
4 unusual facts about Giles Fletcher

Alderton, Suffolk

The poet Giles Fletcher was rector of St. Andrew's from 1619 until his death in 1623.

Clement Edmondes

In 1601, Edmondes obtained the post of Assistant Remembrancer of the City of London, and succeeded as Remembrancer on the resignation of Dr Giles Fletcher, with a salary of £100.


Giles Fletcher in his Of the Russe Common Wealth repeats the fantastic tale of dying/reviving Lukomorians.

Osip Bodyansky

Bodyansky's publication of Giles Fletcher's sketch of Muscovy was deemed an act of Russophobia and incurred the displeasure of Tsar Nicholas I, leading to the scholar's departure from Moscow to Kazan.

Feodor I of Russia

Elizabeth I sent a new ambassador, Giles Fletcher, the Elder, to demand Boris Godunov to convince the tsar to reconsider.

see also