
4 unusual facts about Giovanni Muzio

Cloisters of Sant'Ambrogio

When it became the seat of Cattolica, Father Gemelli entrusted the restoration Giovanni Muzio (who also designed the Triennale di Milano), who worked for about twenty years, from 1928 to late forties, also passing through the destruction caused by the bombing of 'August 1943 and the subsequent reconstruction.

Giulio Turcato

Turcato left Mantua and attended the Venice Academy’s school of nude studies in the early 1930s before moving to Milan and finding work in the firm of the architect Giovanni Muzio in 1937.

Grand Hotel et de Milan

During World War II, in 1943 the hotel was bombarded and the fourth floor was destroyed; after the end of the war, architect Giovanni Muzio was engaged in 1946 to restore and renovate the building.

Paolo VI College

Initially the task was entrusted to Giovanni Muzio, who had already designed various structures of the Catholic University of Sacred Heart, but his plans were shelved.

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