
3 unusual facts about Electricity

Critical environment construction

In some instances a project may require sophisticated HVAC, electrical or plumbing solutions while other projects may require extreme structural or engineering solutions.

Galvanic isolation

Galvanic isolation is a principle of isolating functional sections of electrical systems to prevent current flow; no direct conduction path is permitted.

Telecommunications in Barbados

Electricity coverage throughout Barbados is good and reliable.

2012 Romanian floods

Heavy rains affected in the gross over 40 villages in Vaslui County, and in two communes, Vutcani and Alexandru Vlahuță, extreme weather left people without electricity.

Agency for Non-conventional Energy and Rural Technology

The other members of the executive committee are Secretary to Government, Finance (Expenditure) Department, Govt of Kerala, Chairman, Kerala State Electricity Board, Member Secretary, Kerala State Council for Science, Technology & Environment, two members nominated by Govt of Kerala and Director, ANERT (Member Secretary).

Aiham Alsammarae

He has been an active member of the Iraqi National List (headed by Iyad Allawi) and has fought hard for political reconciliation among Iraq's political parties as well as against the policy of de-Ba'athification, since his resignation as Minister of Electricity.


Al-Kahraba football club (Electric Club or Electricity Club) is an Iraqi football club based in Rusafa District, East Districts of the Tigris River, Baghdad.

Ali bin Abdullah Al Thani

In addition to these, Sheikh Ali also oversaw the construction of the old Doha International Airport, which will be replaced with a new one in the summer of 2013, roads, water, electricity and port facilities, the establishment of government departments and ministries, and the first joint stock companies.

Appalachian stereotypes

The Beverly Hillbillies are of course the quintessential Appalachian stereotypes, despite being Ozarkian (excepting Granny Moses from Appalachian Tennessee), who arrive in Beverly Hills never having seen a telephone or electricity before.

Atomic battery

; Thermophotovoltaic cells: Thermophotovoltaic cells work by the same principles as a photovoltaic cell, except that they convert infrared light (rather than visible light) emitted by a hot surface, into electricity.

Charles E. Freeman

In September, 1973 governor Dan Walker named Freeman to the Illinois Commerce Commission, a rate regulatory agency with power over telephone, electricity and gas companies.

Color killer

Based on information from owners of electricity appliance stores, the report estimated that 90% of those who bought color TV sets also bought the anti-mekhikon device, whose price ranged between 2,500 and 4,000 Israeli lirot (the TV set itself cost 40-50 thousand lirot).

Commonwealth Edison

In January 2007, the Chicago Tribune reported that Commonwealth Edison was behind Consumers Organized for Reliable Electricity (CORE), an organization that had been arguing against a proposed statewide freeze in electricity rates.

Crawley Development Corporation

Electricity provision was the responsibility of parish councils and local electricity providers such as SEEBOARD, but the Development Corporation set up a committee to bring them all together and ensure the town's needs were met efficiently.

Easy Energy of Massachusetts

Easy Energy of Massachusetts, commonly referred to as Easy Energy, is an approved participant in the New England Power Pool and is licensed by the State Department of Public Utilities, Electric Power Division to sell electricity in Massachusetts.

Electricity sector in Uruguay

The first wind farm in Uruguay, the 10 MW Nuevo Manantial project in Rocha, which will sell the electricity generated to UTE, started operations in October 2008.

Electricity sector of the United States

The electricity sector of the United States includes a large array of stakeholders that provide services through electricity generation, transmission, distribution and marketing for industrial, commercial, public and residential customers.

Energy in Jordan

Proposals for the 30-40 megawatt (MW) plant at Kamshah, near Jerash, have been delayed several times over the price of electricity tariffs quoted by the winning bidder.

Energy security and renewable technology

Physicist Amory Lovins has said that following hundreds of blackouts in 2005, Cuba reorganized its electricity transmission system into networked microgrids and cut the occurrence of blackouts to zero within two years, limiting damage even after two hurricanes.

European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity

In association with ebiX and EFET (European Federation of Energy Traders) ENTSO-E maintains a Harmonised role model for the European electricity market.

Genesis Energy

Genesis Energy Limited, formerly Genesis Power Limited, a New Zealand electricity company, which trades under the name Genesis Energy.


Disturbed by the heat and humidity of Calcutta in June, (combined with frequent electricity failures) the "Three Musketeers", Prodosh C. Mitter (Feluda), Topshe, and Lalmohon Babu (alias Jatayu) go to Puri for vacation.

IT portfolio management

Nicholas Carr (2003) has caused significant controversy in IT industry and academia by positioning IT as an expense similar to utilities such as electricity.

John Cohn

Cohn frequently takes his traveling "Jolts and Volts" electricity show to schools, community groups, universities and museums across the US including such diverse venues as the New York Hall of Science, The National Building Museum in Washington, D.C. and frequent shows at Disney's Epcot Center in Florida.

Limón Dam

When completed, the project will help produce 4,000 GWh of electricity per year and transfer water from the Cajamarca region west to Lambayeque, near Olmos for the reclamation and irrigation of 43,500 hectares of farmland.

Magna Science Adventure Centre

Tim Caulton directed exhibition development, introducing spectacular exhibits that bridged science and art, such as Ned Kahn's fire tornado, "The Big Melt" (described below) and works by San Francisco 'artist in electricity' Cork Marcheschi.

Mariazell Railway

They were also used to supply the region with electricity, thereby laying the groundwork for the Lower Austrian state energy company NEWAG, now known as EVN.


M-Bus, or Meter-Bus, a bus used for remote reading of gas or electricity meters

Micro combined heat and power

Sopogy produces a micro Concentrated solar system (microCSP) system based on parabolic trough which can be installed above building or homes, the heat can be used for water heating or solar air conditioning, a steam turbine can also be installed to produce electricity.


As part of Operation Iron Hammer in late 1943 and early 1944, Mistels were selected to carry out key raids against Soviet weapons-manufacturing facilities—specifically, electricity-generating power stations around Moscow and Gorky.


Students and faculty have the option of living on campus in traditional dormatory-style housing with no electricity or running water, or in the surrounding villages of Ngatpang.

Mundlapati Ramanadha Rao

For Mundlapadu Village he accomplished (where Mr. Rao have roots in) all prerequisites like Education, Transport, Water, Electricity.

Oji River

After the Nigeria - Biafra civil war (in which over 1 million people died, mainly children of the Igbo tribe who were killed by the Nigeria government policy with the help of the British government), the thermal power station was upgraded to 30MW, supplying electricity the immediate area and also some parts of Udi, Achi area.

Osney Lock

The river passes a former electricity generating station and is crossed by Osney Bridge near Oxford railway station.


Located here is the Morupule Colliery coal mine, which supplies Morupule Power Station, Botswana's principal domestic source of electricity.


four (Kraftwerk Rottau) Pelton wheels, generating a maximum electric power of 138 to 220 Megawatt each, provide an overall annual electricity production of 1013 mio Kilowatt hours.

Renewable portfolio standard

Certified renewable energy generators earn certificates for every unit of electricity they produce and can sell these along with their electricity to supply companies.

Rübeland Railway

The power system used for this isolated network was not the usual German, single-phase, electrification system, 15 kV AC, 16 2/3 Hz, but single-phase, 25 kV AC, 50 Hz, which was taken from the 110-kV state electricity network at a substation at the exit to Blankenburg with the aid of transformers.

S number

Meter Point Administration Number, often referred to as Supply Number or S-Number, a 21-digit number used in Great Britain to uniquely identify electricity supply points;

Samora Machel

This was where a massive dam was being built at Cahora Bassa, on the Zambezi, to sell electricity to South Africa.

Shoalhaven Scheme

During off peak periods, it utilises excess electricity from the grid to pump water back up to the reservoir(s) as pumped storage.

Solar pond

The largest operating solar pond for electricity generation was the Beit HaArava pond built in Israel and operated up until 1988.

St George's Church, Tyldesley

After 1912 the town council was responsible for the cost of repairs and illumination and in 1937 electricity superseded gas for lighting its faces.

Steve Brudniak

His art incorporates, often pioneering, unconventional media and scientific elements such as high voltage electricity, Tesla coil technology, magnetic ferrofluid, gyro mechanics, biological preservations, fiber optics, and lasers.

Stream Energy

Stream Energy is an American retail electricity and natural gas firm active in the Texas, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Georgia and New York deregulated energy markets and headquartered within the Infomart building in Dallas.

The Battle of Electricity

The Battle of Electricity is the second album by Athens-based Elephant 6 band The Gerbils

The Pleasures of Electricity

No singles were released from the album, however "Nightlife" was included on the Modern Art compilation released some three months before The Pleasures of Electricity.

The Throwback

The house has no electricity or modern appliances, and is located miles from the nearest town of Black Pockrington and the nearest railway station of Hexham, and thanks to a clause in her new husband's will although she will inherit everything after he dies, she can never leave or else she'll forfeit the entire estate.


After the second world war, France needed electricity and it was decided to build the hydro-electric Tignes Dam in the Isère valley.

Toro Peak

It comes to a locked gate around 8,200 ft and from there it is a 500 foot hike to the summit up a rough maintenance road that passes the former MCI (now owned by Verizon Communications) primary power generator that provides electricity to the summit.

United States Enrichment Corporation

Before its downsizing and final cessation of uranium enrichment on May 31, 2013, the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant consumed about 3,000 megawatts of electricity at peak operation.

Unknown Component

Songs from the albums 'The Infinite Definitive' and 'Blood v. Electricity' have been featured on the nationally broadcast radio program Undercurrents and the song 'Set To Begin' off of the album 'From Anywhere But Here' was featured in the film The 4th Life which was distributed across the U.S. and Canada by Atopia, and was directed by Francois Miron.

Walter Davey

As mayor from 1928-1929 Davey and his council oversaw the advent of electricity in the village, approving connection to the grid system of Manitoba Hydro.

see also