
4 unusual facts about European Council

Europe by Satellite

It is managed by the European Commission however it broadcasts images coming from all EU Institutions like the European Parliament, the European Council, the European Central Bank, the Committee of the Regions, the European Court of Justice.

Europe This Week

Occasionally, special editions of the programme are presented on location from the site of EU summits and major elections.

European Scrutiny Committee

The committee also monitors the activities of UK Ministers in the Council, and keeps legal, procedural and institutional developments in the EU under review.

Neil Balfour

In December 1982, he made an impressive speech attacking the MEPs voting to withdraw a budget rebate for the United Kingdom that had been accepted by the European Council.

Trans-European Transport Networks

At its meeting in Essen in 1994, the European Council endorsed a list of 14 TEN-T ‘specific’ projects, drawn up by a group chaired by then Commission Vice-President Henning Christophersen.


TREVI was an intergovernmental network - or forum - of national officials from ministries of justice and the interior outside the European Community framework created during the European Council Summit in Rome, 1–2 December 1975.

see also

Association of Mouth and Foot Painting Artists of the World

Works produced by the members can be seen in the UN Headquarters in Geneva or the European Council in Strasbourg.

Cambridge Model European Council

The Cambridge Model European Council is an annual student-run conference based in the English city of Cambridge.

Franz Werfel Human Rights Award

The foundations of the prize are considered to be the Fourth Hague Convention of 1907, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948, the International Agreement on Civilian and Political Rights of 1966, the resolution of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights of 1998 as well as the consequences of the meeting of the European Council of the Heads of State and Governments in Copenhagen of 1993 and other statements issued by the European Union.

João Vale de Almeida

He joined President Barroso in European Council Meetings and on overseas visits and acted as his personal representative (sherpa) for G8 and G20 summits as well as negotiations on the Treaty of Lisbon.

Platform of European Memory and Conscience

The signing ceremony took place in the Lichtenstein Palace under the auspices of Czech Prime Minister Petr Nečas, Polish Prime Minister and President of the European Council Donald Tusk, and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán.

Treaty of Nice

The Irish government, having obtained the Seville Declaration on Ireland's policy of military neutrality from the European Council, decided to have another referendum on the Treaty of Nice on Saturday, 19 October 2002.

White Russia

However, even the German Chancellor Angela Merkel used the term Weißrussland in her speech to the European Council Summit in March 2007.