Gajah Mada retained his position as mahapatih (Prime Minister) under the new king and continued his military campaign by expanding eastward into Logajah, Gurun, Seram, Hutankadali, Sasak, Buton, Banggai, Kunir, Galiyan, Salayar, Sumba, Muar (Saparua), Solor, Bima, Wandan (Banda), Ambon, Timor, and Dompo.
She appointed Gajah Mada as prime minister and pursued massive expansion of the empire.
The decision partly to resolve the competition between Gajah Mada and Ra Kembar for the army general position to crush Sadeng.
Batu Gajah | Alor Gajah | Gajah Mada | Al-Mada'in | al-Mada'in |