
unusual facts about Duchy of Nassau

Duchy of Nassau

Under pressure from Napoleon I both counties merged to form the Duchy of Nassau on 30 August 1806, under the joint rule of Frederick Augustus, and his younger cousin Frederick William.

Green’s Balloon at Newcastle

At the time there were a family of Balloonists from London, Charles Green, who flew from London to Weilburg, Duchy of Nassau (Germany) in 1836 and by the time he retired in 1852, he had flown in a balloon more than 500 times.

House of Nassau

The sovereigns of this house afterwards governed the Duchy of Nassau until 1866 and from 1890 the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

In 1816, Nassau-Usingen merged with Nassau-Weilburg to form the Duchy of Nassau.

Joseph Adamy

After the death of Jacob Preuss in December 1826, Adamy was elected as a representative of the group of landowners in the electoral district of Dillenburg in the Second Chamber of the Estates of the Duchy of Nassau.

Joseph Christian Freiherr von Zedlitz

He was sent as representative of the Austrian imperial court to the principalities of Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach, Nassau, Braunschweig, Oldenburg and Reuss.

Karl Wilhelm Diefenbach

Karl Wilhelm Diefenbach (February 21, 1851, Hadamar, Duchy of Nassau – December 15, 1913, Capri) was a German painter and social reformer.

Principality of Nassau-Orange-Fulda

By the German Mediatisation, the Lordship of Weingarten was incorporated into the Kingdom of Württemberg and the Nassau core territories into the Grand Duchy of Berg and the Duchy of Nassau.

Theodor Langhans

Theodor Langhans (September 28, 1839 – October 22, 1915) was a German pathologist who was a native of Usingen, Duchy of Nassau.

see also

House of Nassau

1816: Wilhelm, Prince of Nassau-Weilburg and Duke of Nassau — Nassau-Weilburg merged into Duchy of Nassau