
18 unusual facts about Edmund Burke


REP’s slogan, "Conservation is Conservative," is based on the traditional conservative philosophy of writers and thinkers such as British statesman Edmund Burke, President Theodore Roosevelt, and authors Russell Kirk, author of "The Conservative Mind: From Burke to Eliot," and Richard Weaver, author of "Ideas Have Consequences."

Dave Kane

One of Kane's oft-spoken phrases is the well known quote, often attributed to Irish philosopher Edmund Burke, "All that is necessary for evil to exist is for good people to do nothing."

Earl of Beaconsfield

His choice of title might have been partly influenced by the fact that in 1794 the conservative political philosopher and parliamentarian Edmund Burke, whom Disraeli admired, had turned down King George III's offer to raise him to the peerage as Lord Beaconsfield.

F. P. Lock

Frederick Peter Locke (born 1948) is Professor of English at Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada and a biographer of Edmund Burke.

George Barret, Sr.

His patrons included Edmund Burke, with whom he had become friends while the latter attended Trinity College, Dublin.

Gopal Krishna Gokhale

Gokhale’s education tremendously influenced the course of his future career – in addition to learning English, he was exposed to western political thought and became a great admirer of theorists such as John Stuart Mill and Edmund Burke.

Leadership Institute

While the Institute does not provide instruction in philosophical conservatism, it does encourage its graduates to read classic conservative authors like Edmund Burke and "classical liberal" authors like Frederic Bastiat, as well as more modern conservative thinkers including William F. Buckley Jr., Russell Kirk, Barry Goldwater, and libertarian thinkers such as economists Milton Friedman and F. A. Hayek.

Levi Todd

Among his possessions included silver, fine china and leather-bound books; his personal library also contained rare works by Mary Wollstonecraft, Edmund Burke and William Blackstone.

Narragansett Pacer

In 1768, George Washington owned and raced a Narragansett Pacer, while in 1772, Edmund Burke asked an American friend for a pair.

Paul Vitz

The thesis of Faith of the Fatherless holds that famous believers—e.g., Blaise Pascal, Edmund Burke, Friedrich Schleiermacher, Karl Barth, and Dietrich Bonhoeffer—had strong and loving fathers, whereas their atheistic counterparts—e.g., Thomas Hobbes, Voltaire, Sigmund Freud, Mao Zedong, and Adolf Hitler—all had fathers who were weak, unloving, or absent.

Political Justice

Godwin began thinking about Political Justice in 1791, after the publication of Thomas Paine's Rights of Man in response to Edmund Burke's Reflections on the Revolution in France (1790).

Robert Stacy McCain

He also calls himself "profoundly skeptical of radical notions of moral and political progress" in social issues, citing Edmund Burke as an influence.

Sentimental novel

Eighteenth-century aesthetic theory, following Edmund Burke, held that the sublime and the beautiful were juxtaposed.

Sir John Bourke of Brittas

He is the grandfather of John Bourke, Mayor of Limerick, who was the great-grandfather of Edmund Burke.

Sir John Sebright, 6th Baronet

He was a close friend of the Irish statesman and writer Edmund Burke.

Surendranath Banerjee

During his stay in England (1874–1875), he studied the works of Edmund Burke and other liberal philosophers.

Thomas H. D. Mahoney

Mahoney wrote and edited several books, including The United States in World History (co-written with J. B. Rae) and a number of works on the life and thought of philosopher and statesman Edmund Burke.

Walmer Road Baptist Church

The Walmer Road Baptist Church, commands a solid appearance, and was designed and built in 1889-1892 in the Gothic Revival style by the architectural firm of Henry Langley and Edmund Burke.

1794 Treason Trials

Much of the vigorous political debate in the 1790s in Britain was sparked by the publication of Edmund Burke's Reflections on the Revolution in France (1790).

Boston Port Act

But the Whig opposition soon collected itself, and the bill was fought in its various stages by Edmund Burke, Isaac Barré, Thomas Pownall and others.

Bruce Frohnen

He considers himself a “pluralist” in the tradition of Alexis de Tocqueville, Edmund Burke, Robert Nisbet, Bertrand de Juvenal, Russell Kirk, Alasdair MacIntyre, and others often labeled conservative but most concerned with reinvigorating a diversity of local associations as necessary for human flourishing and the taming of political power.

Christian Garve

Edmund Burke, Über den Ursprung unserer Begriffe vom Erhabenen und Schönen A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful, Riga, 1773

Edmund Burke Foundation

Named after the 18th century conservative philosopher Edmund Burke, the Edmund Burke Foundation was founded in 2000 by a group of young conservatives, including professor Andreas Kinneging and journalist Bart Jan Spruyt, unsatisfied with the consensus of Dutch politics, the level of public debate and what they believe is the dangerous drift of philosophy and culture in the Netherlands.


Cradock moved in the literary society of Goldsmith, Johnson, and Burke, and built a theatre at Gumley which was used for amateur productions and by Garrick.


Mrs Delaney, wife of Patrick Delaney, Rector of Irvinestown in the 18th century and later Bishop of Down, was a key figure on the London literary scene prior to her marriage, mixing with Alexander Pope, Edmund Burke, Hugh Walpole and Jonathan Swift.

Jaap Marais

In his writings and speeches, Marais often referred to Richard Weaver, C.J. Langenhoven, Tobie Muller, James Burnham, Alexis de Tocqueville, Edmund Burke, C.K. Chesterton, Alain de Benoist, Oswald Spengler, Arnold Toynbee, Ludwig von Mises, F.A. von Hayek and Ortega y Gasset.

John Grubb Richardson

At the age of eleven, he boarded for three years at Ballitore, County Kildare (the same Quaker school attended by Edmund Burke) before attending another Quaker school at Frenchay, Gloucestershire.

Jonathan Rauch

In terms of political philosophy, Rauch has referred to himself as "an admirer of James Madison and Edmund Burke".

Luke Hansard

Among those whose friendship Hansard won in the exercise of his profession were Robert Orme, Burke and Dr Johnson; while Porson praised him as the most accurate printer of Greek.

Lukijan Mušicki

Edmund Burke, Johann Ludwig Schedius (1787–1847), Győrgy Alajos Szerdahelyi (1740–1808), and German poets Karl Wilhelm Ramler and Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock made a big impact on him.

Maharaja Nandakumar

They were accused by Burke (and later by Macaulay) of committing judicial murder; but Sir James Stephen, who examined the trial in detail, states that the indictment for forgery arose in the ordinary course, was not brought forward by Hastings, and that Impey conducted the trial with fairness and impartiality.

Samuel Rogers

Rogers himself kept a notebook in which he entered impressions of the conversation of many of his distinguished friends—Fox, Edmund Burke, Henry Grattan, Richard Porson, John Horne Tooke, Talleyrand, Lord Erskine, Scott, Lord Grenville and the Duke of Wellington.


However in sociology it is possible to see the "sentimental tradition" as extending into the present-day - to see, for example, 'Parsons as one of the great social philosophers in the sentimental tradition of Adam Smith, Burke, McLuhan, and Goffman...concerned with the relation between the rational and sentimental bases of social order raised by the market reorientation of motivation'.