
unusual facts about French horn

Milt Kamen

Before beginning his comedy career, Kamen was a successful French Horn player and occupied a French horn chair at the Metropolitan Opera.

St Giles Orchestra

He has studied conducting with George Hurst and Adrian Leaper at Canford Summer School of Music, and is well known in Oxfordshire as a player of French horn and double bass, and as composer of mainly romantic style pieces ranging from small ensembles to large-scale symphonic works.

Thierry la Fronde

The theme music of Thierry la Fronde was a simple tune in the Dorian mode composed by Jacques Loussier, and performed on a brass instrument (possibly a French horn) for the melody.

see also

Bernard Gilmore

Bernard Howard Gilmore (November 19, 1937 – April 17, 2013) was an American composer, conductor, French horn player, and Professor Emeritus of music at the University of California, Irvine.

He studied the French horn under instructors Fred Fox and Sinclair Lott and was a member of the Los Angeles Horn Club.


Richard Bissill, a British French horn player, composer, and arranger

Claude Hobday

He also appears with the Léner Quartet in the Columbia Records electric microphone recordings of the Beethoven Septet in E flat major and the (1928) Schubert Octet in F major, with Charles Draper (clarinet), E.W. Hinchliffe (bassoon) and Aubrey Brain (French horn).

Corinthian Chamber Orchestra

The orchestra also regularly performs with more established artistes, such as Jeff Bryant (French horn), Laura Samuel (violin), David Fletcher (double bass), John Carnac (clarinet), Hannah Gordon (narrator, Peter and the Wolf), Arisa Fujita (violin), Richard Jenkinson ('cello) and So'Ock Kim (violin).

Gato Loco

Clifton Hyde: acoustic, electric, baritone, & classical guitars, Wagner Tuba, Mellophone, French Horn, Production, Arranging, & composition

Lee Bracegirdle

After studies in French horn at the Philadelphia Musical Academy with Joseph DeAngelis, he studied at the Juilliard School with James Chambers and John Cerminaro, and privately with Carmine Caruso and Roy Stevens.

Martin Yates

After attending Kimbolton School (1969 - 1974), he studied at the Royal College of Music and Trinity College of Music, London, where his teachers included Bernard Keeffe (conducting), Richard Arnell (composition), Ian Lake, Jakob Kaletsky & Alan Rowlands (piano) and Douglas Moore & John Burden (French horn).

Sandor Harmati

On 19 September 1924, at the 7th Berkshire Festival of Chamber Music, the Lenox Quartet took part in the first performance of La Belle Dame sans Merci, Wallingford Riegger's setting of John Keats' poem, for two sopranos, contralto, tenor, violin, viola, cello, double bass, oboe (English horn), clarinet and French horn.

Tristan Murail

Other pieces include his Désintégrations for 17 instruments and tape, Mémoire/Erosion for French horn and nine instruments Ethers for flute and ensemble, Winter Fragments, for flute, clarinet, piano, violin, cello and electronics as well as Vampyr! for electric guitar.

William Purves

William Purvis (born 1948), American French horn player and conductor