
unusual facts about Early centers of Christianity

Ante-Nicene Period

A bishop from Caesarea named Firmilian sided with Cyprian in his dispute, seething against Stephen's "insulting arrogance" and claims of authority based on the See of Peter.

Claudius' expulsion of Jews from Rome

Louis Feldman states that most scholars assume that the disturbances were due to the spread of Christianity in Rome.

Fifty Bibles of Constantine

Caspar René Gregory believed that Vaticanus and Sinaiticus were written in Caesarea, and they could belong to the Eusebian fifty.

Patriarch of Alexandria

The position at first was an episcopate, revered as one of the three oldest episcopates (with Rome and Antioch) several centuries before Jerusalem or Constantinople attained that status in 381 or 451; the five were subsequently known as the Pentarchy.

Patriarchate of Aquileia

The Patriarchate of Aquileia was an early center of Christianity, an historical state and Catholic episcopal see, and today a Catholic titular see in northeastern Italy, centred on the ancient city of Aquileia situated at the head of the Adriatic, on what is now the Italian seacoast, at the confluence of the Anse and the Torre.

see also