
unusual facts about Friedrich Bernhard Ferdinand Michelis

Joseph Hergenröther

Hergenröther was soon called on to answer the pamphlet of Dr. Friedrich Bernhard Ferdinand Michelis, Kirche oder Partei? Ein offenes u. freies Wort an den deutschen Episkopat (Church or Faction? A Frank Address to the German Episcopate), in which this writer attacked violently the "Mainz" and the "Roman" theologians.

Julie von Massow

Such a meeting, however, was so controversial that when the organizer of the conference, the Catholic priest Friedrich Michelis, was seen after the conference riding the train from Erfurt to Halle with Protestant historian and conference participant Heinrich Leo, newspapers in Berlin and Rome reported the news, prompting speculation that the Jesuits were trying to forcefully convert Lutherans.

see also