
unusual facts about Frederick S. Gibbs

Frederick S. Gibbs

He was a member of the Republican National Committee from 1896 until his death; and was President of the Metropolitan Water Company.

Bryce Goggin

He has since worked with a number of musicians including The Apples in Stereo, Luna, Swans, Evan Dando, Sean Lennon, Sebadoh, Heave, Come, Spacehog, Ramones, The Morning Glories, Band of Susans, Danish band Grand Avenue, Phish, The 45's, Akron Family, Dylan Connor, The Spring Standards, and cabaret pop group Antony and the Johnsons.

Frederick Humphries

Frederick S. Humphries (born 1935), American academic administrator and chemistry professor

Frederick J. Gibbs

On 27 July 1917, he scored twice, driving down an Albatros D.V fighter on one patrol and sharing in the destruction of an Aviatik recon plane with Roger Neville on another.

On 2 June 1917, he opened his victory roll when he drove down a German Albatros D.III fighter out of control.

Frederick S. Armitage

On June 9, 1899, Armitage was one of three Biograph cameramen to photograph the heavyweight championship bout between Jim Jeffries and Tom Sharkey, the finished film running a then-record time of 135 minutes.

Frederick S. Coolidge

He was an unsuccessful candidate for reelection in 1892 to the Fifty-third Congress.

Frederick S. Goring

The original owner of the farm was Francis Goring, who arrived at Fort Niagara in August 1776 at the age of 21 years, lived there during the American Revolution, and who was consequently knighted for starting one of the first schools in the Niagara area.

Frederick S. Humphries

He is employed as a Senior Analyst at Chevron Africa & Latin America Exploration & Production Co.

Hiram Richard Hulse

Hulse married Frances Burrows Seymour on May 20, 1903 and had three children; Mary, Frederick, and Charity.

Irving Kahn

Kahn was also a former director of Teleregister Corp., Hugo Stinnes Co., Grand Union Stores, Kings County Lighting, West Chemical, and Willcox & Gibbs.


Frederick S. Mates, founded the Mates Investment Fund in 1967 that crashed in the bear market of 1970.

N. H. Gibbs

He was Visiting Professor in the Department of History at the University of New Brunswick in 1975-76; the United States Military Academy in 1978-79, and the National University of Singapore in 1981-82.

In 1979, the Superintendent of the United States Military Academy, General Andrew Jackson Goodpaster awarded Gibbs the U.S. Army's Outstanding Civilian Service Medal for the superb quality of his teaching and in recognition of his many contributions as Chichele professor to military education.

Reed Seed

# "Santa Cruzin" (John E. Blake Jr., Tyrone Brown, Leonard "Doc" Gibbs Jr., James "Sid" Simmons, Richard Lee Steacker, Millard "Pete" Vinson, Grover Washington, Jr.) — 6:54

Supplemental jurisdiction

Ancillary jurisdiction differs from pendent jurisdiction in that pendent jurisdiction requires the federal and non-federal claims to arise from a "common nucleus of operative fact," (per "United Mine Workers of America v. Gibbs") not to be logically interdependent.

Uncle Remus

Baskett's appearance, a large African-American man with a round face, contrasts with the appearance of Uncle Remus in earlier book illustrations by Frederick S. Church, A. B. Frost, and E. W. Kemble.

United Mine Workers of America v. Gibbs

Justice Harlan wrote a brief concurrence, in which he agreed with Brennan's discussion of pendent jurisdiction, but disagreed with his interpretation of the standard of proof required for a claim under the Norris-LaGuardia Act.

Whitehead No. 21

Mainstream aviation scholars dispute the flight; in 1980, C.H. Gibbs-Smith called the story a "flight of fancy".

see also