On Pioneer 11, one Geiger-Müller tube was replaced by a thin silicon wafer to detect protons in the specific energy range 0.61 to 3.41 MeV.
Hubble Space Telescope | telescope | The Tube | Spitzer Space Telescope | radio telescope | Cathode ray tube | Geiger counter | X-ray tube | The Tube (TV series) | The Groove Tube | Space Telescope Science Institute | James Webb Space Telescope | James Clerk Maxwell Telescope | Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope | William Herschel Telescope | tube | Traveling-wave tube | Tottenham Court Road tube station | Ryle Telescope | One-Mile Telescope | cathode ray tube | Cambridge Low Frequency Synthesis Telescope | Anglo-Australian Telescope | Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer | Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope | Westbourne Park tube station | Tube Tales | Torpedo tube | Teddy Geiger | South Pole Telescope |