
unusual facts about Flourishing


Flourishing in positive psychology, is living in an optimal range of human functioning.


Flourishing |

Agaw languages

There is a rich literature in Agaw but it is widely dispersed: from fascinating mediaeval texts in the Qimant language, now mostly in Israeli museums, to the modern, flourishing and topical in the Blin language, with its own newspaper, based in Keren, Eritrea.

Alhambra Decree

They also fled to south-eastern Europe where they were granted safety and formed flourishing local Jewish communities, the largest being those of Salonika, Istanbul, and Sarajevo.

All Saints Church, Alrewas

Alrewas at the time was a flourishing settlement in the ownership of Ælfgar, Earl of Mercia and it remained the property of King John until he granted it to Roger de Somerville to be followed by the Griffiths and later, the Turtons.

Apostolo Zeno

In 1710 together with Scipione Maffei, Antonio Vallisneri and his brother, Pier Caterino Zeno, he founded the Giornale de' letterati d'Italia, maintaining that it was necessary that "Italians themselves make their own newspaper... revealing that good sense, erudition and ingenuity never were lacking among us, and now more than ever are they flourishing."

Book of Nahum

The subject of Nahum's prophecy is the approaching complete and final destruction of Nineveh, the capital of the great and at that time flourishing Assyrian empire.

Bruce Frohnen

He considers himself a “pluralist” in the tradition of Alexis de Tocqueville, Edmund Burke, Robert Nisbet, Bertrand de Juvenal, Russell Kirk, Alasdair MacIntyre, and others often labeled conservative but most concerned with reinvigorating a diversity of local associations as necessary for human flourishing and the taming of political power.

Canada–Caribbean relations

New France and the French colonies in the Caribbean enjoyed a flourishing trade in the first part of the eighteenth century, with the fortress of Louisburg acting as an important trading centre linking New France, the Caribbean and France.

Castle of Sant'Aniceto

In the 13th century the castle became he command center of the flourishing fief of Sant'Aniceto (which included Motta San Giovanni and Montebello).


Gongfu tea (工夫茶), the 'espresso' of Chinese teas with a formidable kick, which was first sipped back in the Song Dynasty, is still flourishing and remains an important part of social etiquette in Chaozhou.

Cleyera japonica

In reconstructed Old Japanese, sakaki < sakakī and sakai "boundary" were "monograde" (一段) while sakae "flourishing" was "bigrade" (二段).

Coral Reef Adventure

From Australia's Great Barrier Reef, to a friend's coral reef-sustained village in Fiji, the diving expeditions show a range of coral reefs, from flourishing ones filled with unusual and exotic inhabitants, to vast stretches of bleached coral decline which prompted the Hall's activism.

County of Flanders

The region comprising future Flanders was, from an economic point of view, a flourishing region, with a series of ports along the Scheldt river: Ghent, Tournai, Valenciennes, Cambrai and Lambres at Douai on the Scarpe and a number of seaports: Quentovic, Boulogne and Isère portus, a port at the mouth of the Yser.

Cristo de La Laguna

The latest studies conducted by Professor Francisco Galante Gomez confirm that the figure came from the flourishing workshops of Antwerp, thus making it of Flemish-Brabanzon origin, and it was sculpted by Louis Van Der Vule around 1514.


By its present name Crnča was first time recorded in Ragusan archieves in 1367 (variously spelled in Italian and Latin as Cernca, Cernica, Crniza, Zrnza, Zerniza, etc.) as a place with flourishing Ragusan trade and mining colony.

Dead Guitars

In addition to being a principal writer and lead vocalist with German band The Convent, Carlo van Putten also had a flourishing partnership with the late Adrian Borland, mastermind behind the British cult band The Sound, under the name White Rose Transmission and has worked with various others over the course of the years, including Marty Willson-Piper of The Church (band) and Mark Burgess of The Chameleons.

Dionysius Periegetes

Edward Herbert Bunbury (Ancient Geography, Vol. 2, p. 480) regards the author as flourishing from the reign of Nero (54–68 CE) to that of Trajan (98–117 CE).

Direct grant grammar school

No longer a bridge between state and private sectors, these schools have become part of a flourishing independent sector now sharply distinguished from the state system, a situation decried by the Sutton Trust as "educational apartheid".

Economic history of Greece and the Greek world

The bronze industries were also an important aspect of the Minoan economy and the art of bronze making was very common, suggested by the fact that evidence of bronze making was discovered in many towns, such as Phaistos and Zakro, but also as evidence in the area of Malia show that bronze making operations were flourishing in many of the palaces.

Faith in Plastics

Since then, Faith in Plastics have become part of the flourishing Perth music establishment, supporting renowned Canadian indie outfit The Dears and high profile Australian acts Eskimo Joe, New Rules for Boats, Snowman, The Panics and Josh Pyke.

Fat Mattress

Redding (from Folkestone) and Leverton (from Dover) had been involved in the flourishing early 1960s group scene in South East Kent which also included Landon (who hailed originally from Kirdford, Sussex).

Flight on Titan

Despite all this, Titan has a flourishing Arctic ecosystem, apparently at the top of which is a clawed, blubbery seal-like native race of infant-like intelligence.

Gavin Russom

Russom moved to Berlin in 2004 where, inspired by that city's flourishing electronic music scene as well as Germany's history of psychedelic music, he produced three singles under the name Black Meteoric Star, which would eventually be collected and released as a self-titled LP in 2009.

Hebrew language

In its widest sense, Classical Hebrew means the spoken language of ancient Israel flourishing between the 10th century BCE and the turn of the 4th century CE.

Heritage Institute of Technology, Kolkata

Heritage Institute of Technology was set up on the eastern fringes of Kolkata in 2001 by a group of industrialists hailing from the flourishing Information Technology, Electronics and related industries around Kolkata, and some public figures.

History of New Plymouth

Temporary housing sites had been provided on Mount Eliot (the present-day site of Puke Ariki museum), and frustrations mounted as settlers were forced to squat in homes built of rushes and sedges through winter, amid flourishing numbers of rats, dwindling food supplies and rising unease over the prospects of a repeat raid by Waikato Maori.

Lexington and West Cambridge Railroad

The turnoff was by the once-flourishing brickyards at the site of today's Rindge Towers.

Lichfield Cricket Club

The club, which has a flourishing junior section, plays at its home ground Collins Hill in Lichfield.

Liverpool poets

The Liverpool poets paved the way for a subsequent flourishing of performance and pop-based work by poets such as John Cooper Clarke, Attila the Stockbroker, John Hegley and Benjamin Zephaniah.

Manchester Slingback

The novel contrasts the underground status of the village during the 1980s, when the city's Chief Constable was James Anderton, with its flourishing as a tourist attraction in the 1990s.

Mei-mei Berssenbrugge

Traveling frequently to New York City, Berssenbrugge became engaged in the rich cultural flourishing of the abstract art movement, and was influenced by New York School poets John Ashbery, Barbara Guest, James Schuyler and Anne Waldman, and then the Language poets, including Charles Bernstein, as well as artist Susan Bee.

Miguel de Barrios

Here he wrote his best poetical work—his "Flor de Apolo" (see below)—his dramas, and "Coro de las Musas," in which he sang the praises of the reigning princes of Europe and of the then most flourishing cities, Madrid, Lisbon, Paris, London, Rome, Amsterdam, and others.

Moral Landscape

In the Science of morality, the peaks and troughs of various ethical systems in maximizing the flourishing of conscious creatures

Motukawanui Island

Motukawanui Island is a flourishing breeding ground for the North Island Brown Kiwi since the island was cleared of predators namely possums and mustelids.

Murphy's Romance

Sally Field and director Martin Ritt had to fight Columbia Pictures in order to cast Garner, who was viewed at that point as primarily a television actor despite having enjoyed a flourishing film career in the 1960s (and more recently having co-starred in the box office hit Victor/Victoria opposite Julie Andrews two years earlier).


The High Middle Ages saw a flourishing of mystical practice and theorization corresponding to the flourishing of new monastic orders, with such figures as Guigo II, Hildegard of Bingen, Bernard of Clairvaux, the Victorines, all coming from different orders, as well as the first real flowering of popular piety among the laypeople.


Stock-raising and dairy-farming are flourishing in the Perche, which is famous for the production of a breed of large and powerful horses, called Percherons.

Pietro di Campofregoso

In this period Genoa lost Pera in Turkey, Caffa in Crimea and Chios in Greece, while the flourishing trade with those regions declined.

Pitt Hornung

Pitt Hornung was born in 1861 in Cleveland Hills, Middlesbrough, England; his parents were immigrants from Transylvania who set up a flourishing trade and shipping business in the area.

Ralph C. Smedley

After he spent over two years with an architect working on YMCA architecture he accepted the post of YMCA Secretary at San Jose, California in September 1919, and soon had a Toastmasters Club flourishing at his new YMCA.

Ridgely, Maryland

Ridgely's economy flourished as a result of its flourishing local crop production, including strawberries, huckleberries, vegetables, eggs, and poultry.

Rita Schiano

Ms. Schiano's other books include "Live A Flourishing Life," Painting the Invisible Man published by The Reed Edwards Company (MA).

Royal Bank of Trinidad and Tobago

Union Bank, like many other Canadian banks, was drawn to the West Indies by the flourishing trade between the Canadian Maritimes (i.e. Nova Scotia) with the wider West Indies region.

San Enrique, Iloilo

Out of the flourishing settlement later rosegreat men like Manuel Paez, Modesto Palabrica and Apolinario Palabrica, who had earlier become Capitanes of the mother town of Passi.

Syriac literature

The first such flourishing of Neo-Syriac was the seventeenth century literature of the School of Alqosh, in northern Iraq.


An ancient and flourishing city already during the Etruscan period, which saw a decisive battle in 225 BC between Roman and the Celtic hordes who were heading for Rome.


Varmahlíð is in the middle of a flourishing agricultural area, where the Icelandic horse has been treasured for centuries.

West Farleigh

An annual tour that was once mainly between the village football teams and that of Ringstedt, but now includes many from the wider community; this has been an ongoing event, and ever flourishing, since 1988.

Yenki Abbey

In the midst of the flourishing of the Abbey of Yenki, the monastery's mission stations oftentimes fell victim to the violent atmosphere of Manchukuo, as Chinese and Korean partisans resisted the Japanese occupying forces.

see also