
unusual facts about Figure-of-eight loop

2014 British Figure Skating Championships

The 2014 British Figure Skating Championships was a national figure skating competition in the 2013–2014 season.

Alberto Magnelli

He became a major figure in the post war concrete art movement and influenced artists such as Victor Vasarely, Nicolas de Staël as well as the concrete artists in South America such as Hélio Oiticica.

Angela Nikodinov

The pairs team of Bianca Butler / Joseph Jacobsen and Tenile Victorsen are among her and Dinev's former students that have qualified for the U.S. Figure Skating Championships at the senior level.

Antoine Juchereau Duchesnay

Antoine-Louis Juchereau Duchesnay (1767–1825), his son, seigneur and Lower Canada political figure

April Palmieri

Palmieri was also a close personal friend of the well-known performer and downtown scene figure, John Sex.

Ayurveda in America

Robert Svoboda, a similar figure whose Ayurvedic education has roots in both formal and traditional Indian systems of schooling, also contributed to the promotion of Ayurveda in the late 1990s.

Boogiest Band In Town

Midge Ure was then 21 years old, and in the future he became an important figure of New Wave music, as frontman of Ultravox, then called Tiger Lily and led by Dennis Leigh, later known as John Foxx and a successful electronic musician, who he replaced in 1979.


Battle of the Blades, a Canadian television figure skating competition broadcast by CBC.

Bunny hop

Bunny hop jump, in figure skating, typically the first jump learned by beginning skaters

Charles Balic

Friar Charles Balić was a famous Theologian, specializing in the figure and works of John Duns Scotus, and Rector of the Pontifical University Antonianum of Rome.

Charles Ingersoll

Charles Fortescue Ingersoll (1791–1832), Massachusetts-born Canadian businessman and political figure who served in War of 1812 and represented Oxford County in Legislative Assembly of Lower Canada from 1824 until his death from cholera


Charles Cormier (1813 – 1887), a Quebec businessman and political figure

Demographics of Mongolia

* - city proper, Nalaikh, Baganuur, Bagakhangai not included in this figure, they are separated in the table.

Ear pick

Figurines: A plastic or wooden figure, such as a small Daruma or cartoon characters are placed at the opposite end of the tip.

Escrava Anastacia

Not officially recognized by the Catholic Church, Anastacia is still an important figure in popular Catholic devotion throughout Brazil.

Franck–Condon principle

Vibronic transitions are drawn in figure 2 as narrow, equally spaced Lorentzian lineshapes.

Frank McManus

Francis J. McManus (1844–?), political figure in New Brunswick, Canada

Geoffrey Darks

Not usually a productive batsman, with six single-figure scores in his eight innings (albeit three of those not out), he did however make 39 against Cambridge in the same match in late June 1950 in which he took his final wicket, that of David Sheppard.

George Huff

George Albert Huff (died 1934), merchant and political figure in British Columbia

George Norman

George Wesley Norman (died 1970), printer and political figure in Saskatchewan

Girl with Ball

The updated Betty Grable-type subject, was a fashionable glamor figure that Lichtenstein used for a symbolic value that ranks her with "iconoclastic female figures, including Manet's Olympia, 1863, Picasso's Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, 1907 and de Kooning's three series of Women".

Gustav Kaupert

In the United States, his creations can be found in Richmond, Virginia (monument of George Washington), and in Washington DC (figure of "America" at the Capitol building).

House of Perkūnas

At the end of the 19th Century it was renamed "House of Perkūnas", when a figure, interpreted by the romantic historians of that time as an idol of the Baltic pagan god of thunder and the sky Perkūnas was found in one of its walls.

Jean-Michel Bokamba-Yangouma

He was a prominent political figure from the 1970s to the 1990s, heading the Congolese Trade Union Confederation (Confédération syndicale congolaise, CSC).

John Hearn

John Gabriel Hearn (1863–1927), a Quebec businessman and political figure

John W. Gallivan

In 1970 Gallivan was a key figure in the effort to push through the U.S. Congress, The Newspaper Preservation Act, legislation intended to protect papers with joint operating agreements from anti-trust laws that might have forced some competing papers out of business.

June Juanico

Adams would talk often about Natalie Wood to Elvis, constantly discussing her figure and her beauty, something else that caused Juanico to feel that she would soon lose Elvis to the glitz of Hollywood.

Kouprasith Abhay

General Kouprasith Abhay, also known by his nickname 'Fat K', was a Laotian military and political figure from the Vietnam War, also designated the Second Indochina War.

Kyle H. Mabson

He is an ever present figure of L.A. associated with The Smell and Sean Carnage Monday Nights.

La Santa

It was precisely on account of these innovations that the new institution was opposed by the more traditionalist bosses, such as Antonio Macrì from the Ionic town of Siderno, the 'Ndrangheta’s charismatic leader of the 1960s, and Domenico Tripodo, who was the dominant figure of the Reggio Calabria clans.


It was this claim to this ancient Brittonic lineage by a British monarch that led to a widepread feeling of the fulfilment of the myth of the Mab Darogan, a messianic figure of Welsh legend destined to reclaim Britain for the Celtic inhabitants.


Carlos Lleras Restrepo (1908–1994), important Colombian lawyer and political figure

Louis-Léon Cugnot

Monument to the Battle of Callao, with a finial figure of Nike, historical and allegorical bronzes, and friezes of the battle, for Plaza Dos de Mayo, Lima, Peru, circa 1873

Marcelo Grassmann

His works figure, among others, in the collections of the MoMA in New York, the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris, the Museum of Fine Arts in Dallas and the Pinacoteca do Estado in São Paulo.

Margie Wright

Wright has become a popular figure in the Fresno community and was inducted into the Fresno Athletic Hall of Fame in 2008.

Nigel Bruce

He uncharacteristically played a detestable figure in The Rains Came (1939) which became the first film to win an Oscar for special effects.

Norman Wilson

Norman Frank Wilson (1876-1956), Canadian farmer and political figure


However, when it saw how Thyestes, a mythological figure, was served his own son for dinner by his brother Atreus, the sun was so horrified that it left its course and moved to the zodiac instead.

Oi Yoi Yoi

The paintings have similarities with the Dancing Beijing logo for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, designed by Guo Chunning, which was inspired by the Chinese character (jīng, meaning "capital"), and also resembles a dancing figure with arms raised, or a runner crossing a finishing line.


Physalins are steroidal constituents of Physalis plants which possess an unusual 13,14-seco-16,24-cyclo-steroidal ring skeleton (where the bond that is normally present between the 13 and 14 positions in other steroids is broken while a new bond between positions 16 and 24 is formed; see figure below).

Ptah, the El Daoud

"Turiya", according to the liner notes, "was defined by Alice as 'a state of consciousness — the high state of Nirvana, the goal of human life", while "Ramakrishna" is named after the 19th-century Bengali religious figure; this track omits the horns.

Quarryville, Pennsylvania

Olympic Figure Skater Johnny Weir refers to Quarryville as his "hometown", living there for many of his childhood years.

Robert de Baudricourt

Robert de Baudricourt (ca. 1400-1454), Seigneur de Baudricourt, Blaise, Buxy and Sorcy was a minor figure of 15th century French nobility.

Rupnagar district

Minutely carved and polished stone discs with a figure and motif associated with the cult of the Mother goddess of fertility have also been unearthed in the excavations from Taxila (now in Pakistan), Patna in the state of Bihar and other Mauryan sites.

Spiral fracture

Jeremy Ten, Canadian figure skater, sustained a spiral fracture of the fibula.

Tantsud tähtedega

The runner-ups were World Figure Skating silver medallist Anna Levandi and her partner Mairold Millert.

Tarnished Heisman

Tarnished Heisman: Did Reggie Bush Turn His Final College Season into a Six-Figure Job? is a book written by Don Yaeger.

The Phantom Carriage

The film was a powerful influence on the later Swedish film director Ingmar Bergman who also utilised the figure of Death in The Seventh Seal, where the referring to him as a "strict master" is a reference to The Phantom Carriage.

Trident loop

While some tests indicate its strength lies somewhere between the weaker Bowline and stronger Figure-of-eight loop, the Trident loop shows exceptional resistance to slipping in shock-loading tests.

University Teachers for Human Rights

For the figure in Norse mythology, see Urðr

see also