He is also the author of La Fragilité des clercs ("The Frailty of the Intellectuals", untranslated), an essay in which he analyses the thought of Samuel P. Huntington, Tariq Ramadan, Georges Corm, Alain Besançon and Alain Finkielkraut.
Azour's involvement in government began in 1999 as project director of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Project at the Ministry of Finance, and as senior advisor to the Minister of Finance with Georges Corm (until October 2000) and Fuad Siniora (October 2000 – October 2004).
Georges Bizet | Georges Cuvier | Centre Georges Pompidou | Georges Simenon | Georges Bataille | Georges Clemenceau | Paul Georges Dieulafoy | Georges Perec | Georges Duhamel | Georges de La Tour | Georges Schwizgebel | Georges Pouchet | Georges Pompidou | Jean-Georges Vongerichten | Hurricane Georges | Georges Seurat | Georges Moustaki | Georges Méliès | Georges Jeanty | Georges Sadoul | Georges Mandel | Georges Cottier | Georges Carpentier | Georges Canguilhem | Georges Brassens | Georges Besse | Georges Vanier | Georges Duby | Georges Doriot | Georges-Charles de Heeckeren d'Anthès |