
5 unusual facts about Fuad I of Egypt

Attia Sharara

He studied traditional Egyptian music at the Fuad I Institute for Traditional Music, where he also studied Western classical music for four years.

Carlo Alfonso Nallino

In 1900 he published a book on the Egyptian Arab dialect, which gained him the permission of King Fuad I of Egypt to work at the Egyptian Khedive University.

Fuad I of Egypt

Prior to becoming sultan, Fuad had played a major role in the establishment of Cairo University.

Queen Nazli also was a maternal granddaughter of Major-General Muhammad Sharif Pasha, sometime Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs, and a great-granddaughter of Suleiman Pasha, a French officer in Napoleon's army who converted to Islam and reorganized the Egyptian army.

Gabrielle Dorziat

In 1925, she married Count Michel de Zogheb, the cousin of King Fuad I of Egypt.

Victor Hubert Tait

The Egyptian monarch, King Fuad, was impressed with Tait and granted him the rank of kaimachan (lieutenant-colonel) and in 1937 made him a commander of the Order of the Nile.

see also

Princess Fawzia of Egypt

Princess Fawzia Fuad of Egypt (1921-2013), daughter of King Fuad I of Egypt, and first wife of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Shah of Iran