
unusual facts about Giovanni Paisiello

Giovanni Battista Innocenzo Colombo

An example of work in that theatre is his sets for the 1770 opera Annibale a Torino, written by Jacopo Durandi, with music by Giovanni Paisiello.

Jean-Baptiste Rey

In 1803, both Le Sueur and Rey were called by Napoleon to join his chapel: Le Sueur replaced Paisiello as director, while Rey was named first conductor, with Persuis as his assistant.

La villanella rapita

A pasticcio with the same title, with some music by Bianchi as well as Paisiello, Guglielmi, Giacomo Gotifredo Ferrari, Sarti and Soler was performed at Théâtre Feydeau in Paris on 5 June 1789.

Le Conservatoire

Later in the score Paulli utilised Chopin's Grande valse brillante in E-flat major and Paisiello's aria "Nel cor più non mi sento" from the opera La Molinara.

see also