
unusual facts about Friends of the Global Fight Against AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria


October 2 – King Athalaric dies of tuberculosis, age 18, having dissipated his youth in drink and debauchery.

Adenosine deaminase

ADA can also be used in the workup of lymphocytic pleural effusions or peritoneal ascites, in that such specimens with low ADA levels essentially excludes tuberculosis from consideration.

Alexander Afanasyev

Censured by the authorities for his contacts with Herzen and suffering from tuberculosis, Afanasyev ended his life in penury, forced to sell his library to enable himself to eat.

Alexander Spengler

Alexander Spengler (March 20, 1827 – November 1, 1901) was a German physician and the first physician specializing in tuberculosis in Davos.

American Lung Association

The association members recommended a public health committee be formed by The National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis and be officially sanctioned by the United States House of Representatives.

Anna Dumitriu

Her most recent work is focussed around historical and contemporary notions of Tuberculosis.


The focus is on the London Borough of Brent, as it has the highest rate of TB of any London Borough, after Newham, with 101.12 new cases per 100,000 of population.

Aurora Quezon

While in exile, Quezón devoted her time to the care of her ailing husband, who died in Saranac, New York from tuberculosis on August 1, 1944.

Betty MacDonald

MacDonald also published three other semi-autobiographical books: Anybody Can Do Anything, recounting her life in the Depression trying to find work; The Plague and I, describing her nine-month stay at the Firlands tuberculosis sanitarium; and Onions in the Stew, about her life on Vashon Island with her second husband and daughters during the war years.

Canadian Lung Association

A close connection between The Lung Association and the Governor General of Canada goes back to 1900 when the 8th Governor General of Canada - the Earl of Minto - helped found the Canadian Tuberculosis Association (as The Lung Association was originally known) in a meeting at Rideau Hall.

CDC National Prevention Information Network

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Prevention Information Network (CDC NPIN) is a source of information and materials for both international and American HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, Tuberculosis, and Sexually Transmitted Disease education and prevention organizations.

Emil Alexander de Schweinitz

He specialized in bacteria and immunity, and studied the bacterial products of tuberculosis, hog cholera and glanders.

Espumas Flutuantes

It would be the only work Alves would publish during his lifetime, because of his premature death from tuberculosis one year later.

Eurycoma longifolia

According to WebMD, while evidence suggest that one specific Eurycoma longifolia supplement might have some role in boosting sperm quality, there is insufficient evidence to rate it for any other claimed use including treatments for erectile dysfunction, low sex drive, cancer, malaria and tuberculosis.

Faculty of Medicine of Sorocaba

Hospital Santa Lucinda was donated to PUC-SP in 1950 by the then President of Votorantim Group (José de Moraes Ermírio) and years before the building by the State Government of Regional Hospital and Leonor Mendes de Barros Hospital (initially only for tuberculosis) in Sorocaba.

Friends of the Global Fight Against AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria

Founded in 2004 by Edward W. Scott, Adam Waldman and Jack Valenti, Friends of the Global Fight works to educate and mobilize U.S. decision makers to support the Global Fund and the fight to end the worldwide burden of AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.

George W. Brush

As chairman of the Senate Health Committee he helped establish the State Tuberculosis Sanatorium at Saranac Lake.

Guilford Technical Community College

The school opened in 1958 with 50 students and two classes as the Guilford Industrial Education Center on the site of the Guilford County Tuberculosis Sanatorium, which had operated from 1924 to 1955.

Heinrich Friedrich Otto Abel

While travelling in 1853, Abel was affected by pulmonary phthisis and died in 1854 in the care of his uncle in Leonberg.

Henry Goulstone

During 1883 his wife contracted tuberculosis and died two years later, on 18 August 1885 and was buried at the Symonds Street Cemetery.

History of Ecuador

Before the year 1830 drew to a close, both Marshal Sucre and Simón Bolívar would be dead, the former murdered (on orders from a jealous General Flores, according to some historians) and the latter from tuberculosis.

Human placentophagy

Oral administration of the placenta was reported in Sino-Vietnamese medicine to aid the recovery of those suffering from tuberculosis.

Humanitarian crisis

An ongoing or lingering pandemic may amount to a humanitarian crisis, especially where there are increasing levels of virulence, or rates of infection as in the case of AIDS, bird flu or Tuberculosis.

Ioseb Abakelia

That same year he founded the first Georgian Institute for the Study of Tuberculosis and directed it until 1938 when he was arrested and executed (shot) by Joseph Stalin during the Great Purge.

Isocitrate lyase

This is the case for fungi such as Candida albicans, which inhabits the skin, mouth, GI tract, gut and vagina of mammals and can lead to systemic infections of immunocompromised patients; as well as for the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the major causative agent of tuberculosis.

James Mitchell Varnum

He died less than two years later of consumption, and his marker is located in the Oak Grove Cemetery in Marietta.

Jim Muhwezi

In June 2006, a Commission of Inquiry, headed by Justice James Munage Ogoola, set up by the Ugandan Government to inquire into the misuse of funds of the Global Fund for AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis, found in its report that Jim Muhwezi and his two Ministers of State, Captain Mike Mukula and Dr. Alex Kamugisha, were responsible for misuse of public funds.

John G. Stower

He died of "consumption and pulmonary attack", and was buried at the Madison Street Cemetery in Hamilton.

Jörgen Lehmann

Jörgen Erik Lehmann (15 January 1898 – 26 December 1989) was a Danish-born Swedish physician and chemist best known for his discovery in the 1940s that para-amino salicylic acid (PAS) would make an excellent orally-available tuberculosis therapy.

Joseph Johnstone

He served as Chairman of Renfrewshire National Insurance Committee, Chairman of Renfrewshire Tuberculosis Committee and Chairman of Renfrewshire Joint Sanatorium Board.

Josephine Beatrice Bowman

She also served as chief nurse at Fort Lyon, Colorado, a Navy tuberculosis sanitarium for sailors and marines.

Justin Welch

In 2013, Welch briefly re-united with Suede for several gigs to replace drummer Simon Gilbert who was unable to play due to contracting tuberculosis.

Koch Glacier

It was named by the UK Antarctic Place-Names Committee for Robert Koch, the pioneer German bacteriologist who discovered Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the bacterium responsible for most cases of tuberculosis.

Koen Andries

In 2005 he and his team published a discovery about a new di-Aryl-Quinoline-based drug (R207910) which promises a shorter and simpler treatment for Tuberculosis (TB).

Louis Joseph, Dauphin of France

Louis Joseph died at age seven of tuberculosis of the spine amidst the political turmoil and power machinations surrounding the Estates-General of 1789, for which period his parents' actions were so heavily criticized, giving rise to the deterioration of relations with the Estates.

Magee, Mississippi

The Sanatorium Museum, a museum of memorabilia from the old tuberculosis hospital, includes the old telephone switchboard, a patient bedroom with nightstand, equipment and many photographs, located on Highway 49 North two miles (3 km) north of Magee, in Sanatorium, Mississippi.

María Cayetana de Silva, 13th Duchess of Alba

Although her death was ostensibly due to tuberculosis and a fever more colorful scenarios have been suggested over the years, among them a theory that she was poisoned (this theory was dramatized in the film The Naked Maja).

Norman Nicholson

Nicholson was educated at Holborn Hill School and Millom Secondary School, but his education was interrupted when he needed treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis aged 16, being away for two years in a Linford, Hampshire sanatorium.

Piedmont Sanatorium

Piedmont Sanatorium was established circa 1917 in Burkeville, Virginia as a rest home for blacks suffering from tuberculosis.

Sabine Bergmann-Pohl

From 1980 to 1985, she was medical director of the polyclinic department for lung diseases, and tuberculosis in Berlin-Friedrichshain.

Saratoga County Homestead

The Saratoga County Homestead, or Homestead Sanitarium, was a large Tuberculosis Sanatorium located in Barkersville, in Saratoga County, New York.

Sunnyslope Mountain

John C. Lincoln, an Ohio inventor and industrialist who founded Lincoln Electric, relocated to the Sunnyslope district in 1931 with his wife Helen, to treat her tuberculosis; almost immediately, the Lincolns became major financial supporters of Desert Mission and took on key leadership roles in the organization for most of the remainder of their lives.

Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!

Others cover more serious material, including his work on the Manhattan Project (during which his first wife Arline Greenbaum died of tuberculosis) and his critique of the science education system in Brazil.

Taagepera Castle

In 1933, the Eesti Post designed a series of four stamps with an anti-tuberculosis thema, of which the blue/red 10 cent stamp and the dark blue/red 20-cent stamp depict the Taagepera mansion house (at that time a sanatorium).

United States Waiver of Inadmissibility

This currently includes Class A Tuberculosis, Chancroid, Gonorrhea, Granuloma inguinale, Lymphogranuloma venereum, Syphilis, Leprosy or any other communicable disease as determined by the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services.

Wood bison

These captive herds are particularly important for conservation and recovery purposes, because the larger free-ranging herds in and around Wood Buffalo National Park were infected with bovine brucellosis and tuberculosis after 7,000 plains bison (Bison bison bison) were trans-shipped by barge from Buffalo National Park near Wainwright, Alberta in the 1920s.

see also