
unusual facts about Flowers

Acianthella sublesta

Acianthella sublesta is a member of the Acianthella ("Elf Orchids"), which is a small genus of tropical ground orchids previously included in Acianthus but distinguished "by tiny green flowers on long thin ovaries, sepals of similar shape and size, lacking apical clubs, narrow petals and no basal glands on the labellum."

Apamea anceps

The larvae feed on the flowers and leaves of various grasses, including Poa annua and Dactylis glomerata.


This Apu was Cerro El Plomo and were harvested Apoquindo the best flowers for worship, as well from which caravans departed Apoquindo were bound to Cerro El Plomo for the Capac Cocha.

Begonia davisii

The dwarf habit and erect flowers characteristic of this species were taken advantage of by John Seden, who rapidly evolved several garden forms, including a dwarf race of hybrids suitable for summer-bedding which became popular in Victorian England.


The BioWeb is the connotation for a network of web-enabled biological devices (e.g. trees, plants, and flowers) which extends an internet of things to the Internet of Living Things of natural sensory devices.

Brahminy Starling

They also visit flowers for nectar, particularly Salmalia, Butea monosperma and Erythrina.

Coppery-headed Emerald

Because its bill is short, it forages at small flowers, including those in the genera Besleria, Cavendishia, Clusia, Guarea, Pithecellobium, Quararibea and Satyria.

Dagny Tande Lid

She is also represented in several of the popular papers and books by Danish-Canadian botanist Erling Porsild, including Edible plants of the Arctic (1953), Illustrated Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago (1957), and Rocky Mountain wild flowers (1974).

Depressaria ululana

The larvae feed on the flowers and unripe seeds of Bunium persicum.

Dobera glabra

It is well known to the local Konso people (who call it karsata) for growing new shoots, flowers, and seeds during dry weather.

Edward Stuart Cardinal Dyke

On Matroosberg in the Hex River Mountains, he discovered a new species of "everlasting", flowers that in those days were generally included in the genus Helichrysum.

Erinnyis alope

They feed on the nectar of various flowers, including Asystasia gangetica.

Experimental Station for Landscape Plants

The arboretum covers 47,031 m², and contains about 350 species (500 varieties) of woody plants and flowers, with excellent collections of Camellia japonica (130 varieties), Camellia sasanqua (30 varieties), and flowering lotus (including 250 varieties of Nelumbo nucifera and Nelumbo lutea).

Gorgyra subfacatus

Adults are attracted to flowers, such as those of Lantana species.

Hazel dormouse

Honeysuckle bark is their primary nesting material, and flowers and fruit are used for food.

Helleborus niger

Although the flowers resemble wild roses (and despite its common name), Christmas rose does not belong to the rose family (Rosaceae).

Hemaris gracilis

They feed on the nectar of various flowers, including Pontederia cordata, Rubus species, Taraxacum officinale, Hieracium aurantiacum, and Phlox species.

Jacqueline Nesti Joseph

Dino Buzzati: “The majority of Jacqueline's paintings depict scenes and figures of Haiti, groups of women at the market and multitudes of flowers. She captures an illuminating glow of her subjects demonstrated in her best canvases”

Jean-Baptiste Monnoyer

In 1690, he left France for England, to work on painting decorations for Montagu House, Bloomsbury, London, where he produced over fifty panels of fruit and flowers for overmantels and overdoors, some of which have survived at Boughton House, Northamptonshire.

Johnny Shannon

Shannon's most memorable roles include the gangland boss Harry Flowers in the cult film Performance (1970), Jack in That'll Be the Day (1973), the Agent in Slade In Flame (1975) and Peter Rachman in Scandal (1989).

Juan Garaizabal

In 2006 he finished his first solo conceptual art piece, a garden of giant flowers that was acquired and installed by the city of Valencia for the America’s Cup of Sailing, and which continues to illuminate the City of Porcelain every night.


Strobilanthes wallichii, a plant from the Himalayas that flowers every 12 years

Lepus cornutus

Jan Brueghel the Elder, Virgin and Child Surrounded by Flowers and Fruit, now in the Prado museum; the horned hare can be seen at the bottom right

Mary Dillwyn

It contains views of the Dillwyn Llewlyn home at Penllergaer, portraits of family and friends and studies of flowers and birds.

Matsue Vogel Park

Begonia, Fuchsia and Coleus flowers are an example of some that can be admired at the park.

Mesotype verberata

Adults feed on the nectar of a number of flowers, including those of Solidago virgaurea, Aconitum napellus and Campanula rotundifolia.

Miss Sánchez

The track "Frida y sus Flores" (Frida and her flowers) pays tribute to Mexican painter Frida Kahlo.

Muang Sing

The Tai Lue cotton weavers in villages such as Nong Boua and Xieng Yun make dyes consisting of a blend of leaves, flowers, insects and wood and weave traditional cotton textiles.

Oak Apple Day

The Garland King who rides through the streets of Castleton, Derbyshire, at the head of a procession, completely disguised in a garland of flowers, which is later affixed to a pinnacle on the parish church tower, can have little connection with the Restoration, even though he dresses in Stuart costume.

Oak Hill Wood

There is also an area of meadow which contains common wild flowers such as lady's bedstraw and common knapweed.

Parma violet

The d'Udine Parma violet features large, bluish-lavender flowers and a strong perfume.

The delicate purple flowers of the parma violet plant also give their name to a delicate, violet-scented sweet Parma Violets, manufactured by Swizzels Matlow.

Passiflora capsularis

Passiflora capsularis (red grandilla) is a member of the Passifloraceae family with vanilla scented, delicate white flowers around 5cm in diameter.

Perizoma alchemillata

Caterpillars of this species feed inside the seed capsules, and on the flowers of, Galeopsis tetrahit

Phoebis neocypris

They feed on flower nectar of various flowers, including Lantana and Impatiens species.

Pieter Casteels III

He painted birds, flowers, and fruit; but his paintings have not much to recommend them, and were greatly inferior to those of an English contemporary artist, Luke Cradock.

Polly Thayer Starr

Increasingly aware of the fragility of her vision, she concentrated on lavish pastels of gladiolas with their bees and an increasingly abstract sequence of cyclamen flowers drawn in chalk on black paper with touches of color, as well as delicate series of graphite drawings based on the life cycle of the thistle.


Each year his company issued a new series of brightly colored cards commemorating notable men (including Benjamin Franklin) with flowers and illustrations of fairy tales.

Returned and Services League of Australia

The RSL also ensures that those who have served the country are commemorated for their service by providing funeral information to those who have served with the deceased and handing out individual red poppy flowers at the funeral to ensure that the deceased service to their country is acknowledged (see In Flanders Fields).

Richard A. Jorgensen

His and Carolyn Napoli's observations of pigment gene 'cosuppression' in Petunia flowers are examples of post transcriptional gene silencing that predated the discovery of RNA interference (RNAi) and contributed to the current understanding of the commonality of RNA-mediated gene silencing in eukaryotes.


Rachel Ruysch (1664—1750), Dutch artist who specialized in still-life paintings of flowers, daughter of Frederik Ruysch

Söder tea

Söder tea (tea from Södermalm - a district of Stockholm) or Söderblandning (blend from Södermalm) is a Swedish blend of tea made from black tea, tropical fruits and flowers.

Sword-billed Hummingbird

This adaptation is to feed on flowers with long corollas such as Passiflora mixta.

The Invisible Band

"Flowers in the Window" is featured in the 2004 film Saved!, second-season episode of Merseybeat (2002), and as background music during a scene of the 2002 Only Fools and Horses Christmas Special "Strangers on the Shore".


Its members are known by various names, including thunbergias; clockvine on its own usually refers to Thunbergia grandiflora, while Thunbergia alata is often known as Black-eyed Susan vine or just Black-eyed Susan (not to be confused with other flowers called Black-eyed Susan).

Tommy Flowers

Flowers later described a crucial meeting between Dwight D. Eisenhower and his staff on 5 June, during which a courier entered and handed Eisenhower a note summarizing a Colossus decrypt.

Vonetta Flowers

Flowers also won the two-woman event at the 2004 FIBT World Championships in Königssee.

Yellow Honeyeater

The Yellow Honeyeater hovers in front of the spectacular flowers of the wild Bottlebrush Orchid or Coelandria smillieae which appear in northern Queensland between August and November, while feeding upon the nectar and pollinating the flowers.

You Don't Bring Me Flowers

"You Don't Bring Me Flowers" is a song that hit the top of the Billboard Hot 100 chart in 1978.

see also