However, four nominees for the award other than Alcuaz became embroiled in the 2009 National Artist of the Philippines Controversy, which led the Supreme Court of the Philippines to temporarily issue a status quo order on August 25, 2009, blocking the conferment of the awards on all seven nominees - despite the fact that no objections were ever raised regarding the conferment of the award to Alcuaz and two other nominees.
Federico Aguilar Alcuaz was born on June 6, 1932 in Santa Cruz, Manila.
Federico García Lorca | University of Naples Federico II | Pepe Aguilar | Federico Luppi | Federico Boyd | Leopoldo Federico | Aguilar | Federico Peña | Federico Hernández Denton | Federico Faggin | Federico Barocci | Luis Federico Leloir | Federico Moccia | Federico Méndez | Federico Halbherr | Federico Garcia Lorca | Federico Errázuriz Echaurren | Federico Cesi | Federico Caffè | Federico Borromeo | Jean-Pierre Aguilar | Giovanni Federico | Federico Zuccari | Federico Ughi | Federico Savelli | Federico Higuaín | Federico Errázuriz Zañartu | Federico Bahamontes | Federico Agostini | Carlene Aguilar |