
unusual facts about German re-armament


German re-armament (Aufrüstung), the growth of the German military in contravention of the Versailles treaty (1930s)


It was originally developed for the PTRS and PTRD anti-tank rifles, but was later used as the basis for the KPV heavy machine gun that formed the basis of the ZPU series anti-aircraft guns that is also the main armament of the BTR series of armoured personnel carriers from the BTR-60 to the BTR-80.

3200th Proof Test Group

Established by the Air Armament Center at Eglin AFB in 1948, being formed from the 3200th Air Transport Test Squadron, and taking over the mission of the World War II 1st Proving Ground Group.

Agano-class cruiser

As completed, the main armament was the same type of 152 mm (6 inch) gun as used on the Kongō-class battlecruisers, some of these weapons having been removed from the Fusō and Kongō classes during their modernizations in the early and late 1930s, respectively.

Albatros L 77v

Three of the aircraft saw service performing armament trials in Lipetsk in the Soviet Union; these included one aircraft testing a free-mounted 20 mm cannon.

Andrew Chord

Chord is a highly accomplished armament designer, and designed Night Thrasher's original battle-suit.


UK Armament Research and Development Establishment, created in 1955 and renamed Royal Armament Research and Development Establishment (RARDE) in 1962

Arsenal-Delanne 10

This arrangement gave the gunner a clear field of fire for his planned armament of two 7.5 mm machine guns, which was to be supplemented by a 20 mm cannon firing through the propellor hub and two more machine guns in the wing.

Battle of Lake Erie

The heaviest armament for the ships came from foundries on Chesapeake Bay, and were moved to Presque Isle only with great difficulty.

Battle-class trawler

The 12-pounder gun that was the Battle class trawlers' main armament was considered to be the smallest gun that stood a chance of putting a surfaced U-boat out of action, and they also carried a small number of depth charges.

Bell YAH-63

The missile armament specification was later modified to include an alternate load of sixteen laser-guided AGM-114 Hellfire anti-tank missiles.

Brazil Squadron

An expedition to the Falkland Islands was launched in late 1831 when the sloop-of-war USS Lexington was sent to Puerto Soledad to investigate the capture and possible armament of two American whalers.

Brian Boobbyer

But in 1952, at the age of twenty-four, he gave up playing both games, in order to devote his life to working for the Moral Re-Armament (MRA) movement.

British re-armament

After World War I, dubbed "the war to end all wars", Britain (along with many other nations) had wound down its military capability.

Canon de 138 mm Modèle 1910 naval gun

It was carried by the dreadnoughts of the Courbet and Bretagne classes as their secondary armament and planned for use in the Normandie-class battleships.

Caproni Vizzola F.6

It was designed to carry twice the offensive armament of the F.5, with four instead of two 12.7-millimeter (0.5-inch) Breda-SAFAT machine guns; the prototype F.6M flew with two of these mounted in the fuselage and provision for two more in the wings, although the wing guns never were mounted.

Caux, Switzerland

In 1946 the hotel was purchased and renovated by the Moral Re-Armament organization (MRA), for use as an international conference centre to work on the reconciliation of European peoples.

Char 2C

Pétain asked for 300 heavy tanks to be ready by March 1919, causing a quarrel to erupt between Clemenceau, who was both Prime-Minister and Minister of War, and Louis Loucheur, the Minister of Armament, who felt it was impossible to provide the labour and steel required.

Conrad Hunte

This film was promoted by Moral Re-Armament (MRA), a multi-faith organisation promoting absolute moral and ethical standards of behaviour, to which Hunte committed the remainder of his life.

Erwin Planck

In August 1939, a group including Prussian Finance Minister Johannes Popitz, Planck, and Reichsbank president Hjalmar Schacht approached General Georg Thomas, head of the Defence Economy and Armament Office asking him to do something to thwart the outbreak of the forthcoming war.

Focke-Wulf Fw 187

The offensive armament was improved by replacing two of the 7.92 mm (.312 in) MG 17 machine guns with 20 mm MG FF cannons, although these were never actually fitted.

Halberstadt D.II

Believed to have been first tried within the first six months of 1916, future German rocketry pioneer Leutnant Rudolf Nebel, then flying as a fighter pilot with Jasta 5, one of the earliest German fighter squadrons within the Luftstreitkräfte, used a Halberstadt D.II aircraft of that unit in the first known German attempt at arming an aircraft with wing-mounted rockets as long range armament.

Henschel Hs 129

Though equipped with generally unsuitable designs such as the Henschel Hs 123 and cannon-armed versions of the Heinkel He 112, their armament and pilots proved that the aircraft was a very effective weapon even without bombs.


A short list of the armament techniques include: Jo (short staff), Ken (sword), Kusari (chain- flexible weapons), Kusarifundo (weighted chain-flexible weapons), Jutte (truncheon), Tessen (iron fan), Sasumata (two-horned polearm), Nagehari (thrown weapons), Sōjutsu (spear), Kusarigama (sickle and chain), Tekken ("iron fist" similar to Western brass-knuckles) and Taijutsu (unarmed defense), among others.

Humber-class monitor

Designed for service on the Amazon River, the ships were of shallow draft and heavy armament and were ideally suited to inshore, riverine and coastal work but unsuitable for service at sea, where their weight and light draft reduced their speed from a projected twelve knots to under four.

Husqvarna TR650

The company began producing motorcycles in 1903 at Huskvarna, Sweden, as a subsidiary of the Husqvarna armament firm.

Initiatives of Change

These principles are taken from those of the organization's predecessor, Moral Re-Armament (MRA), founded in 1938 by Frank Buchman.

Japanese aircraft carrier Hiryū

The ship's light AA armament consisted of seven triple and five twin-gun mounts for license-built Hotchkiss 25 mm Type 96 AA guns.

John C. Waldron

Without fighter escort, his attack bombers vulnerably underpowered and lacking in defensive armament, and forced by the unreliability of their own torpedoes to fly low and slow directly at their targets, all of the Hornet's torpedo planes soon fell to the undivided attention of the enemy's combat air patrol of Mitsubishi "Zero" fighters.

John Mortimer Warfield

In February 1939, just before the Second World War started, Warfield was appointed as Command Armament Staff Officer at HQ Mediterranean Command at RAF Luqa serving under Air Vice Marshal Hugh Lloyd, a post he held until the spring of 1941 when he was promoted to Wing Commander and appointed as Officer Commanding of the Malta airbase RAF Ta' Qali.

Juan Negrín

Negrín relied on the Communists to curtail the Anarchist wing of the Spanish Left, and was forced to rely on the Soviet Union, then led by Joseph Stalin, for weapons and armament, because of the arms embargo imposed by the Non-Intervention Committee.

Krupp Trial

In the Krupp Trial, twelve former directors of the Krupp Group were accused of having enabled the armament of the German military forces and thus having actively participated in the Nazis' preparations for an aggressive war, and also for having used slave laborers in their companies.

Lithuanian Air Force

Air Base and Air Force Armament and Equipment Repair Depot are located in Šiauliai.

Mackinac College

In 1964, journalist Peter Howard of the Moral Re-Armament (MRA) movement, proposed the idea of turning the MRA camp at Mackinac Island, which stood unused for a large portion of the year, into a college campus.

Messerschmitt Me 310

The armament was to be the same as the Me 210 A-1: two 20 mm MG 151/20 cannons, two 7.92 mm (.312 in) MG 17 machine guns, and two remotely-controlled, rearward-firing 13 mm (.51 in) MG 131 machine guns.


At the time of the Athenian expedition to Sicily, 415 BCE, the Metapontines at first, like the other states of Magna Graecia, endeavoured to maintain a strict neutrality; but in the following year were induced to enter into an alliance with Athens, and furnish a small auxiliary force to the armament under Demosthenes and Eurymedon.

MG 151 cannon

The French Air Force and French Army aviation arm (ALAT) utilized MG 151/20 cannon as both fixed and flexible armament in various aircraft, including helicopters.

Patrick Wolrige-Gordon

He married Anne Howard, daughter of Peter Howard, in 1962 and became involved through Howard in Frank Buchman's Moral Re-Armament (MRA) movement, which attracted much negative comment.

Polikarpov R-5

Additional gun armament consisting of four wing-mounted PV-1 machine guns.

Q clearance

Actor Charlton Heston once held a "Q" Clearance for six years when he served as a nuclear armament topics training film narrator for the military during his post-World War II military service years.

Rajmohan Gandhi

Associated from 1956 with Initiatives of Change (formerly known as Moral Re-Armament), Rajmohan Gandhi has been engaged for half a century in efforts for trust-building, reconciliation and democracy and in battles against corruption and inequalities.

Royal Army Ordnance Corps

Armament Artificers trained at the Military College of Science, Woolwich for fifteen months.

Royal Navy Cyprus Squadron

The two ships of the squadron—Dasher and Pursuer—were fitted with Kevlar armour and the armament consisted of three FN MAG General Purpose Machine Guns, the ships' crews had one extra member (compared to the P2000s assigned to URNU duties) employed as a Gunners Yeoman, because of the weapons fitted.

Rusty Wailes

John had been a member of the Moral Re-Armament show 'Space is so Startling' (recording year 1962).


In the case of the Bradley Fighting Vehicle, which doubles as a troop transport and armament platform, the sponson refers to the aspect of the vehicle body directly over the tracks and includes layers of hardened, bullet-proof materials to protect the occupants.


The main armament of the T-19 was the 1930 37 mm semi-automatic gun, along with two Degtyaryov machine guns (DT), one located in the frontal portion of the hull near the radio operator; the other was in the turret.

Weekly Arizonian

Little is known of the paper’s continued troubles, but Turner quit within a month and in his farewell issue advertised a pair of Pocket Derringers, apparently standard armament for editors in those days.

see also


British re-armament, the modernisation of the British military in response to German re-armament (1930s)