothes make from fabrics manufactured in Iran, such as daraia of Yazd, wool of Kerman, daraya of Gilan, wool of Rizaiyh, sheidish of Yezd, and of Khar.

Ghislaine Dommanget

She divorced her second husband, actor André Brulé, and married the reigning Prince of Monaco, Louis II on 24 July 1946 — the first bride to the member of the Grimaldi family without a dowry.

History of Orkney

When the islands were given as security for the princess's dowry, there seems reason to believe that it was intended to redeem the pledge, because it was then stipulated that the Norse system of government and the law of Saint Olaf should continue to be observed in Orkney and Shetland.

Hüma Şah Sultan

After legally marrying her, Ibrahim gave her the treasury of Egypt as dowry and ordered the palace of Ibrahim Pasha to be carpeted in sable furs and given to her.

Italian Egyptians

The last Queen of ancient Egypt (Cleopatra) married the Roman Mark Antony bringing her country as "dowry", and since then Egypt was part of the Roman Empire for seven centuries.

Italian War of 1499–1504

If the King Louis XII were to die without producing a male heir, Charles of the House of Habsburg would receive as dowry the Duchy of Milan, Genoa and its dependencies, the Duchy of Brittany, the counties of Asti and Blois, the Duchy of Burgundy, the Viceroyalty of Auxonne, Auxerrois, Mâconnais and Bar-sur-Seine.

Kelabit people

Domesticated buffalo are valued highly, seven of which are traditionally required for the dowry for an upper class bride.

Lihtenberk Castle

At the end of the 15th century, the castle was received as dowry by Boltežar the noble Wagen, imperial administrator of the castles of Hošperk by Planina and Šteberk in Cerknica, as well as lord of Kostel Castle near the river Kolpa.

Mahmoud Kharabsheh

Two of those were related to women's rights: Article 340 called for the same reduction of punishment for women as perpetrator in honour killings, and the Khuloe law gave women the right to file for divorce without giving a reason in return for her wedding dowry.

Male privilege

Other reasons include patrilineal customs whereby only sons can carry on the family name, the obligation to pay dowry to a daughter's husband or his family, and the expectation that sons will support their birth parents financially while it is regarded as undesirable or shameful to receive financial support from daughters.

Margaret of Bar

Margaret brought Henry Ligny-en-Barrois as her dowry, however, by a clause in the marriage contract, it remained under the feudal suzerainty of the county of Bar.

Margaret of Sicily

The marriage took place in June 1255, the bride receiving Pleissnerland (the towns of Altenburg, Zwickau, Chemnitz and Leisnig) as her dowry.

Maud of Normandy

After her death in 1006, Odo started a quarrel with his brother-in-law, Richard II of Normandy, over the dowry: part of the town Dreux.

Mumbai City district

Following the continued support of England in the Anglo-Portuguese Alliance, stemming from the Anglo-Portuguese Treaty of 1373 and on the accession of a Catholic monarch in 1660, in 1661 the island of Bombay was given to the British as part of a Royal Dowry, on the occasion of the marriage of King Charles II of England with the Portuguese Princess Infanta Catherine of Braganza.

Njáls saga

The 1964 book The Burning of Njal by Henry Treece re-tells the saga from the recovery of Hrútr's dowry to Kári's final reconciliation with Flosi.

Piccolo grande amore

Fortunately, he's got a very pretty daughter, Princess Sofia (Barbara Snellenburg) and the dowry he will get from marrying her off to the unappealing, but wealthy heir to a similar nearby principality will more than get his tiny country in the clear.

Pons de Capduelh

Before 1196, Pontius married a woman named Jarentone who brought him the castle of Vertaizon, a fief of the bishop of Clermont, as a dowry.

Prince Louis, Duke of Nemours

The occasion of his marriage in 1840 with Victoria was marked by a check to Louis-Philippe's government in the form of a refusal to bestow the marriage dowry proposed by Adolphe Thiers in the Chamber of Deputies.

Santa Catalina Monastery

The dowry expected of a woman who wished to enter as a choir nun--indicated by wearing a black veil—and who thereby accepted the duty of the daily recitation of the Divine Office, was 2,400 silver coins, equivalent to about $150,000 (U.S.) today.

Seven Islands of Bombay

The Seven Islands were the site of a Portuguese trading post that was made over to England under this title as part of the dowry of Catherine of Braganza, married to Charles II in 1661.

Sudanese goat marriage incident

The perpetrator was thus ordered to "marry" the goat, pay the cost of the goat and pay a dowry of 15,000 dinar (equating to US$50 in 2006, the GDP per capita was US$1,522 for 2008), with half of the dowry up front.

Susan May Williams

In an attempt to match the railroad heiress's dowry, the groom's maternal grandfather, William Patterson — one of the wealthiest men in Maryland — gave the couple Montrose Mansion as a wedding gift.

Terrace garden

At Villa of Livia, probably part of Livia Drusilla's dowry brought to the Julio-Claudian dynasty, rooms in the cryptoporticus beneath terracing were frescoed with trees in bloom and fruit.

West Ravendale Priory

Owing to wars with France it was taken into the possession of the English Crown, and was part of the dowry of Joan of Navarre, wife of Henry IV.

Woh Ghar

The story is set in rural Karnataka background and shows a bunch of children playing enacting adult life through a game, innocently depicting social dogmas of the prevailing era, such as child marriage, dowry and superstitions.

see also