
unusual facts about Giorgio Ronconi

Giorgio Ronconi

Ronconi instigated a long line of great Italian baritones that continued into modern times; but the most esteemed of his contemporaries/immediate successors were probably Felice Varesi, Leone Giraldoni, Francesco Graziani and Antonio Cotogni, all of whom were outstanding Verdi singers.

Emma Marcy Raymond

She studied piano with Louis Moreau Gottschalk (1829–1869) and singing with Giorgio Ronconi (1810–1890), and soon became known for her musical talent being credited as being one of the first American women to compose an operetta: in 1889 she composed the successful Doretta.

Felice Varesi

He set the scene for a succeeding generation of great Verdi baritones that included Francesco Graziani, Leone Giraldoni and Antonio Cotogni, while his chief contemporary rival was Giorgio Ronconi (the creator of Verdi's Nabucco).

see also