
2 unusual facts about False flag

False flag

Townley declared that the pamphlets were distributed in Mendoza and Córdoba in relation with false flag bombings perpetrated by SIDE agents, which had as their aim to accredit the existence of the fake Grupo Rojo.

In retaliation for writing The Scandal of Scientology, the Church of Scientology stole stationery from author Paulette Cooper's home and then used that stationery to forge bomb threats and have them mailed to a Scientology office.

Moshe Sharett

This was a false flag operation, and literature of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Communists was left at the sites to make it appear that they were behind the terrorist acts.

Pacific News Service

Lucy Komisar, investigative journalist who wrote on Gladio (Italian branch of NATO "stay-behind" secret paramilitary organizations, which has been involved in terrorist "false flags" operations, starting with the 1969 Piazza Fontana bombing) and also on Clearstream scandal, one of the biggest financial scandals ever

see also