
2 unusual facts about Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche

Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche

Macintyre, Ben, Forgotten Fatherland: The Search for Elisabeth Nietzsche, New York: Farrar Straus Giroux, 1992.


Friedrich Nietzsche wrote that the ideas for Zarathustra first came to him while walking on two roads surrounding Rapallo, according to Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche in the introduction of Thomas Common's translation of Thus Spake Zarathustra.

7014 Nietzsche

7014 Nietzsche is an asteroid discovered April 4, 1989 by Eric Walter Elst at the La Silla Observatory near Pedernales, Chile.

Amor Fati

Amor fati, a concept in the philosophy of Marcus Aurelius and other stoics, and more recently of Friedrich Nietzsche

Criticism of marriage

John Witte, Jr., Professor of Law and director of the Law and Religion Program at Emory University, argues that contemporary liberal attitudes toward marriage produce a family that is "haphazardly bound together in the common pursuit of selfish ends" exactly as prophecized by Nietzsche.

Das Dritte Reich

He believes Germany needs an Übermensch (Superman) in the fashion described by Nietzsche, but that Superman is not Adolf Hitler.

Days of Nietzsche in Turin

Days of Nietzsche in Turin (Dias de Nietzsche em Turim) is a 2001 biographical-drama Brazilian film directed by Júlio Bressane about the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche.

Dieter Duhm

During this period, Duhm says that he found inspiration in the works of Nietzsche, Hegel, van Gogh, Rudolf Steiner, Jesus, Laozi, Prentice Mulford, and Teilhard de Chardin; and he spent time in the Aktionsanalytische Organisation (AAO) with Otto Muehl at the Friedrichshof community in Austria, and with Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh in India.

Douglas Thomas

He is author or editor of numerous books including Reading Nietzsche Rhetorically (Guilford, 1998), Cybercrime: Security and Surveillance in the Information Age (with Brian Loader, Routledge, 2000), Hacker Culture (University of Minnesota Press, 2002), and Technological Visions: The Hopes and Fears that Shape New Technologies (with Marita Sturken and Sandra Ball-Rokeach).


Nietzsche cites his affinities to Epicurus in a number of his works, including The Gay Science, Beyond Good and Evil, and his private letters to Peter Gast.

Friedrich Nietzsche's views on women

Lou Andreas-Salomé, who knew Nietzsche very well, and claimed that he had proposed to her (according to her, she refused him) claimed there was something feminine in Nietzsche's "spiritual nature", and that he had considered genius to be a feminine genius.

George Egerton

Perhaps most notably, Holbrook Jackson credits Egerton with the first mention of Friedrich Nietzsche in English literature (she refers to Nietzsche in Keynotes in 1893, three years before the first of Nietzsche's works was translated into English).


Along with Feuerbach, they also received inspiration from Richard Avenarius' 'Naturfilisof', Ernst Mach's 'Empiriocriticism' as well as from Nietzsche.

Heinrich Rickert

Contrary to philosophers like Nietzsche and Bergson, Rickert emphasized that values demand a distance from life, and that what Bergson, Dilthey or Simmel called "vital values" were not true values.

Idylls from Messina

From these eight poems, Nietzsche used six, in marginally modified form, for the Lieder des Prinzen Vogelfrei, the appendix for the second edition of Die fröhliche Wissenschaft in 1887.

They steam from the same voluminous amount of poetic attempts he took upon himself from February to April 1882, from which Nietzsche later composed his Vorspiel in deutschen Reimen to Die fröhliche Wissenschaft in 1882.

Juan Eduardo Cirlot

Cirlot also cultivated aphorism in his book Del no mundo (1969), in which his thought can be traced back to its sources in Nietzsche and Lao Tse.

Library of Friedrich Nietzsche

In a letter of 26 February 1888 to Peter Gast, Nietzsche mentions his reading of the posthumous works of Charles Baudelaire (published in 1887).

In his notebooks, Nietzsche copied several passages of Féré, later included, without quotation marks, in The Will to Power published by Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche and Peter Gast.

Maude Petre

10 The Joyous Wisdom ("La gaya scienza") of The Complete Works of Friedrich Nietzsche edited by Oscar Levy.

Mazzino Montinari

After reviewing the contemporary collection of Nietzsche's works and the manuscripts in Weimar, Colli and Montinari decided to begin a new, critical edition.

Michael Allen Gillespie

He has published on medieval theology, Petrarch, humanism, Erasmus, Luther, Erasmus, Montaigne, Descartes, Kant, Hegel, Fichte, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Heidegger, American political thought, the relation between religion and politics, and the role of sports in human life.

Museo Rosenbach

The band provoked controversy for their supposed right-wing inclinations stemming from the image of Mussolini found in the collage on the album cover, and the Nietzsche-inspired lyrics.

Nietzsche Music Project

It has pursued a thorough study of Nietzsche's philosophical, poetic and musical works and, in 1992/93, produced with the aid of its members and associates (pianists, John Bell Young, Constance Keene, and Thomas Coote; violinist, Nick Eanet; and tenor, John Aler) two CDs of Nietzsche's musical compositions which were released by Newport Classic Recordings.

Paulo Barrozo

From an early age, Barrozo was exposed to the thought of Plato, Aristotle, Nietzsche, and to the literature of Machado d Assis, Shakespeare, John Steinbeck, Simone de Beauvoir, and Thomas Mann.

Peter Gast

Heinrich Köselitz - author, friend of Friedrich Nietzsche, who gave him the pseudonym "Peter Gast"

Philippa Foot

It may be found in her continuing discussion of the Platonic immoralists, Callicles and Thrasymachus, and of Nietzsche.

Reinhard Sorge

Rev. B. O'Brien, S.J., "From Nietzsche to Christ: Reinhard Johannes Sorge," Irish Monthly, December 1932, pages 713-722.

Remus Cernea

In 2007, Cernea's association announced that the new curriculum of Romania had quietly removed the requirement of teaching Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution from biology textbooks, as well as the debate on the existence of God (the study of Voltaire, Camus and Nietzsche), from philosophy textbooks.

Richard Oehler

Richard Oehler (27 February 1878, Heckholzhausen, Hesse-Nassau - 13 November 1948) was a German Nietzsche scholar – an early editor of the philosopher's works, and author of Friedrich Nietzsche und die deutsche Zukunft (Leipzig: Armanen-Verlag, 1935), which has been characterized by Walter Kaufmann as "one of the first Nazi books on Nietzsche" (Basic Writings of Nietzsche, New York: The Modern Library, 2000, p. 387, n. 27).

Robert Dun

An admirer of Nietzsche, Dun wrote many books which deal with many a topic such as philosophy, religion, mythology, sociology, psychology, politics, economics and ecology.

Roger Kimball

Examining the work of Eliot, Auden, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Foucault and more, Kimball critiques the ways in which these writers deal with what he views as the intellectual and moral deterioration of modernity.

Sarah Kofman

"Metaphoric Architectures," in Laurence A. Rickels (ed.), Looking After Nietzsche (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1990).

Small College

The course of the Small College mainly consists of the so-called classics; Plato, Aristotle, Rousseau, Kant, Nietzsche, Marx, Arendt, Dostoyevsky, and so forth.

Stephen Gilbert

His work was inspired by Masson, and by reading Jung, Nietzsche and Jakob Böhme, with fantastic creatures and plants painted in vivid colours.

T. K. Seung

In a comparative examination of the thematic content of Goethe’s Faust, Nietzsche’s Zarathustra, and Wagner’s Ring, Seung elucidates how the understanding of Spinoza’s pantheistic naturalism, its inspirational background and influences on European philosophy and literature, is indispensable for the understanding of the development and conditions of modern times.


Starting from the 19th century Taormina became a popular tourist resort in the whole of Europe: people who visited Taormina include Oscar Wilde, Nicholas I of Russia, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Nietzsche (who here wrote his Also sprach Zarathustra), Richard Wagner and many others.

The Fall of Kelvin Walker: A Fable of the Sixties

Kelvin, freed from his strict Calvinist upbringing through discovering Nietzsche and 'the divine Ingersoll' in the library of his home town of Glaik, travels to swinging-sixties London to succeed as a television interviewer and newspaper columnist through nothing more than his aptitude for spin and a diabolical will to power, only to return, chastened, to Scotland and to God.

The Flies

When debating Zeus, Orestes also talks about being "beyond" the moral yoke others allow to be placed on them - an idea explicitly discussed in Beyond Good and Evil, and implicitly described in other works by Nietzsche.

The New Age

Orage and Jackson re-oriented it to promote the ideas of Nietzsche, Fabian socialism and later a form of Guild socialism.

The Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche

Due to this broad and close style of examination,and enthusiasm for such, The Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche may very well be where "Nietzsche Studies" earnestly began in America.

The Power-House

Similar sentiments were expressed by other writers of the period, including Nietzsche, Freud and Conrad.

The Resistance to Theory

Drawing on the ideas of Saussure and Nietzsche, de Man points out that the rhetorical and tropological dimension of language makes it an unreliable medium for communication of truths.

Twilight of the Idols

Walter Kaufmann has suggested that in his use of the word Nietzsche's might be indebted to Francis Bacon.

Wolfgang Müller-Lauter

After the death of Mazzino Montinari in 1986 Müller-Lauter took over the co-editorship of the complete critical edition of Nietzsche’s Works (KGW) produced by de Gruyter.

see also