
unusual facts about Claudius' expulsion of Jews from Rome

Claudius' expulsion of Jews from Rome

Louis Feldman states that most scholars assume that the disturbances were due to the spread of Christianity in Rome.

Avalon Series

Quintillus - Brother of the Emperor Claudius II, Constantius's great uncle


Ridden by Claudius Lalanne, as a three-year-old Banassa won the Prix Cleopatre and was second in the French Classic, the Prix de Diane.

Carminia Ammia

She was the second wife of Marcus Ulpius Carminius Claudius the elder, a priest of the goddess Aphrodite in Attouda, Caria, in Asia Minor.


The healing properties of sulfur springs that flow into Carratraca caught the attention of the Romans, who left copper and silver coins and statues of Tiberius, Claudius and Caesar at the site known as "La Glorieta", and a late Roman necropolis in Los Maderos near the stream of las Cañas.

Čitluk, Sinj

In 42, the colony of Aequum was founded by Emperor Claudius, perhaps sparked by an attempted revolt of the governor of Dalmatia, Lucius Arruntius Camillus Scribonianus.

Claudius Lysias

The "barracks" referenced in the book of Acts (21.34, 37; 22.24; 23.10, 16, 32), in connection to Claudius Lysias and his cohort are references to the Tower of Antonia, which Herod the Great rebuilt from a previous structure and named it after Marc Antony.

Claudius of Turin

Claudius was a heretic in the view of Dungal and Jonas of Orléans, who later wrote to refute some of his teachings at the request of the emperor.

This belief may have its origins in the accusations of Jonas of Orléans, who claimed Claudius was a disciple of Felix of Urgel.

Claudius, Duke of Lusitania

In 589, when the Frankish king Guntram sent an army under the general Boso into Septimania in support of a rebellion by the Arian archbishop Athaloc, Claudius was sent by King Reccared to defeat it.

In 587, after a count named Witteric had exposed the plot of Sunna, the Arian bishop of Mérida, to place the Visigoth Segga on the throne and probably to also kill the Catholic Méridan bishop Masona, Claudius was sent to put down the revolt.

Clement Scotus II

This Clement Scotus has been misidentified, firstly with Clement Scotus I, the opponent of St. Boniface, and secondly with Claudius, bishop of Turin, who died about 839, and was Spanish.

Dornier Rs.I

Claudius Dornier made a distinct impression with Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin while working on the still-born giant civil airship in 1913, who promptly set him up as chief designer of the Zeppelin-Werke at Lindau, responsible for building large patrol flying boats.

Flavius Claudius

Crispus (Flavius Claudius Crispus) (died 326), Caesar of the Roman Empire

François Tomb

The François Tomb also contains a fresco depicting Caelius Vibenna (whom the Romans believed the Caelian Hill was named after) and Mastarna (a legendary figure whom the Emperor Claudius identified with Servius Tullius).

Graham Seed

His roles include the adult Britannicus, son of the emperor Claudius in the BBC adaptation of Robert Graves, I, Claudius (1976), Harrop in William Boyd's Channel 4 Film Good and Bad at Games (1983) and Jorkins in the first episode "Et in Arcadia ego" of the ITV television adaptation of Brideshead Revisited (1981).


This is a Claudian structure, dating from the earliest days of the Roman occupation.


The gold coins were, one of Claudius Caesar, reverse Nero Claudius Drusus Germanicus; one of Nero and one of Vespasian.

Harry Brodribb Irving

The production, which was a popular success, was presented at the Adelphi Theatre, with Oscar Asche as Claudius, Walter Hampden as Laertes and Lily Brayton as Ophelia.

I giganti di Roma

Centurion Claudius Marcellus leads three other men, Germanicus the strong man, Varus an expert knife thrower and Castor an experienced and highly competent soldier.

John Bagford

He asserted that the elephant was probably introduced by Claudius but that the tool had been made by human workmanship.

John Callen

He has performed in and/or directed more than 100 stage plays including performances as Macbeth, Shylock, Polonius and Claudius, and has won best actor and best supporting actor for his theatre work.

Lindenhof hill

In 15 BC, Augustus' stepsons Drusus and Tiberius (later Emperor Tiberius Claudius Nero 14 to 37 AD) integrated the territory on the left side of Lake Zurich into the Roman provinces Raetia and Germania Superior.

Lucius Junius Silanus Torquatus

He committed suicide on New Year's Day, 49, the same day that Claudius and Agrippina married.

Luco dei Marsi

The town was probably founded by the Roman Emperor Claudius to house workers in the drying of the Lacus Fucinus (Lake Fucino).


Valeria Messalina (c. 17/20 – 48), a Roman empress, the third wife of the Emperor Claudius


Gibbon, Edward, The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire, "Chapter XI: Reign Of Claudius, Defeat Of The Goths. -- Part III."


The relationship between Miraz and his brother's son, Prince Caspian, resembles that of Claudius and Hamlet in Shakespeare's play Hamlet.

Ottone in villa

Emperor Claudius became another Roman emperor, Otho (Ottone), who had already appeared as a protagonist in Monteverdi's L'incoronazione di Poppea (1642) and in Handel's Agrippina (1709).

Pannonia Prima

Its capital was Savaria (modern Szombathely), a city built during the reign of Claudius.

Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 281

It was found with 283, 294, and a number of other documents dated in the reigns of Tiberius, Gaius, and Claudius, and belongs to the same period.

Primer of Claude of France

Its 14 pages include contain the text of the Book of Hours shortened and simplified as an elementary reading book or primer, along with 2 two full-page miniature paintings (the first showing Claude kneeling before her patron saint Claudius of Besançon, with saint Anne and the Virgin Mary in the right background, and the second showing St Claudius presenting Claude to Saint Anne and the Virgin Mary) and 37 smaller miniatures.

Rajko Rep

Rep started his career at Mons Claudius from Rogatec and was then transferred to Celje youth sides, where he signed his first professional contract.

River Dee, Aberdeenshire

The name is attested as early as the second century AD in the work of the Alexandrian geographer Claudius Ptolemy, as Δηοῦα (=Deva), meaning 'Goddess', indicating a divine status for the river in the beliefs of the ancient inhabitants of the area.

Rockabye Hamlet

D'Angelo reprised her role of Ophelia, and the rest of the cast included Larry Marshall as Hamlet, Alan Weeks as Claudius, Leata Galloway as Gertrude, Kim Milford as Laertes, Rory Dodd as Horatio, Meat Loaf as the Priest, and Christopher Chadman and Winston DeWitt Hemsley as Rosencrantz and Guildenstern.

Roman Norfolk

Roman Norfolk began after the first contact by Julius Caesar in his expeditions of 55 and 54 BC and the eventual invasion of England by Emperor Claudius in 43 AD.

They initially were not part of the territory under direct Roman control having voluntarily allied themselves to Rome after Claudius' conquest in AD 43.

Salah Jahin

In one interview, he said that with the death of Nasser in 1970 and the sudden shift in political orientation he felt increasingly like Hamlet, with Sadat embodying the treacherous Claudius.


Following Reccared's conversion from Arianism to Catholicism, a conspiracy, led by Sunna, the Arian bishop of Mérida, arose to place the Arian Segga on the throne and probably also to kill the Catholic Méridan bishop, Masona, and the duke of the province of Lusitania, Claudius.

Slavery in ancient Rome

Some rose to positions of great influence, such as Narcissus, a former slave of the Emperor Claudius.

Temple of Hadrian

This arch has been identified as the one called the "arch of Antoninus" in later sources, but has also been called the "arch of Claudius" and the "arch of the Tosetti", from the name of the family that inhabited Piazza Sciarra (now disappeared due to road-widening of the Via del Corso).


The early 20th-century Humanist astrologer Dane Rudhyar reported that the astrology of his era "originated almost entirely in the work of the Alexandrian astrologer, Claudius Ptolemy".

The City of the Saved

Historical characters whose afterlives have been explored include the Pharaoh Akhenaten, Socrates, the Emperor Claudius, Jesus of Nazareth, Vlad the Impaler, Richard III, William Shakespeare, Adolf Hitler, Philip K Dick and Kurt Cobain.

Tiberius Claudius

Tiberius Claudius Narcissus, one of the freedmen who formed the core of the imperial court under the Roman emperor Claudius

Tiberius Claudius Narcissus

He greets Claudius in Hades and runs ahead of him through the gates of the underworld.

Wilpattu National Park

Kudrimalai, or Horse Point, was visited by a subject of Emperor Claudius in 47 AD, who was blown off course by the monsoon.

see also