While living in New York, Hans Richter directed two feature films, Dreams That Money Can Buy and 8x8: A Chess Sonata in collaboration with Max Ernst, Cocteau, Paul Bowles, Fernand Léger, Alexander Calder, Duchamp, and others, which was partially filmed on the lawn of his summer house in Southbury, Connecticut.
Whilst there, he became acquainted with contemporary French painters such as Albert Gleizes, Jean Metzinger, Fernand Léger and Robert Delaunay and after absorbing fauvists' and cubists' principles, developed his own unique coulorful style of painting.
In 1949 they travelled to Paris where she met Octavio Paz, a key figure in her life, who introduced her to the artists and intellectuals there, such as André Breton, Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir, Henri Michaux, Alberto Giacometti and Fernand Léger, among others; and also other Latin American authors who lived in France at that time, for example Carlos Martínez Rivas.
After the Second World War, she journeyed to Paris, where she met and married Claude Ponsot, a painter and student of Fernand Léger.
She worked with Fernand Léger, who would become a close friend, on his mural for the French Line passenger ship company and again privately on another mural.
Fernand Léger | Fernand Khnopff | St. Leger Stakes | Fernand Braudel | Léger | Herve Leger | Véhicule Automatique Léger | Louis Léger | Boissy-Saint-Léger | Saint-Léger | Leger | Fernand Petzl | Fernand Lamaze | Warham St Leger | Saint-Léger, Belgium | Fernand Pouillon | Fernand Loriot | Fernand Leduc | Fernand de Brinon | William St Leger | Trith-Saint-Léger | Nicole Léger | Hervé Léger | Fernand St. Germain | Fernand Sardou | Fernand Point | Fernand Petiot | Fernand Mourlot | Fernand Meyssonnier | Fernand Lungren |
He captured the creative spirit and environment of painters such as Pierre Bonnard, Henri Matisse, Joan Miró, Pablo Picasso, Fernand Léger, Marc Chagall, Francis Bacon, David Hockney, etc.
April 1930 the group opened an exhibition in Galerie 23 at Rue La Boétie with works by Hans Arp, Wassily Kandinsky, Fernand Léger, Piet Mondrian, Pierre Daura, Antoine Pevsner, Luigi Russolo, Georges Vantongerloo and others.
Kröller-Müller also collected works by modern artists, such as Picasso, Georges Braque, Jean Metzinger, Albert Gleizes, Fernand Léger, Diego Rivera, Juan Gris, Piet Mondrian, Gino Severini, Joseph Csaky, Auguste Herbin, Georges Valmier, María Blanchard, Léopold Survage and Tobeen.
Works by German and Austrian Expressionists August Macke, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Alexej von Jawlensky, Max Beckmann, and Emil Nolde, along with early modern European and American masters such as Fernand Léger, Marcel Duchamp, Georges Braque, and Kurt Schwitters, are in the museum’s collection.
In 1950, Linien II held Denmark's largest exhibition of Concrete art with wide international participation including works by Wassily Kandinsky, Fernand Léger, Jean Arp, Le Corbusier, Auguste Herbin, Alexander Calder, Victor Vasarely, Alberto Magnelli and Jean Dewasne.
She is best known for her association with the artist Marc Chagall, which resulted in over 40 tapestries, but she also created tapestries of art works by Pablo Picasso, Max Ernst, Roberto Matta, Paul Klee, Fernand Léger, Wassily Kandinsky, Brassai, Alexander Calder, Niki de Saint Phalle, and others.
Ballet Mécanique, a 1924 project by the American composer George Antheil and the filmmaker/artists Fernand Léger and Dudley Murphy