
3 unusual facts about Francesco Portinaro

Francesco Portinaro

There were approximately forty members of the academy; unlike the original Accademia Filarmonica in Verona, the members themselves did not seem to do most of the music-making.

In particular, he had an active life working for four secular groups: a group of musicians in Padua, and three humanistic academies in Vicenza, Padua, and Verona.

Upon the dissolution of this fraternity he moved to Vicenza, where he joined the Accademia dei Costanti in that city, a society of humanists to which he dedicated his 1557 book of madrigals.

Ippolito ChamaterĂ²

On January 1, 1562, he became maestro di cappella, music director, of the prestigious Accademia Filarmonica of Verona, succeeding Francesco Portinaro, who had held the post the preceding year.

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