Evangelical Fellowship of Missions Agencies, a professional association of evangelical missions entities (former Evangelical Foreign Missions Association)
Guggenheim Fellowship | Evangelical Lutheran Church in America | American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions | The Fellowship of the Ring | Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons | Freestyle Fellowship | Fellowship of Christian Athletes | The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring | Evangelical Church in Germany | List of diplomatic missions of the United States | List of diplomatic missions of North Korea | Association of Evangelical Lutheran Churches | Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation | Spanish missions in California | Robert Burns Fellowship | missions | Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument | Paris Foreign Missions Society | List of diplomatic missions of the United Kingdom | Independent agencies of the United States government | Fellowship of Reconciliation | fellowship | Evangelical Church of West Africa | Evangelical Alliance | The Perry Bible Fellowship | National Heritage Fellowship | Mission Aviation Fellowship | Harkness Fellowship | Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International | Fokker F28 Fellowship |