He presided over the case brought by Amaoako Tuffuor, a Ghanaian citizen, when the People's National Party government of Hilla Limann attempted to replace Justice Fred Kwasi Apaloo as the Chief Justice of Ghana by vetting him.
They were Tawia Adamafio, information minister, Ebenezer Ako-Adjei, foreign minister and Hugh Horatio Cofie Crabbe, secretary of the ruling Convention People's Party.
He defended those involved in the Anloga riots following widespread protests against the imposition of taxes by the British colonial administration.
Fred Astaire | Fred Frith | Fred Quimby | Fred Thompson | Fred Beckey | Fred MacMurray | Fred Willard | Fred Hersch | Fred | Fred Seibert | Fred R. Harris | Fred Olen Ray | Fred Neil | Fred Hoyle | Fred Flintstone | Fred Couples | Fred Noonan | Fred Wilson | Fred Upton | Fred Rogers | Fred Gwynne | Fred Williamson | Fred Van Lente | Fred Trueman | Fred Titmus | Fred Silverman | Fred Schneider | Fred Schepisi | Fred M. Vinson | Fred Lynn |