
4 unusual facts about Ludwig Feuerbach


It was inspired by Ludwig Feuerbach's 'religion of humanity' and had some precedent in the French Revolution with the 'cult of reason'.

Jean-Jacques Pillot

He saw belief in God as superstition, in the manner of the atheists of the Enlightenment, but he also accounted for this belief in a manner that resembles Ludwig Feuerbach's theory of religious alienation: because human beings are powerless, they project omnipotence onto an imaginary God; because they are poor and suffering, they project infinite luxury and happiness onto an imaginary heaven.

Ludwig Feuerbach

He is buried in Johannis-Friedhof Cemetery in Nuremberg, which is also where the artist Albrecht Dürer is interred.

He completed his education at Erlangen, at the Friedrich-Alexander-University, Erlangen-Nuremberg with the study of natural science.

August Hermann Ewerbeck

A physician by vocation and a German by birth, Ewerbeck is best remembered as an early political associate of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, as a leader of the Parisian communities of the utopian socialist organization, League of the Just, and as the translator of the French writings of Étienne Cabet and Ludwig Feuerbach into German.

George Eliot

Through this society Evans was introduced to more liberal theologies and to writers such as David Strauss and Ludwig Feuerbach who cast doubt on the literal veracity of Biblical stories.

Marxist aesthetics

For instance Nikolay Chernyshevsky, who greatly influenced the art of the early Soviet Union, was not following Marx's statements on the subject so much as the humanist Ludwig Feuerbach.

Viktor Lennstrand

He was afforded the opportunity to study the works of Ludwig Feuerbach, Ernst Haeckel, Charles Darwin, Herbert Spencer, and John Stuart Mill.

see also